Why are the relevant departments motionless? , this community in Pudong is still troubled by high-speed noise! Three years of commitment

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 22:19 PM

Recently, Mr. Lu, a citizen of Pudong New Area, reported through the Jiefang Daily·Shangguan News message board that his home is only a few hundred meters away from the Shenjiahu Expressway. Every day, the noise from traffic on the expressway is transmitted into the room, which greatly affects the normal rest of himself and his family. .

In August 2020, this newspaper published "A stretch of expressway in Shanghai without soundproof screens disrupted many communities: Residents complained and were told that "it was only the expressway that came first and the communities came after", and reported on this issue of people's livelihood. At that time, many relevant departments in the territory also responded and would test the noise in residents' homes and study rectification plans. Three years have passed, why no news?

Residential noise on the highway side remains at 60 decibels for a long time

On October 9, the reporter came to the "Huifu Home Healthy Lane" community in Lane 900, Ruihe Road, where Mr. Lu lives. According to residents, the community is an affordable housing community and was delivered around 2015. Mr. Lu's home is located just on the southernmost side of the community, which is the side facing the Shenjiahu Expressway.

Why are the relevant departments motionless? , this community in Pudong is still troubled by high-speed noise! Three years of commitment

Downstairs, the reporter saw that some trees were planted in the green area on the south side of the community, but residents said that the trees could only help the residents on the ground floor to isolate part of the noise, and had no effect on most floors. Climbing to the top of the building, you can have a full view of the Shenjiahu Expressway in the opposite direction. In the section that passes through Jianjianli Community, there are no soundproof screens or other facilities installed on both sides of the Shenjiahu Expressway. However, in the section directly opposite the Jinqinyuan North District Community on the west side, a soundproof screen about 5 meters high is installed. The Ruixinyuan Community in the northeast of Jianjiangli Community is also along the Shenjiahu Expressway, and soundproof screens are also installed on the opposite expressway section.

△Soundproof screens have been installed on the highway sections corresponding to the surrounding communities.

In the afternoon, the traffic volume on Shenjiahu Expressway is not high. The reporter used a sound intensity test software downloaded on his mobile phone to measure the outdoor area on the roof of the building. The noise intensity fluctuated between 60 decibels and 80 decibels. The sound mainly came from vehicle tire noise and wind noise. There were vehicles on the highway nearby. Especially when large vehicles such as trucks and vans pass by, the noise will be stronger. As the sky turns darker, traffic volume gradually increases, and the density of truck trucks is also rising. Different from the daytime, the noise from the Shenjiahu Expressway is more obvious at night when it is quiet, and occasionally there are large vehicles passing by that sound their horns loudly.

△The noise intensity in residents’ homes when the windows are open.

Why are the relevant departments motionless? , this community in Pudong is still troubled by high-speed noise! Three years of commitment

Upon learning that the reporter had come to investigate, many nearby residents came closer to complain. A resident of Building 17 told reporters, "Even though the noise doesn't seem to be particularly high, the sound is constant!" He said that the noise will only disappear when the highway seems to be restricted from 0 to 3 o'clock in the middle of the night.

Mr. Lu deliberately moved his son's bed to a room facing away from the highway, but his son often complained that he could still hear noise and found it difficult to fall asleep on time at night. Some residents of residential buildings in the inner area of ​​the community also said that although their homes do not face the highway directly, the noise can still enter their ears after reflection.

In a report in August 2020, our reporter investigated and found that who would pay for the installation of soundproof screens was the focus of controversy. The developer of the community believes that the establishment of the community project preceded the construction of the expressway. The Municipal Transportation Commission believes that highway construction should come first, and community construction should follow. Districts, towns, and real estate developers should coordinate to control noise problems. Moreover, according to the principle of controlling noise sensitive points on highways, the standard that the projected distance between the community and the outer edge of the highway exceeds 30 meters does not apply.

Why are the relevant departments motionless? , this community in Pudong is still troubled by high-speed noise! Three years of commitment

In order to clarify this governance problem, in August 2020, relevant leaders of Pudong New Area required the environmental protection department to quickly arrange professional institutions to conduct noise testing at multiple times and at multiple locations in August 2020, so as to obtain the test results as soon as possible; based on the test results, the district The National Construction Commission needs to play a leading role, strengthen departmental coordination and take practical measures in accordance with regulations. A person in charge of the Pudong New Area Construction and Communications Commission at the time said that it was indeed because the expressway came first that no soundproof screens were installed on this section of the road. After the emergency inspection, the environmental protection department would conduct formal and standardized inspections. "After obtaining professional guidance based on the test, the Construction and Transportation Commission will work with relevant municipal and district departments, especially the original construction unit, to prepare a rectification plan. If soundproof screens need to be implemented, they will be implemented in accordance with the implementation of soundproof screens."

Residents of Zhoukanghang Daju, including Jianjianli Community, originally thought that the highway noise would be quickly controlled. But unexpectedly, it seems that as public opinion declines, the speed at which functional departments solve problems also drops, and even "returns to zero."

In December 2022, the Pudong New Area Construction and Communications Commission responded to Mr. Lu in a reply to the letter and said, "At present, the plan for installing soundproof screens in the Daju section of Zhoukanghang has been initially drawn up, and relevant work will be carried out based on the actual situation on site." But it has been another ten months. In the past, there was still no "work being carried out".

Mr. Lu told reporters that this year, he and the residents called the 12345 Shanghai Citizen Service Hotline several times to report the noise problem. The complaint form was always forwarded to the Municipal Transportation Commission, but the responses received were not helpful in solving the problem. The most recent time was in late September. The day after the complaint was made, a staff member verified that the house in question was about 147 meters away from the highway projection line. On September 27, Shenjiahu Expressway responded to Mr. Lu. According to the "Highway Safety Protection Regulations", the distance between the expressway and residential houses is 30 meters from the outer edge of the expressway. The actual projection line of 147 meters has reached this requirement. As for the noise issue , the environmental assessment department needs to issue authoritative assessment results, and it is recommended that Mr. Lu communicate with relevant local government departments. Mr. Lu assured the expressway that the road surface will be smooth and road traffic noise will be reduced. The response this time was exactly the same as the response to the previous complaint from residents in June this year.

Why are the relevant departments motionless? , this community in Pudong is still troubled by high-speed noise! Three years of commitment

Residents received responses from the Municipal Transportation Commission after reporting problems.

For this reason, the reporter once again contacted the Pudong New Area Construction and Communications Commission, the leading department in solving the noise problem, and the staff responded that they had inquired with the business department. However, as of press time, the reporter had not received a reply.

The plan to install soundproof screens has been "preliminarily drawn up". When will it be implemented? Residents are fed up with foot-balling and delaying tactics and want a firm timeline and practical measures. This newspaper will continue to pay attention to this.

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Why are the relevant departments motionless? , this community in Pudong is still troubled by high-speed noise! Three years of commitment
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