Why is the price different by 50 times? Represents the inheritance and innovation of "taking the pulse" of traditional Chinese medicine, which also treats fractures

Release time:May 10, 2024 11:14 AM

The 13th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th Municipal People's Congress reviewed a report on the inheritance, innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine this morning. This is the first time since the implementation of the "Shanghai Regulations on Traditional Chinese Medicine" in May 2021 that the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress has supervised the inheritance, innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine in this city.

At present, scientific and technological innovation achievements of traditional Chinese medicine in Shanghai are constantly emerging, such as breakthroughs in the research of the Chinese patent medicine Shexiang Baoxin Pills, Linggui Zhugan Granules being approved for marketing, Shanghai-produced Chinese patent medicine Danning Tablets going abroad... Municipalities participating in law enforcement inspections Xu Liping, deputy to the National People's Congress, lamented: "We have communicated with many citizens and people's trust in traditional Chinese medicine is increasing. Everyone reflects that now is the spring for the development of traditional Chinese medicine and the best period for the deep integration of Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine."

Considering the people's growing demand for high-quality traditional Chinese medicine services, how should traditional Chinese medicine in this city be inherited and innovated? Members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress and deputies of the Municipal People's Congress take the pulse and prescribe prescriptions.

A few years ago, Xu Liping participated in supervision and research in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. “I remember that the common problem everyone reported at that time was that they were not sure whether the source of traditional Chinese medicine could be traced and whether the distribution was safe. But now the traceability of traditional Chinese medicine pieces has been achieved, and The entire delivery process is monitored.”

"It can be said that the field of traditional Chinese medicine has changed a lot in the past few years. To describe it in one word, it is 'standing up to the sky.'" In Xu Liping's view, what "stands up" is the rise of TCM medical consortiums, flagship traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, and first-class talent teams. The "location" is the wide coverage of community health service centers.

Zhou Hong, deputy chairman of the Social Construction Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, was also impressed by this: "People usually think that the elderly are more interested in traditional Chinese medicine, but when we went to the community health service center, we found that traditional Chinese medicine is also very popular among white-collar workers."

At present, community health service centers in the city center have opened their doors to white-collar workers, and many have opened special outpatient clinics and night outpatient clinics to provide traditional Chinese medicine consultation, acupuncture and massage, health care and other services, benefiting white-collar workers who sit in offices for a long time, and also provide traditional Chinese medicine services. Approach more young people.

"The community can become the main front for traditional Chinese medicine services, which is due to the construction of the talent team, such as the construction of the first batch of 100 grassroots Chinese medicine studio workstations and the dual employment of grassroots Chinese medicine talents, which have greatly promoted the sinking of high-quality resources." Zhou Hong believes that the coverage of dual employment should be further promoted and expanded, and the introduction of talents at the grassroots level should be strengthened so that high-level TCM talents can be retained at the grassroots level.

The representative survey also found that traditional Chinese medicine, which is "popular" in the city center, is relatively neglected in the outer suburbs. The TCM departments of some suburban community health centers are even facing the dilemma of TCM doctors retiring and departments closing down.

"The expansion of high-quality medical resources and balanced regional layout need to be further optimized." The law enforcement inspection team recommended that on the one hand, we should innovate talent training models and mechanisms, build a high-level Chinese medicine talent team, and coordinate high-level Chinese medicine talents, key talents, and outstanding young people Cultivation of various types of talents such as talents, characteristic technical talents, compound talents, and talents integrating traditional Chinese and Western medicine. At the same time, it is necessary to build a traditional Chinese medicine service system with more balanced high-quality resources and covering the entire life cycle of urban and rural residents, so that more residents and villagers can benefit from it.

From acupuncture to compresses, from massage to auricular therapy, many TCM treatments have special effects on certain diseases. "For the treatment of the same disease, the price charged by traditional Chinese medicine is very different from that of Western medicine." During the review, Xu Jianguang, chairman of the Education, Science, Culture and Health Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, mentioned two "prices." One is the price of traditional Chinese medicine medical services, and the second is the price of traditional Chinese medicine pieces. "During the research process, we found that the charges for traditional Chinese medicine services are too low. Compared with 20 years ago, the prices of many traditional Chinese medicine services have basically remained unchanged."

Unlike Western medicine, which has a large number of surgeries, TCM rarely charges surgical fees and mainly relies on the services of medical staff, such as fracture surgery. Compared with similar Western medicine surgeries, TCM has clinical advantages in fracture treatment and is less invasive overall. However, TCM and Western medicine The price difference is about 50 times.

Xu Jianguang believes that the value of traditional Chinese medicine technical labor services has not been fully reflected, which has hindered the development of traditional Chinese medicine and the discipline construction of traditional Chinese medicine to a certain extent, and has also led to the loss of traditional Chinese medicine talents. He suggested adjusting and formulating more reasonable prices for traditional Chinese medicine medical services to better reflect the value of traditional Chinese medicine technology and services, and at the same time further promoting the pilot work of paying for the dominant diseases of traditional Chinese medicine based on the value of their therapeutic effects.

It is understood that Shanghai is currently carrying out the "payment based on therapeutic value" reform for the dominant diseases of traditional Chinese medicine. 32 diseases have been listed as pilot diseases and 59 pilot units have been identified, innovating the medical insurance payment model that pays equal attention to traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. "Shanghai has taken the lead in reform in the country and has done the best. We hope to continue to expand the scope of pilot diseases and guide hospitals to develop the connotation of traditional Chinese medicine." Xu Jiangang said.

In-hospital preparations are representatives of integrity and innovation in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, and its innovation can benefit more people. Investigations by the law enforcement inspection team found that many hospitals have good in-hospital reagents that can be developed into new drugs, but the conversion rate is not high.

"Due to various reasons, 300 kinds of Chinese patent medicines have not entered production and have become 'sleep medicines'. I feel it is a pity." Xu Liping sighed.

Why is it difficult to convert in-hospital preparations into circulation? Why do hospitals lack enthusiasm? What are the policy bottlenecks? Xu Liping suggested formulating a special plan for the development of traditional Chinese medicine as soon as possible, formulating loose policies to support the industry, promoting the inheritance, innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine and exploring new paths to develop "sleeping resources".

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