How to speed up the creation of a "waste-free city"? Enterprises integrating the two networks must be allowed to change from "willing to receive" to "actively receive"

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 00:25 AM

In recent years, Shanghai has made great efforts to improve the reduction, resource utilization, harmless disposal and utilization of domestic waste, and the awareness of waste classification has been deeply rooted in the people. In order to improve the effectiveness of comprehensive waste management, this city has accelerated the integration of the waste classification, collection, transportation and disposal system and the renewable resource recovery system, actively cultivated enterprises integrating the two networks, and strived to achieve "waste reduction" and "resource increase".

It should be said that the integration of the two networks makes up for the shortcomings of traditional waste classification. However, due to the current recycling model, the role of enterprises integrating the two networks cannot be effectively played. I think there are deficiencies in the following aspects:

First, residents have limited knowledge. The familiarity and affinity of community residents with enterprises integrating the two networks are far lower than the traditional concept of "waste recycling stations". They think that "they are all recycling waste, and whoever pays the highest price sells it to whom." Some even do not understand the two networks. Integrated enterprises also undertake the function of resource recycling and reproduction. Second, the operating costs of enterprises are high. In recent years, the cost of renting venues for enterprises integrating the two networks has remained high, and the labor costs to support daily operations are high. For example, enterprises integrating the two networks need to equip each community recycling service with a van, a driver and a loader as standard. Third, market competitiveness is insufficient. Traditional waste recycling stations have complex recycling categories, extremely low quality requirements for recyclables, and the recycling price is higher than that of enterprises integrating the two networks, making the market competitiveness of the "regular army" less than that of the "unbranded army". For example, in order to "sell garbage at a good price", some community cleaning staff mix water and adulterants into recyclables and sell them to waste recycling stations, which violates the principle of good faith management and reduces the quality of recyclables.

How to speed up the creation of a "waste-free city"? Enterprises integrating the two networks must be allowed to change from "willing to receive" to "actively receive"

Currently, Shanghai is accelerating the construction of a "waste-free city". I believe that guidance, regulation, and support for enterprises integrating the two networks should be further strengthened to improve the effectiveness of comprehensive waste management. Therefore it is recommended:

First, carry out various forms of publicity to enhance residents’ awareness of recycling. Enterprises integrating the two networks are encouraged to cooperate in establishing community education centers on carbon sink science in streets and places where conditions permit, and enhance residents’ awareness of environmental recycling by demonstrating the effectiveness of garbage classification, setting up self-service trading machines, and “visualizing” the whereabouts of recyclables. . Enterprises integrating the two networks are encouraged to open mobile applets to promote door-to-door recycling services by appointment, so that more willing citizens can participate in the recycling team.

The second is to improve guiding documents and increase policy support. Further improve the recyclables policy system, improve and refine subsidy standards, and encourage enterprises integrating the two networks to move from "willing to receive" to "actively collect". At the same time, enterprises are guided to actively strive for the community's cleaning staff responsible for sorting to connect with regular two-network integration enterprises through profit sharing and other methods, so that traditional waste recycling stations can naturally reduce their scale.

The third is to open up the "last mile" and help enterprises enter communities. Increase the support of the "troika" of neighborhood committees, property management committees, and owners' committees for the integration of the two networks into the community, and guide and encourage the community to use the strengths of building team leaders, volunteers, cleaners, etc. to form a "community recycling steward" team to assist Domestic waste reuse. Public notice boards are installed in garbage rooms in residential areas, including recycling telephone numbers, complaint telephone numbers, collection and transportation times, service units, recycling categories, recycling prices, etc., to strengthen citizens' understanding of the integration of the two networks and their recognition of "low-carbon environmental protection".

How to speed up the creation of a "waste-free city"? Enterprises integrating the two networks must be allowed to change from "willing to receive" to "actively receive"
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