The two heads of state announced the new positioning of China-Serbia relations, Current Affairs News丨Xi Jinping visits Serbia again

Release time:May 10, 2024 12:49 PM

On May 8, local time, President Xi Jinping’s visit to Europe entered the fourth day. The daytime itinerary was mainly focused on the second stop of the visit, Serbia.

China and Serbia are world-famous for their "iron friendship". A spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs revealed on the eve of the visit that the two heads of state will "discuss how to enhance the positioning of China-Serbia relations." The outside world is full of expectations for the improvement and upgrading of China-Serbia relations.

During the talks on May 8, the two heads of state jointly announced the establishment of a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era. Where did this new positioning of China-Serbia relations come from? What do you think of this new positioning? What will it bring to the people of the two countries?

move! "This trip is worthwhile and will live up to expectations."

The two heads of state announced the new positioning of China-Serbia relations, Current Affairs News丨Xi Jinping visits Serbia again

"I hope the Chinese people can see how popular President Xi Jinping is here. I hope the Chinese people can see that in such a place far away from Beijing, far away from Shanghai and any Chinese city, there are so many people who respect their country and appreciate them countries, their countries and their leaders.”

This is what Serbian President Vucic said in an exclusive interview with China Radio on the eve of his visit.

△In the Serbian Building Square, 15,000 Serbian people waved the national flags of China and Serbia and warmly welcomed President Xi’s visit.

The sun is shining brightly in Belgrade in May. In front of the Serbian Building, people witnessed the scene described by President Vucic.

The two heads of state announced the new positioning of China-Serbia relations, Current Affairs News丨Xi Jinping visits Serbia again

After the welcome ceremony that day, President Vucic accompanied President Xi to the platform of the Government Building. In the square of the building, 15,000 Serbian people waved the national flags of China and Serbia and expressed their warmest welcome to President Xi.

This is the most vivid portrayal of the iron-clad friendship between China and Serbia.

Adversity reveals true feelings, and time reveals people's hearts. The iron-clad friendship between China and Serbia has a long history. During the turbulent years of the anti-fascist war and the period of national construction in the last century, the two peoples cultivated deep friendly feelings that span time and space.

As President Xi said, "The iron-clad friendship between China and Serbia has withstood the test of the vicissitudes of the international situation and has a profound historical heritage, a solid political foundation, extensive common interests, and a solid foundation of public opinion."

The two heads of state announced the new positioning of China-Serbia relations, Current Affairs News丨Xi Jinping visits Serbia again

△To warmly welcome President Xi, half of a 20-story high-rise building in Belgrade was decorated with a giant Chinese flag.

Regarding President Xi's visit, President Vucic and the Serbian people warmly invited, welcomed and treated him warmly.

When President Xi arrived at the airport at night, President Vucic held a unique welcome ceremony. On the morning of the 8th, President Vucic held a grand welcome ceremony for President Xi. The welcome banquet at noon that day was in a warm atmosphere. In the afternoon, President Vucic and his wife paid a farewell party to President Xi and his wife at the Peace Villa, and accompanied them to the airport to see them off.

President Vucic said that Serbia has made unprecedented special arrangements to receive President Xi’s visit. He hopes that President Xi can feel the Serbian people’s deep friendship for the Chinese people, especially their high respect for President Xi.

The two heads of state announced the new positioning of China-Serbia relations, Current Affairs News丨Xi Jinping visits Serbia again

At the beginning of the day's talks, President Xi said, "I was deeply shocked and moved by the meeting with the Serbian people just now." "I came here today at the invitation of a die-hard friend, and I feel at home."

When attending President Vucic's farewell message, President Xi once again said that although my visit this time was short, it was very pleasant and touching, and once again left an unforgettable impression.

△The main streets of Belgrade are filled with five-star red flags, fluttering in the wind.

During this visit, President Vucic said, "We support China, and China supports us. When Serbia needs help, China will always appear in time."

The two heads of state announced the new positioning of China-Serbia relations, Current Affairs News丨Xi Jinping visits Serbia again

During the meeting that day, President Xi recalled his first state visit to Serbia eight years ago. At that time, he was deeply impressed by the friendliness and expectations of the employees of the Smedelevo Steel Plant. "So I said that this trip is worthwhile and will live up to expectations. Let's see what we should do together." There is a story about how the Smederevo Steel Plant came back to life.

"This trip is worthwhile and will live up to expectations." "Let's see what we should do together." 8 years later, this is still the case.

Heavy! "Building a community with a shared future between China and Serbia in the new era is a strategic choice for both sides."

15 years ago, China and Serbia established a strategic partnership. Serbia has become the first Central and Eastern European country to establish a strategic partnership with China.

The two heads of state announced the new positioning of China-Serbia relations, Current Affairs News丨Xi Jinping visits Serbia again

When President Xi Jinping visited Serbia eight years ago, the two heads of state unanimously decided to upgrade China-Serbia relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership. Serbia has become China’s first comprehensive strategic partner in Central and Eastern Europe.

△After the welcoming ceremony, the heads of state of China and Serbia held small-scale meetings and large-scale talks.

In a signed article published on the occasion of this visit, President Xi said that standing at a new historical starting point, we are willing to work with our Serbian friends to stay true to our original aspirations and make progress together to write a new chapter in national development and revitalization and build China in the new era. A community of shared future.

"Current News Eye" found that at the bilateral level, China and Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Pakistan, Mongolia, Cuba, South Africa, Vietnam and other countries have issued action plans and joint statements on building a bilateral community with a shared future. or reach important consensus. China has also achieved full coverage of the implementation of a community with a shared future for mankind at the bilateral level with the five Central Asian countries.

The two heads of state announced the new positioning of China-Serbia relations, Current Affairs News丨Xi Jinping visits Serbia again

△On the morning of May 8, President Xi held a small-scale meeting with President Vucic. This was the scene before the meeting.

On the morning of May 8, when President Xi held talks with President Vucic, the two heads of state announced to deepen and enhance the China-Serbia comprehensive strategic partnership and build a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era. China-Serbia relations have thus written a new first: Serbia has become the first European country to jointly build a community with a shared future with China.

President Xi said that this fully reflects the strategic nature, particularity and high level of China-Serbia relations and "achieves a new great historical leap in China-Serbia relations."

President Vucic said that we are proud to have a great friend like China and the new positioning of Serbia-China relations, and we are full of confidence in the future of Serbia-China relations.

The two heads of state announced the new positioning of China-Serbia relations, Current Affairs News丨Xi Jinping visits Serbia again

Jointly announcing the establishment of a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era is the most important outcome of President Xi’s visit to Serbia.

△On the morning of May 8, President Xi held a large-scale meeting with President Vucic. This was the scene before the start of the meeting.

What is the significance of a China-Serbia community with a shared future?

During his meeting with President Vucic, President Xi pointed out that the China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era is the sublimation of the iron-clad friendship between China and Serbia, and also represents the common values ​​​​and goal pursuits of both parties, that is, seeking common development, win-win cooperation, and mutual achievement.

The two heads of state announced the new positioning of China-Serbia relations, Current Affairs News丨Xi Jinping visits Serbia again

What mission does the China-Serbia community with a shared future carry?

When jointly meeting reporters, President Xi said that building a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era is a strategic decision by both sides. The goal is to realize the aspirations of the two peoples for a better life. The motivation comes from the firm support and extensive participation of the two peoples.

△President Xi and President Vucic jointly met with reporters after the meeting. This is the scene before the meeting started.

pragmatic! “Thank you President Xi for announcing the many pragmatic measures to support Serbia-China cooperation”

The two heads of state announced the new positioning of China-Serbia relations, Current Affairs News丨Xi Jinping visits Serbia again

How to build a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era? On May 8, during his meeting with President Vucic, President Xi Jinping used three words - "strategic", "pragmatic" and "innovative".

The first is to highlight the strategic nature of bilateral relations and grasp the general direction of bilateral relations; the second is to adhere to the pragmatic nature of cooperation between the two countries and seek benefits for the two peoples; the third is to carry forward the innovative nature of bilateral relations and open up new prospects for cooperation.

Pragmatism has always been the cornerstone and background of China-Serbia cooperation.

△President Xi and President Vucic jointly met with reporters after their talks, and reporters gathered at the meeting.

The two heads of state announced the new positioning of China-Serbia relations, Current Affairs News丨Xi Jinping visits Serbia again

Serbia is known as the crossroads of Europe, located "west of the east and east of the west" and has always enjoyed the reputation of "the key to the Balkans". The Hungary-Serbia Railway and the HBIS Smedelevo Steel Plant are landmark projects of China-Serbia pragmatic cooperation and have brought tangible benefits to the local people.

When jointly meeting reporters, President Xi announced the first six pragmatic measures for China to support the construction of a community with a shared future between China and Serbia in the new era. The first of these is that the China-Serbia Free Trade Agreement officially came into effect on July 1 this year.

Speaking of the China-Serbia Free Trade Agreement, this is another first: Serbia is China’s first free trade partner in Central and Eastern Europe.

In February 2022, when President Vucic came to China to attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the two countries reached an important consensus on negotiating and signing a bilateral free trade agreement. In October last year, when he came to China to attend the third "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum, the two sides signed a free trade agreement.

The two heads of state announced the new positioning of China-Serbia relations, Current Affairs News丨Xi Jinping visits Serbia again

During President Xi’s visit to Sierra Leone, he announced that the China-Serbia Free Trade Agreement will officially come into effect.

During the talks on May 8, President Xi pointed out that the China-Serbia Free Trade Agreement will take effect on July 1 this year, and China and Serbia will surely enter a new stage of high-level mutual opening up. Vucic expressed his expectation to take the entry into force of the Serbia-China Free Trade Agreement as an opportunity to further expand economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.

The China-Serbia Free Trade Agreement concerns millions of households. President Vucic said with emotion: "The free trade agreement will bring development to our farmers and provide guarantee for exports to the Chinese market. What a great opportunity this is!"

△Serbian local media paid attention to President Xi’s visit to Serbia.

The two heads of state announced the new positioning of China-Serbia relations, Current Affairs News丨Xi Jinping visits Serbia again

President Xi has repeatedly emphasized the need to transform China-Serbia traditional friendship into more practical cooperation results.

During this visit, the two heads of state jointly witnessed the exchange of multiple bilateral cooperation documents in the fields of jointly building the "Belt and Road", green development, digital economy, e-commerce, infrastructure, economy and technology, information and communications, agriculture, food, media and other fields.

"China will continue to expand the import of high-quality agricultural products with Serbian characteristics", "welcome Serbia to open a direct flight from Belgrade to Shanghai", and "achieve the goal of opening the entire Serbian section of the Hungary-Serbia railway to traffic as scheduled" and "create more 'small but beautiful' "People's Livelihood Projects"... pragmatic cooperation projects will help realize the aspirations of the people of the two countries for a better life.

When visiting Serbia in 2016, the heads of state of China and Serbia held a meeting at the elegant and quiet Peace Villa. On the afternoon of the 8th, President Xi came here again. President Vucic paid a farewell visit to President Xi, and the two heads of state bid farewell reluctantly.

The two heads of state announced the new positioning of China-Serbia relations, Current Affairs News丨Xi Jinping visits Serbia again

President Xi said that we not only seek rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, but also seek happiness for the people of the world. We not only pursue our own development, but are also committed to achieving common development with other countries in the world. This is my original intention of building a community with a shared future for mankind.

Join hands and embark on a new journey. As President Vucic said, "Today we are writing history, and in the future we will commemorate this moment because today will point the way for the future."

△That night, President Xi left Belgrade by special plane and began his state visit to Hungary.

That evening, President Xi arrived in Budapest by special plane and began his state visit to Hungary. This is also the last stop of President Xi’s European trip.

The two heads of state announced the new positioning of China-Serbia relations, Current Affairs News丨Xi Jinping visits Serbia again

In a written speech delivered at the airport, President Xi Jinping said that this year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Hungary, and the development of relations between the two countries has ushered in an important opportunity. I look forward to meeting with President Šuyuk, Prime Minister Orban and other Hungarian leaders to jointly plan a new blueprint for cooperation and development between the two countries and lead China-Hungary relations to a higher level.

"Current Affairs News Eye" will continue to pay attention to and interpret President Xi's European trip for you.

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