Can the results be modified by pressing "Noise"? College teachers say they were asked many times to modify students’ grades

Release time:May 11, 2024 03:31 AM

Recently, a full-time teacher at the School of Surveying and Mapping Science and Technology of Xi'an University of Science and Technology reported to reporters: In January this year, after the final results of the course he taught came out, the parents of a student who failed to achieve satisfactory results accused him of "affecting his child's future" and "causing stains." They asked the students to revise their grades and threatened the teachers verbally. Relevant personnel of the college also repeatedly mentioned that the parent had a "background" and asked the teacher to modify the results.

In addition, the teacher also reported that in order to modify the results of another student who took the make-up exam, the college transferred the grade entry authority for the course from the system without the teacher's knowledge, and other teachers modified the unqualified grades. is the passing score.

On May 9, the reporter contacted Qin Feng, the teacher. He said: "Since January this year, I have been exhausted mentally and physically. I have not received a fair answer or a trace of comfort from the relevant departments. Instead, I have become an 'alternative' and ' Negative teaching material’. I don’t know what I did wrong?”

Qin Feng told reporters that on January 6, 2024, he submitted the examination results of his professor’s professional courses. At 11 o'clock in the evening on January 8, he received a call from the parent of a student named Chen. The parent claimed to be a researcher at a certain research institute. Since his child was studying for a bachelor's degree and a master's degree concurrently, unsatisfactory grades would affect his future, and he requested that his child's grades be revised. .

In a conversation recording provided by Qin Feng, it can be heard that the parent said, "I will explain the actual situation clearly. If you can't do it, I will definitely go to school to make trouble with you." "I will follow you wherever you are." "I have a relationship with a certain teacher in your school." Qin Feng said that he had been worried about the safety of himself and his family for a while. On New Year's Eve, I received another text message from the student's parents, questioning whether the questions were too difficult and the marking was random, and they said they were going to sue the Department of Education.

"The score for this course consists of two parts, one is the paper score and the other is the daily score. I gave this student's daily score 90 points, which is relatively high. But his paper score is 25 points. According to our The overall score was calculated as 45 points." Qin Feng said that he checked the student's test paper as soon as he returned to school from a business trip on January 10 to confirm that there was no wrong score.

According to the official website of Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Qin Feng is an associate professor and a master's tutor. The course he teaches is his main research field.

"In those few days, I received continuous calls and WeChat messages from the college's academic staff and college leaders, requesting that this student's grades be revised. It was also mentioned many times that the student's parents were members of the academician team of a certain research institute." Qin Feng said, Although I am not noble, I definitely have principles in doing things. "I made my attitude clear at that time. The scores cannot be changed. If you can modify the scores at will, it will be very unfair to other students who are paying attention to the class and preparing for the exam."

What Qin Feng didn't expect was that on February 26, the first day of school, 19 students jointly reported to the school's Academic Affairs Office to review their scores. It is understood that 72 students took the exam in this course and 38 students failed.

The college set up a supervision group to review all examination papers

In order to ensure the fairness of the examination, the college has established a supervision group to review the examination papers. "The review result is that the questions I asked met the syllabus requirements, were of moderate difficulty, and there was no problem in marking."

A student in the class told reporters that the exam difficulty of this course was moderate. My own academic performance is also average. Before the exam, I reviewed the homework and lecture PPTs that the teacher usually assigned. The exam score was passing. There were 6 people in the dormitory, and 5 of them all had passing scores. The student also said that teachers will be rated at the end of the semester, and he gave a favorable evaluation of the teacher of this course.

On March 5, parents of students came to the school to report teacher Qin Feng’s teaching problems. To this end, the school’s Academic Affairs Office issued a letter to investigate the incident.

"After a day of investigation, it was proved that I have no problem with teaching. But I am curious. Information such as the syllabus is internal information and is relatively private. How did the parents know about it?" Qin Feng also raised his own questions.

On May 9, the reporter called the phone number of Chen’s parents. After clarifying their intention, the parents said they were “too busy to answer the phone.” When asked about their children’s grades, the parents said “no need,” and then hung up. Disconnect the phone.

According to school regulations, students who fail to pass the exam have the opportunity to take the make-up exam. At the end of March, a notice was issued in the "School of Surveying and Mapping Working Group": the make-up exam for this semester is scheduled to start on March 28, and teachers must submit printed test questions within the specified time.

The make-up examination papers for the course taught by Qin Feng were told that another research group leader would write and mark the papers, and Qin Feng was only responsible for entering the final scores. In this re-examination, the above-mentioned student Chen’s re-examination result was qualified.

Teacher Qin Feng thought that the "big stone" that was weighing on his heart had fallen to the ground. On April 26, the marking teacher for this make-up exam told him that in this make-up exam, another senior student, Wang, failed to pass the make-up exam, which may affect his undergraduate graduation and postgraduate studies.

"This time I still asked for grade changes, and the student even threatened to jump off the building. Although I was not the grader, I just submitted the make-up exam scores. To be cautious, I checked the grade of this student and found that there was no problem with the grade. And at that time, I specially asked The marking teacher reviewed the paper again and there was no problem. Because I did not mark the paper, I scored as many points as the marking teacher gave me." Qin Feng said.

On April 28, the teacher system showed that the make-up exam results for "GNSS Principles and Applications" were in the system.

The make-up exam results for the course "GNSS Principles and Applications" are no longer in Teacher Qin Feng's score entry system.

"When I checked the system on the afternoon of April 30, this course was no longer in my grade system." Qin Feng said that the make-up exam score of this student Wang had been modified to 60 points. "I didn't see the paper. It was probably destroyed."

Instructions for modifying student grades signed by the college instructor.

Why would an otherwise normal exam have its scores modified? Why are test scores that are originally within the teacher’s reasonable authority subject to interference from many parties? What pressure caused the college to privately revise students' grades? In response to many questions, the reporter contacted the school's publicity department. Relevant staff told the reporter that the school has set up an investigation team and other information is not yet clear.

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