But this kind of lock itself has problems. The most popular survey: A woman living alone almost had a strange man try to open the combination lock.

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 00:06 AM

Recently, a piece of news about "a woman living alone was tried to open the password lock by a strange man, and she was only one digit short of trying the correct password" was ranked first in Shanghai's hot search list. Netizens are concerned about the safety of women living alone, but some professionals have warned that there may be a problem with the electronic lock in this incident: if it is an electronic lock with up to standard safety performance, the police should be alerted when the man tries the password multiple times to deter intruders. Judging from the information disclosed by the parties so far, there are no relevant details.

In recent years, the popularity of electronic locks has become higher and higher. The Shanghai Rumor Refuting Platform searched the e-commerce platform and found that a variety of electronic locks are dazzling. In terms of unlocking methods, in addition to passwords, there are also fingerprints, face recognition, fingerprint passwords, fingerprints and face recognition, mobile phone remote and other forms; the prices are also It ranges from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. Even the anti-theft door brand stated in its introduction that the original door was equipped with a mechanical lock, but it was recommended that consumers replace it with an electronic lock, because electronic locks are more convenient and safer.

Judging from the random inspection results of authoritative departments, the quality of electronic locks is uneven.

The Shanghai Municipal Administration for Market Regulation has been continuously tracking the quality of electronic lock products since 2019. From 2019 to 2021, a total of 61 batches of electronic locks were randomly inspected, of which 11 batches were unqualified. The unqualified items were mainly anti-vandal alarm functions and anti-interference. In the "2022 Shanghai Product Quality Supervision and Spot Inspection Results" announced in March this year, three more electronic locks were on the unqualified list due to substandard anti-vandal alarm functions or anti-interference projects.

In the spot inspection results of the State Administration for Market Regulation, there are also many problems with electronic locks.

But this kind of lock itself has problems. The most popular survey: A woman living alone almost had a strange man try to open the combination lock.

In 2021, the State Administration for Market Regulation randomly inspected 157 batches of electronic lock products on 11 e-commerce platforms. Among them, 34 batches were suspected of having unnamed factory addresses, and the quality failure rate of the remaining batches exceeded 34%. In the "2022 National Supervision and Spot Inspection Results of Online Sales of Electronic Door Locks Quality", another 18 batches of electronic locks failed. The main problems were that three items including anti-vandal alarm, safety, and axial static load of the lock tongue failed.

Industry insiders pointed out that according to the national mandatory standard GB21556-2008 "General Technical Conditions for Lock Safety", when the electronic door lock performs three consecutive incorrect operations or the protective mask is damaged by external forces, it should be able to automatically give a sound/light alarm prompt or output an alarm. Signal. Products with unqualified anti-vandal alarm functions will not be able to deter intruders and alert consumers and surrounding neighbors.

The "anti-interference" project means that electronic locks must have anti-static functions. The project is unqualified, which means that the electronic lock can be opened under electromagnetic interference, which will threaten the personal and property safety of consumers; it is also possible that in the autumn and winter seasons when static electricity is high, the static electricity on the human body may cause the door to be electromagnetic. Interference, not working properly, locking the owner out.

Safety requirements mainly involve flame retardant items, which means that the plastic parts that make up the lock housing should not ignite or continue to burn when exposed to flames. However, some low-priced electronic locks are made of inferior materials, so the flame retardant items may not meet the standards.

The axial static load of the lock tongue refers to the axial pressure that the lock tongue should be able to withstand. Door locks that do not meet this standard are prone to lock tongue failure, causing the door to be easily opened.

It can be seen that the ability to "set a password" on the door lock does not mean security.

What’s more important to note is that most electronic locks are usually labeled as “high-tech”, but the content of the so-called “high-tech” is worthy of scrutiny.

But this kind of lock itself has problems. The most popular survey: A woman living alone almost had a strange man try to open the combination lock.

A "white hat hacker" told the Shanghai Rumor Refuting Platform that some "high-tech" electronic locks are not only unsafe, but more dangerous. "We found in experiments that some electronic locks are vulnerable to strong electromagnetic fields. A simulated strong The electromagnetic field can interfere with it and open the door; some electronic locks claim to face recognition, but they use the simplest plane recognition, and the lock can be unlocked using a face photo; some electronic locks have a remote unlocking function that can protect The system is very fragile and hackers can easily break into it and open the door..."

The person said that the technical threshold of electronic locks is not low, and whether the product is safe or unsafe is closely related to the technical strength of the company. Among the products on the market, some are "upgraded" works from traditional lock companies, and some are "copycat" works from small workshops. Some have technical shortcomings, especially in preventing hacker intrusions, and even the products of large companies may not have them. loopholes. Therefore, the nominal "high-tech" does not really have a high-tech level.

The market supervision department also reminded that paying attention to the safety performance of electronic locks should start from three aspects -

The first thing is to pay attention to the mechanical part, and the most important thing is to pay attention to the lock cylinder grade. According to national standards, the lock cylinder with the highest security level is level C.

Secondly, we should pay attention to the unlocking method of electronic locks. The more functions and "smarter" you have, the safer it is.

First, for electronic locks that use passwords to unlock, it is recommended to choose products with a "virtual password" function. "Dummy password" means that users can add any string of numbers before or after entering the correct password to prevent the password from being peeped or leaked. For example, if the correct password is 123456, then the user can enter 123456 or 123456, where the number in the brackets can be any number, which together with the real password constitutes the "virtual password".

Second, for electronic locks with fingerprint recognition functions, semiconductor fingerprint recognition is preferred. Currently, the mainstream fingerprint recognition technologies include optical fingerprint recognition and semiconductor fingerprint recognition, among which semiconductor fingerprint recognition is biological fingerprint recognition. In other words, it is difficult for criminals to use non-biological living fingerprints such as fingerprint models to impersonate users.

Third, carefully choose an electronic lock with remote unlocking function. Remote unlocking may seem convenient, but if the electronic lock is connected to a network with a low security index or hackers invade the remote unlocking system, it will bring greater risks.

But this kind of lock itself has problems. The most popular survey: A woman living alone almost had a strange man try to open the combination lock.

Finally, when choosing an electronic lock, you should not be greedy for cheap. You should still buy products of regular brands from regular channels.

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