Lai Yifen plans to steam rice dumplings in front of the store. Pre-packaged food does not have "smoke and smoke". New regulations encourage "cross-border"

Release time:May 10, 2024 16:59 PM

Nuts, butchers, rice dumplings, and mooncakes at room temperature in packaging bags always give people the feeling that they lack fireworks and are not fresh enough.

In the increasingly "volume" food sales industry, the traditional bulk and pre-packaged food sales models have limited appeal and competitiveness. A group of operators represented by convenience stores have emerged as a "cross-border" trend. By increasing catering services, etc. New business formats and projects enhance consumers’ sense of gain and seek a better future.

On May 10, after receiving the freshly baked food business license from the staff of the market supervision department, Zhang Lihua, vice president of Laiyifen Group, became more confident in the transformation and upgrading of physical stores: "The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, and this store will soon The rice dumplings are steamed and sold on-site. In the future, more stores will be like it, with more "fireworks"!

On the morning of May 10, the aroma of fresh bread and coffee wafted from the Laiyifen labmini store on Wujiang Road, "capturing" many passing office workers.

A reporter from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News noticed that this store is obviously different from the traditional Laiyifen store. 25 types of bread and pastries are made and sold now. The "Lai Cafe" window near the roadside delivers bread and pastries to waiting customers from time to time. Coffee and tea.

The above-mentioned newly added business items are directly reflected in the old food business license of this store: in addition to the "classic" "bulk food sales and pre-packaged food sales, alcoholic products", "simple heating, thermal processing" has also been added Pastries, tea, coffee, drinks.”

However, these new projects cannot satisfy Lai Yifen's "appetite". Optimistic about the seasonal food market, Lai Yifen wants to steam rice dumplings, bake fresh meat mooncakes, and fry nuts on-site in the store. If the weather gets hotter, they also plan to move the ice cream machine to the C position facing the road in the store.

The idea is wonderful, but so many new projects have to apply for approval and review one by one. Once there are problems such as missing application materials due to their own reasons, or the actual conditions do not meet the requirements of laws, regulations or standards, it will be difficult to quickly change the food business license and store. It cannot be opened, thus delaying business opportunities.

The latest implementation of the "Shanghai Food Business Licensing and Registration Management Implementation Measures" has dispelled Lai Yifen's concerns.

Wang Weijuan, deputy director of the Food Operation Safety Supervision and Management Office of the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Market Regulation, introduced that the "Measures" support the mixed operation of multiple business formats. For "cross-border" stores like Lai Yifen, the main business format must first be separated from food sales and operations. For those who have changed their status to catering service operators, the threshold is now relaxed. Food operators can re-select business projects within the scope of catering services based on actual operating conditions, without having to worry about the specific format of the main business.

Secondly, the "Measures" "concentrate" business projects into four categories: hot food production and sales, cold food production and sales, raw food production and sales, and homemade beverage production and sales, which means that operators no longer need to apply for each project separately. , as long as the conditions of the major category are met, all business projects belonging to this category can be done.

Taking the production and sale of hot food as an example, steamed rice dumplings, baked meat mooncakes, fried nuts, barbecue shops, etc. all fall into this category. Coffee, tea, ice cream, fruit and vegetable juices, fruit desserts, etc. are homemade beverage items.

The new food business license of the Yifen Labmini store is marked with "production and sale of hot food" and "production and sale of homemade drinks", so it can operate the above-mentioned related items. If you want to change relevant items in the future, you only need to report to the market supervision department within 10 working days after the change.

"After the threshold is simplified, we are not thinking about 'what cannot be done', but 'what we want to do'." Zhang Lihua said frankly that steaming rice dumplings is just the beginning. Nearly 3,700 Laiyifen stores across the country will consider how to accelerate the transformation and upgrading from snacks to snacks. The store transforms into a convenience store, providing a wider range of hot food and drinks.

At the Laiyifen labmini store on Wujiang Road, the C position at the entrance where pre-packaged food is placed will be given over to a more "smoky" ready-made and ready-to-sell stall. Photographed by Chen Xishan

Laiyifen labmini store on Wujiang Road. Photographed by Chen Xishan

With the implementation of the "Measures", not only the business formats and projects, but also the business locations will be released.

The newly opened Anta Zero Carbon Mission Store on Wukang Road intends to follow the trend of coffee culture and make and sell coffee on-site in the store to enrich the consumer experience. However, according to the previous hygienic regulations for ready-to-eat food, the area used for its food production site should be no less than 6 m2.

"Actually, about 4 square meters is enough. According to the current store layout, it is difficult to find a complete and qualified production space of more than 6 square meters." Tian Dongfei, ANTA's Shanghai Puxi regional retail manager, said frankly that coffee production and sales are only in ANTA stores after all. Value-added services rather than the main business. If you are stuck in area, the last option is not to do it.

The market supervision department found in the preliminary investigation that the above-mentioned confusion about Anta's zero-carbon mission stores is universal. More and more cultural and fashion industry operators use on-site coffee production and sales as the main way to attract cross-sector customers. Compared with the original main purpose, As a side business, making and selling coffee on-site does not require a particularly large business site. If the food preparation premises requirements are "copied" for operators whose main business is on-site coffee production and sale, it may be too stringent and will stifle the operators' enthusiasm for innovation and development.

The "Measures" fully take into account the cross-border issues of operators, and combined with the revision of Shanghai's local standard "Hygienic Standards for Ready-to-Eat Foods for Ready-to-Eat Food", cancel the restrictive requirements on area, encourage operators to rationally layout facilities and equipment, and do not affect Produce and sell homemade drinks under the premise of food safety.

When the good news came, Tian Dongfei was cheered: "Now the corner of the store with power supply can be fully utilized, and we can focus on carefully designing and spreading low-carbon environmental protection concepts."

Tian Dongfei also said that if the Anta Zero Carbon Mission Store’s attempt to integrate coffee culture is successful, hundreds of Anta stores across the country may imitate this “Shanghai experience.”

ANTA stores are stepping up on-site commissioning and striving to launch coffee production and sales services as soon as possible. Photographed by Chen Xishan

ANTA stores are stepping up on-site commissioning and striving to launch coffee production and sales services as soon as possible. Photographed by Chen Xishan

In the past, business premises were restricted for simple food production and sales activities with low food safety risks, such as cucumber shooting, tea making, and thawing. Even if the process was simple, special operating rooms were required, which was very unfriendly to small-scale operators. The public also generally feels it is unnecessary.

The "Measures" clearly set up "simple production and sales" business projects. On the premise of ensuring food safety, simple food production and sales activities can only set up special areas. Three types of business projects with higher risks, such as the production and sale of cold processed pastries, the production and sale of cold meat and meat foods, and the production and sale of raw food, will retain the dedicated room requirements.

After the implementation of the "Measures", the efficiency of approval has been further improved, and even increased the enthusiasm of food operators to implement the "Internet Bright Kitchen and Bright Stove".

The beverage shop "Nishang Tea Dance" on Zhangyang Road recently submitted an application for a food business license change to the Pudong New Area Market Supervision Bureau, intending to add business items, but was told that because of the installation of "back kitchen live broadcast" equipment, the implementation of "no sense" "Supervision", thereby eliminating the need for on-site inspections. The approval department issued the changed food business license on the same day it accepted the application materials.

The reporter learned from the market supervision department that the "Measures" clarified six situations that are exempt from on-site inspections, including small restaurants and beverage shops under 150 square meters that have implemented the "Internet Bright Kitchen and Bright Stove".

Huang Yanqiong, the third-level organizer of the Nanjing West Road Market Supervision Office in Jing'an District, said that since it is not mandatory and is mainly encouraged, and the promotion time is not long, many food operators lack the motivation to implement the "Internet Bright Kitchen and Bright Stove", " The Measures exempt qualified operators from on-site inspections, which has injected impetus into operators who have a wait-and-see attitude towards the "Internet bright kitchen and bright stove". It is more feasible to promote implementation than relying on mandatory regulations.

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