Wuxi Economic Development Zone holds Greenleaf Diagnostics Ecosystem Conference

Release time:May 10, 2024 15:28 PM

On May 9, the Greenleaf Diagnostics Ecosystem Conference and Synthetic Biology Industry Development Forum were held in Wuxi Economic Development Zone. At the scene, Luye Precision Medicine Innovation Park officially signed a contract, which will focus on precision medicine, molecular diagnosis, high-end medical equipment, medical cosmetology and other fields, and build a public service platform such as biomedical testing.

The life and health industry is the focus of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. It is also a key path for Wuxi Economic and Technological Development Zone to build a modern industrial system and enhance comprehensive strength. In 2023, Wuxi Economic Development Zone has clearly set the goal of building a "3335" modern industrial cluster including precision medical devices and precision medicine, and actively laid out a new track for future industrial development of "Innate Wisdom" covering the synthetic biology industry.

On May 19 last year, leaders in the field of precision medicine gathered together to reach a new cross-border cooperation between industry, academia and research at the Wuxi Economic Development Zone Precision Medicine Industry-Academy-Research Transformation Summit Forum. This year’s Greenleaf Diagnostics Ecosystem Conference and Synthetic Biology Industry Development Forum will further promote the development of local precision medicine and synthetic biology industry clusters, gather innovative resources from upstream and downstream of the precision medicine and synthetic biology industry chain, and provide high-quality development for the precision medicine and synthetic biology industries. Inject new momentum.

Yang Jianping, Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of Wuxi Economic Development Zone, said that the signing of the Luye Diagnostics Headquarters Project and the Luye Precision Medicine Innovation Park will promote the development and application of synthetic biotechnology in biomedicine, precision medicine and other fields, and help build a national Even the world's most influential innovation hub for the synthetic biology industry.

Use the golden land to introduce more gold projects. At the scene, the new carrier of Huangjinwan Science and Technology Innovation Park was released. As a professional carrier for the development of precision medical equipment, precision medicine, synthetic biology and other biomedical industries, Huangjinwan Science and Technology Innovation Park has a planned construction area of ​​about 1 million square meters and is making every effort to accelerate its construction. A biomedical industry ecological cluster with benchmarking effect.

On the same day, the Espace Synthetic Biology Vertical Incubator and Synthetic Biology Special Fund were officially launched, which will support the cultivation of precision medicine and the development of the synthetic biology industry. At the same time, a number of projects in the field of precision medicine and synthetic biology have been signed together, which will help Wuxi Economic Development Zone to introduce chains and cultivate ecology on the new industrial track.

Standing at the forefront of new technologies, new tracks, and new industries, Wuxi Economic Development Zone is unleashing its potential for vigorous development. This event established a platform for domestic experts, scholars and entrepreneurs to communicate and cooperate, and also provided strong support and new growth momentum for the development of precision medicine and synthetic biology industries in Wuxi Economic Development Zone.

It is reported that in the future, Wuxi Economic Development Zone will continue to rely on its strong industrial foundation and innovative resources to accelerate the construction of a more open, cooperative and innovation-driven ecosystem, make every effort to promote early signing and early implementation of projects under negotiation, and at the same time accelerate project construction. Strive to form more physical quantities and accumulate potential for the development of the biomedical industry.

Wuxi Economic Development Zone holds Greenleaf Diagnostics Ecosystem Conference
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