Xin Shiping: Embark on a new journey to build a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era

Release time:May 10, 2024 15:54 PM

Beijing, May 9th: Embark on a new journey to build a community with a shared future between China and Serbia in the new era

This scene is moving: At the grand welcome ceremony held by Serbian President Vucic for President Xi Jinping, 15,000 Serbian people waved the national flags of China and Serbia and expressed their warmest welcome to the distinguished guests from afar. Applause and cheers came one after another and lasted for a long time. The applause showed true feelings and people's aspirations. Standing at a new starting point, the iron-clad friendship between China and Serbia has become stronger, and China-Serbia relations have brighter prospects for development.

After eight years, President Xi Jinping paid another state visit to Serbia, which is of great significance. The two heads of state jointly signed a joint statement, announcing the establishment of a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era, achieving a new great historical leap in China-Serbia relations. The two parties have signed or reached agreement on 28 cooperation documents, covering infrastructure, information and communications, e-commerce, culture and other fields. From President Vucic leading many important senior government officials to greet him at the airport, to holding a grand welcome ceremony for President Xi Jinping, the "unprecedented special arrangement" reflects Serbia's sincere feelings towards China and the Chinese people. Following President Xi Jinping’s visit, we have a profound understanding that China and Serbia are working hand in hand to embark on a new journey of building a community with a shared future between China and Serbia in the new era.

From Serbia becoming China's first comprehensive strategic partner in Central and Eastern Europe eight years ago to now becoming the first European country to jointly build a community with a shared future with China, this has all reflected the strategic nature, specialness and high level of China-Serbia relations. During this visit, President Xi Jinping and President Vucic had an in-depth exchange of views on China-Serbia relations and issues of common concern, and reached many new important consensuses. Building a community with a shared future between China and Serbia in the new era is the sublimation of the iron-clad friendship between China and Serbia, and also represents the common values ​​​​and goal pursuits of both parties. By highlighting the strategic nature of bilateral relations, grasping the general direction of bilateral relations, and firmly supporting each other's core interests and major concerns, the political foundation for the construction of a community with a shared future between China and Serbia will become stronger.

China and Serbia have achieved fruitful results in cooperation in traditional advantageous areas such as transportation and energy infrastructure, and the high-quality cooperation in building the "Belt and Road" has yielded gratifying results. The China-Serbia Free Trade Agreement will take effect on July 1 this year. Continue to promote pragmatic cooperation with broad areas, high quality and good benefits, jointly operate major cooperation projects between the two countries, and create more "small but beautiful" people's livelihood projects. This will not only provide solid assistance to each other's economic and social construction, but also become a driving force for A vivid practice of economic globalization and inclusive development.

China-Serbia cooperation has strong momentum and huge potential. President Xi Jinping announced China's first six pragmatic measures to support the construction of a community with a shared future between China and Serbia in the new era, covering traditional areas of cooperation and also aiming to create new growth points for bilateral relations. From expanding personnel exchanges in various fields to comprehensively deepening cooperation in culture, education, sports, tourism, and local areas; from strengthening inter-party exchanges and exchanges of governance experience, to adhering to fairness and justice, and jointly opposing hegemonism and power politics... to carry forward the two countries If the innovative nature of the relationship further consolidates the foundation of public opinion, China-Serbia mutually beneficial cooperation will continue to deepen and truly benefit the two countries and their peoples.

Moving from history to the future, China and Serbia have been in the same boat through thick and thin and share a common destiny. There is great potential for building a community with a shared future between China and Serbia in the new era, and the iron-clad friendship between China and Serbia will surely write a new chapter.

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