How to standardize the operation of the new sharing economy model? , "National Day Stay at My Home" stimulates the private home short-term rental market

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 23:33 PM

During the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day this year, in some tourist cities such as Shanghai, many citizens took out their own houses and posted on the Internet "Stay at my house during the National Day" and listed them as "renters"; at the same time, due to rising hotel prices , tourists from other places also saw the emerging accommodation service providers, and took the initiative to "ask for accommodation" with the mentality of giving it a try. Between supply and demand, the holiday private home short-term rental market was formed.

Discussions about this phenomenon have since begun. Not long ago, Liberation Daily published an article investigating this phenomenon, which coincides with my views. Compared with hotels and B&Bs, most private homes for short-term rental are conveniently located. There are subway stations within walking distance, as well as large shopping malls, city attractions and entertainment facilities. The rental method is flexible and the reservation method is simple. You only need to pay a deposit online. , no identity verification is required, you can rent a room individually or as a whole, and the price is very cheap, less than one-third of that of a hotel and B&B, so it has attracted many netizens to stay.

However, as an emerging business format, we must pay attention to the safety risks behind the operation of private home short-term rentals, provided that it is reasonable. Private short-term rentals are affordable and allow tourists to enjoy a more authentic local life experience. However, unlike B&Bs that have implemented a registration system, private short-term rentals lack unified management regulations, which will not only bring about problems with the use of housing equipment and safety, but also The lack of protective measures may put the quality of houses and the safety of tourists' property at risk. In addition, short-term rentals currently have legal gaps and regulatory loopholes, making it difficult for tourists or homeowners to safeguard their rights according to law.

Shanghai is an international metropolis. With the influx of economic and cultural activities, the richness of exhibitions, competitions and the performing arts industry, it attracts a steady stream of people from all over the world. Short-term rental of private homes, a new sharing economic model that naturally arises in response to social development, How to manage and standardize operations? I suggest that for this new form of the Internet economy, there must first be entry barriers. Anyone who publishes rental information on the Internet must have an access permit, or provide real estate registration, or provide the lessor’s identity and related information to the Internet platform. Information to ensure the authenticity, safety and credibility of rental properties, while establishing a feedback and complaint channel and establishing a review mechanism.

Second, government management departments should intervene in advance, conduct market research, and combine laws and regulations, just like managing homestays, take precautions, fully consider various factors and possible problems, and come up with specific supervision methods and detailed rules for private short-term rentals to try their best. Meet the needs of residents in the tourism market.

Third, housing management and property management departments should conduct publicity and explanations in advance regarding the short-term rental of private houses, so that lessors can regulate their operations and report to the management department at the same time. In addition, media organizations and multiple channels can be used to clarify the pros and cons of short-term rental of private houses, and through multi-pronged approaches and joint management, we can promote the more standardized, diversified and healthy development of new formats in the urban modern service industry.

How to standardize the operation of the new sharing economy model? , "National Day Stay at My Home" stimulates the private home short-term rental market
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