Experts explain the key points of nourishing. Why is the ointment best to eat in winter? This hospital in Shanghai opens appointment for ointment clinic

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 21:20 PM

Longhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine today launched the "2023 Ointment Season" and ushered in the first appointment day. This year's Gaofang Clinic will be open from October 16 to February 2 next year. Appointments for the Gaofang Clinic will still be mainly made through online booking channels such as WeChat and the Internet, while offline on-site appointments will be retained. Judging from the appointment situation on the first day, 90% of patients chose to make an appointment online, and some popular expert accounts were "quickly sold" to make appointments.

Traditional Chinese medicine ointment is one of the five main dosage forms in traditional Chinese medicine: soup, pill, powder, ointment and elixir. As early as in the "Fifty-two Disease Prescriptions" unearthed from the Western Han Dynasty tomb in Mawangdui, Changsha, there are records of the application of ointment. "Paste" is translated as "ze" in "Zhengyun", which means nourishing and nourishing, so the common people commonly call it "paste nourishing medicine". Mr. Qin Boyei, a famous doctor in modern times, said: "The ointment is not just a supplement, but has the meaning of rescuing and curing diseases."

Why are ointments mostly taken in winter? Medical experts believe that every year before the winter solstice and the beginning of spring is the appropriate time for ointment conditioning. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, winter is the "storage" season. During this period, the human body's essence is stored and not released. Nutrients can be fully absorbed, utilized and stored, and their role in improving physical fitness, preventing and treating diseases can be maximized.

From the perspective of modern medicine, the temperature in winter is low and the absorption function of the gastrointestinal tract is relatively strong. The metabolism of the human body slows down in winter, and more nutrients can be converted into its own substances. At this time, supplementation can better play a nourishing role, with "less investment and quick results." In addition, the ointment is not prone to mold and deterioration in winter, which affects the effectiveness of the medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine ointments are widely used across the country, and are mainly suitable for people with chronic diseases, recovery from surgery, sub-health, and people with deviated constitutions. In recent years, the proportion of young and middle-aged patients making appointments for ointment clinics has increased, and the demand for ointment has tended to become younger.

Chief physician Gu Yun, director of the internal medicine department and geriatric medicine department of Longhua Hospital, said: The ointment mainly has three functions in terms of its efficacy.

The first is to nourish the weak and strengthen the weak. Frailty means that the body's adaptability to the outside world, immune function and disease resistance are lower than the healthy level, and does not necessarily have abnormalities in clinical test indicators. For example, if you are in a sub-health state or have a weak constitution, you can use ointments to supplement your body, which can strengthen your constitution and restore your health.

The second is disease prevention and treatment. The ointment is not only used for deficiencies, but also for positive symptoms. Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes a holistic view, and treatment must focus on the root cause. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine is especially suitable for the prevention and treatment of geriatric diseases and can achieve the effect of prolonging life. For example: cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, which are common and frequently-occurring diseases in middle-aged and elderly people, share the same pathological basis with atherosclerosis; hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, gout, metabolic syndrome, etc. often cause phlegm and turbidity, Blood stasis and other real evils are caused by deficiency of organ function and poor metabolism. In winter, using ointment to "relieve the symptoms" is a simple and easy method.

Finally, it is anti-aging and longevity. Middle-aged and elderly people have declining qi and blood and low organ function, and are prone to premature aging such as premature graying of hair, dizziness, tinnitus, back pain, weak legs, mental fatigue, palpitations, insomnia, memory loss, etc. Taking ointments in winter can strengthen your body and prevent premature aging.

However, experts also remind: Prescribing ointment needs to be "tailored." When taking the ointment, the prescription must be differentiated and prescribed under the guidance of a doctor. Do not use random supplements, which may cause adverse consequences. As for whether it is necessary to take "opening prescription", doctors will handle it differently according to each patient's different circumstances.

It is reported that Longhua Hospital opened the first ointment outpatient clinic in Shanghai in 1984 and has become the oldest and largest ointment outpatient unit in Shanghai.

This year, the hospital continues to strictly control the "entry level" and has arranged nearly 200 experts with more than 5 years of expert clinic experience, including famous Chinese medicine doctors, chief physicians, and professors in Shanghai, to receive training through academic platforms such as the Chinese Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine Ointment Branch. , sit in the ointment clinic after the assessment. At the same time, the Internet ointment clinic will continue to be opened, and online follow-up services will be provided for patients who have taken ointment from Longhua Hospital and are in stable condition and are unable to come to the hospital for treatment. Patients who are newly diagnosed, whose condition is unstable, and who need regular review should be treated offline in a timely manner.

It is worth mentioning that this year the hospital will add post-diagnosis consultation services to the WeChat "service account". If the patient's physical condition occasionally changes after being prescribed the ointment, he or she can consult online. Longhua Hospital has relevant experts responsible for responding to relevant questions.

Li Yi, deputy director of Longhua Hospital, said that this year's series of special consultations on ointment will focus on "the elderly and the young", and will also be sent to the community health service center in Hangtou area to set up special sessions for common problems such as insomnia, hair loss, and children's growth and development.

At today's event, on-site doctors and experts answered audience inquiries, demonstrated ancient techniques for making ointments, and carried out identification activities of precious Chinese medicinal materials, allowing citizens to have a more intuitive understanding of the ointments.

Once retrieved, store the paste in the refrigerator. When taking out the canned paste, it is best to use a clean, dry porcelain spoon and avoid getting it wet to prevent mildew.

There are certain requirements for taking the ointment. Generally, 2-3 times a day is enough. It is best to take it on an empty stomach. At this time, the stomach and intestines are empty, the absorption capacity is strong, and it is not interfered by food, so the medicine is easy to work. If you feel gastrointestinal discomfort after taking it on an empty stomach, you can take it when you are half hungry and half full. Take 1-2 spoons each time and dissolve it with warm water. If the prescription contains a lot of greasy herbs such as Rehmannia glutinosa, Cornus officinalis, Morinda citrifolia, etc., and the dosage of glue in the preparation is large, the ointment will be thick and difficult to dissolve, and it should be simmered in boiling water before taking it. Sedative and tranquilizing ointments and ointments to treat enuresis should be taken 20 minutes before going to bed.

While taking the ointment, you should pay attention to dietary taboos, avoid eating raw radish and strong tea; avoid taking too many thick-flavored and greasy products; during the period of taking the medicine, if you encounter a cold or diarrhea, stop taking it to avoid "closing the door behind you" until you recover. Follow-up service. For those with loss of appetite and thick and greasy tongue coating, the ointment should be used with caution, and the ointment should be adjusted after communicating with the doctor.

According to the different physical constitutions of patients, dietary taboos are more important when taking the ointment. For example, those with yin deficiency constitution should avoid spicy and hot foods, such as beef; no or less seasonings such as ginger, garlic, onions, etc. should be used in cooking ingredients; those with yang deficiency constitution should avoid cold foods, such as persimmons, Crabs, etc.; those with allergies should avoid eating seafood, such as yellow croaker, hairtail, etc.

Experts explain the key points of nourishing. Why is the ointment best to eat in winter? This hospital in Shanghai opens appointment for ointment clinic
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