The staff brought in a quote of 5,500 yuan? The truth is that it is a "game within a game". The price of a 0 yuan invitation to the concert exceeds 10,000 yuan

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 22:17 PM

For some time, it has been difficult to get tickets for many concerts. Although the real-name ticket purchase and real-name exhibition viewing measures have been continuously upgraded, there are still second-hand transactions such as "ticket purchase agency" and "internal invitation sale", as well as services such as "taking people to watch performances", and the quoted price is more than the ticket price. Several times - some invitation letters marked with "0 yuan" on the face were sold for more than 10,000 yuan; "internal staff" who claimed to have the means to bring people into the performance site quoted 5,500 yuan...

Recently, the Shanghai Rumor Refuting Platform received messages from fans asking about the authenticity of the "notice" circulated online that "a certain male singer has canceled internal invitations to his Shanghai concert." The investigation found that not only was there a problem with the "notification" itself, but also that the second-hand ticket market for popular performances, represented by this concert, was full of traps.

Authentic and fake “scalpers” are on the scene together, making it difficult to distinguish genuine tickets from fake ones

Many popular performances have adopted a real-name system in order to limit the transfer and resale of tickets. The most stringent requirement is that the ticket purchase information must be exactly the same as the performance information. Before entering, not only the ID information on the ticket must be checked, but also facial recognition must be scanned. Therefore, in the second-hand market, the phenomenon of direct transfer of tickets has been reduced, but "the spectators provide personal information and ask 'scalpers' to take the photos on their behalf", "the transfer of internal invitation letters/internal tickets that can re-register identity information" and "staff "Bringing it to the performance site" has become a new format, and the price is not low.

First of all, it is difficult to distinguish the authenticity of the so-called "scalper" services.

The investigation found that if it is a real "scalper", then after the customer selects the seat class, he must pay the "scalper" in advance the ticket fee and hundreds or even thousands of yuan in agency fees, which will be handled by someone who is familiar with the ticketing rules and uses agency software. "Scalpers" use customers' personal information to grab tickets. If you fail to grab a ticket, the real "scalper" will refund the ticket fee and the auction fee.

However, if you encounter fake "scalpers", customers are likely to suffer heavy losses. Fake "scalpers" do not help purchase tickets, but use various methods such as "upgrading seats" and "increasing the probability" to induce customers to continuously increase service fees, and eventually disappear without a trace, defrauding customers of huge ticket fees and service fees.

Shanghai Hongkou police recently disclosed a case: the criminal suspect Guo falsely claimed to have "internal channels" to purchase tickets for a popular concert recently, and "sold" two tickets to the victim Ms. Huang for nearly 10,000 yuan. When Ms. Huang urged him to deliver the tickets, Guo pretended to put the tickets in a novel and deliver them. When Ms. Huang received the express delivery, she found that it only contained novels, so she called the police. After being captured by the police, Guo confessed that he had repeatedly seen online posts from fans seeking to buy tickets, and then he came up with a fraud method to defraud money by falsely selling concert tickets. Currently, Guo has been criminally detained in accordance with the law.

Secondly, "internal invitation letters/internal tickets" and "bringing in by staff" are also full of doubts.

On social platforms, some netizens posted photos of "internal invitations/internal tickets", but other netizens quickly pointed out: This was a fake invitation copied from another performance - although the ticket is very similar, But the counterfeiter was careless and got the performance venue wrong.

In fact, even if the stamps are all correct, they may still be fake. Police in Xuhui, Shanghai, recently uncovered a counterfeit ticket case: the suspect Qian used an online store and related templates to produce more than 100 fake tickets for a popular concert. At present, Qian has been detained in accordance with the law, and the recovery of counterfeit bills and the investigation of the printing website are also in progress.

Finally, it is difficult to fulfill the requirement of "the staff will lead you into the performance site".

Judging from the information transmitted online, some "staff members" claim to be from the "ticketing company", while others claim to be from the "security company". Not to mention that their identities cannot be verified. Even if they can be led in, it is illegal. Bringing people in is illegal. Both the perpetrator and the person being taken shall bear legal responsibility.

The Shanghai Rumor Refuting Platform noticed that as of press time, some second-hand trading platforms have blocked transactions such as tickets and “invitations” for some popular concerts. However, on some social platforms, there are still unknown people selling "internal channels" and saying that payment is required in advance and on-site transactions are not supported. It is necessary to be vigilant about various "internal tickets" and "internal relationships".

The Shanghai Rumor Refuting Platform also investigated the "Notice of Cancellation of Internal Invitation Letter" posted online.

Judging from the content of the notice, the publisher seems to be a ticketing company, saying that the organizer of a certain concert has canceled the transfer, resale and other functions of the concert tickets in accordance with the approval of the "Shanghai Department of Culture and Tourism", and the ticketing company will refund the tickets. As of press time, the publisher of the notice posted online and the concert organizer mentioned have not explained the authenticity of the content of the notice, and the ticket management information of the relevant concert has not been updated. However, there is no "Department of Culture and Tourism" in Shanghai, only the "Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism", and the notice is not smooth, so there is a high possibility of fraud.

Some insiders have analyzed that this notice is likely to be a "bureau within a bureau" - some irregular ticketing agents were unable to fulfill their previous promises, so they fabricated the notice to appease users and evade responsibility.

He said that there are many levels in the secondary market for ticketing. After the ticketing information of popular performances is released, many companies or "scalpers" in the secondary market will use various methods to attract users to buy tickets from them and charge high premiums or service fees. Some companies or "scalpers" have a good reputation in the secondary market and will make promises to consumers such as "pay compensation if you can't buy tickets." But when they find that some performance tickets are strictly managed and cannot be obtained through the gray industry; or when the price of some tickets in the secondary market has increased significantly and they are unwilling to cash them out to customers at the previous price, they need to find a suitable one for themselves. Grounds for breach of contract. At this time, "the government department does not allow" and "the organizer cancels" have become "force majeure reasons", so an online notice appears. "Such notices are not necessarily compiled by the signing company, but may be compiled by any agency. The purpose It’s abdication of one’s own responsibilities and failure to honor tickets.”

The person pointed out that even if the notice is not fabricated, it also exposes many problems with ticket functions or ticket types such as transfers, resales, and non-real-name invitations. They are important causes of chaos in performance tickets. In view of this, he advised the public to stick to official channels or formal platforms when purchasing performance tickets, and not to trust second-hand online transactions.

If you can't buy tickets for your favorite concert through regular channels, he suggested not to be too persistent. "There are many ways to support your idols. Don't just focus on live performances. Because fake tickets may cause you to not only miss your idol, but also lose money." "

It is worth noting that the mixed second-hand ticket transactions, tickets that are difficult to distinguish between genuine and fake, as well as the "game within a game" set up by ticket agencies and "scalpers" to avoid their own responsibilities, all point to the same source: the transparency of ticketing for popular performances needs to be improved. .

For example, some fans calculated the approximate ticket sales based on the venue and number of a popular concert. However, comparing the ticket sales announced by the performance organizer and the ticketing platform, they found that the gap between the two was not small. Some fans speculated that the difference in quantity was due to "internal tickets/invitations" that did not require real-name registration to purchase. These tickets left room for "internal ticket transfers" later.

Some potential ticket buyers believe that the organizer who has reserved a large number of "internal tickets" is suspected of second-hand trading. "Have the organizers colluded with 'scalpers' to sell 'internal tickets' at high prices through the secondary market to achieve disguised inflating prices?" What is the purpose of the fare?”

Many viewers have called for not only real-name tickets for popular performances, but also to eliminate the problem of information asymmetry. Organizers and ticketing platforms should disclose the number of different types of tickets and clarify the sale time and quantity of tickets for each round. At the same time, organizers and ticketing platforms should strengthen technical means to stop "scalpers" and other behaviors such as proxy bidding, so that the real-name system for purchasing tickets and watching performances can be implemented and tickets can be sold fairly.

The staff brought in a quote of 5,500 yuan? The truth is that it is a "game within a game". The price of a 0 yuan invitation to the concert exceeds 10,000 yuan
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