The reporter verified that the masses in the trapped buildings were rescued, the railway stranded passengers were transferred, and the "rescue document" of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei rainstorm reappeared trapped | document | reporter

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:31 PM

On the evening of July 31, a Tencent document named "Statistical Summary Table of rainstorm Help Information in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei" circulated on social networks. Click on the document link, and more than 630 help messages are arranged in order. Through this clear message of seeking help, although the temporary disconnection still makes people anxious, every "information verification" confirmed by volunteers in the end can make people in front of the document feel temporarily reassured - at least, they are safe.

Screenshot of "life-saving document"

As of the time of publication, this document full of love has been updated to version 17, and most of the help seeking information has been verified. The volunteers wrote in the top column: Volunteers have gradually contacted the seekers for help. Due to the high risk of flash floods in mountainous areas at night, the rescue progress is slow. Please be patient and wait.

The communication of the trapped train is blocked, but it has been properly placed

After reviewing this request for help document, a reporter from Jiefang Daily's Shangguan News found that a large portion of it came from the families of passengers on trains Z180, K1178, and K396. Affected by continuous heavy showers in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, trains Z180, K1178, and K396 have been suspended and passengers have been stranded.

Ms. Yang's child departed from Hami, Xinjiang on July 28th and took the Z180 train with 43 other classmates and 6 teachers to Beijing to start a special forces summer camp. According to Ms. Yang's recollection, the child had been looking forward to it for a long time before the summer camp, and this was the first time they had left their parents to follow their teacher to another city. "Before departure, I was worried about not getting a good night's sleep for two days. It's not that children can't do without their parents, but that we can't do without them. I hope that within a week, I can relax and let myself go for a few days." Ms. Yang publicly stated on social media on the 28th.

As of noon on August 1st, Ms. Yang stated that she had not been able to contact the child and only learned from official information that the communication equipment at the resettlement site was damaged, making it temporarily impossible to contact the outside world. "At present, communication is not smooth, and no information has been transmitted from the stranded area. Family members are very worried."

On the Z180 train, Ms. Tan and her 12-year-old and 14-year-old sisters took the train together to Beijing. On the afternoon of July 31st, a call was the last contact between Ms. Tan and them. Currently, the phone is turned off and in a disconnected state. "There are no adults around the child. Although they have received news that they have collectively been resettled, there has been no personal information about the child. I hope they don't be afraid."

What is the status of trains Z180, K1178, and K396? China Railway Beijing Bureau told the Liberation Daily Shangguan News reporter that all personnel on the three trains are safe and have been transferred to Luopoling Village, Anjiazhuang Village, and Yanhecheng Station. Please rest assured, family members.

The reporter verified that the masses in the trapped buildings were rescued, the railway stranded passengers were transferred, and the "rescue document" of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei rainstorm reappeared trapped | document | reporter

Railway assault team members walk to transport supplies to the railway station along the river city

Among them, train K1178 has been stopping at Yanhecheng Railway Station in Mentougou District, Beijing. The station has a high terrain and good geological conditions inside, with all passengers inside the carriage, ensuring safety and safety. On July 31st, China Railway Beijing Bureau urgently allocated 6000 pieces of various food, drinking water and other daily necessities from Zhangjiakou and Xuanhua areas. 195 people were drawn from Zhangjiakou Depot to form a material loading and unloading team, and the daily necessities were transported to rescue trains. At 20:56 on the same day, the 57402 material transportation trains departed from Zhangjiakou Station and were transported to Yanhecheng Station. Due to the serious burial caused by debris flows along the railway line, the railway department is clearing the line while advancing. On the morning of August 1st, transportation materials arrived at a distance of 8 to 9 kilometers from Yanhe City Station. At present, the assault team members are being organized to advance to the station on foot.

According to CCTV News, at around 5am on August 1st, four transport helicopters carrying 26 officers and soldiers urgently flew to Yanhecheng Railway Station and other places in Mentougou District, Beijing to carry out tasks such as airdrop of rescue supplies for trapped trains and transportation of patients. The plan was to airdrop 1900 pieces of food, 900 raincoats, 700 blankets and other urgently needed supplies. If the weather conditions on site permit, rescue personnel will use aerial delivery and landing distribution to deliver rescue supplies to the public.

Affected residents in various districts are seeking shelter nearby, and power and communication are gradually being restored

In addition to the information of train trapped personnel, the areas with the most trapped locations shown in the document are mainly located in Mentougou District, Fangshan District, and Changping District of Beijing.

Mr. Li, who lives at Shangpin Apartment in Shahe Town, Changping District, Beijing, told reporters that around 6pm on July 31st, the river water surged and the first floor of the community was flooded with water. There was no electricity or water supply, and residents were trapped in their homes. "I live on the second floor and heard my neighbor on the first floor say that the house was flooded with water, with a height of 80-90 centimeters. The refrigerator and washing machine were all washed over by the water."

Mr. Li said that after the flood, he heard that soldiers from the People's Liberation Army were intensifying flood control and drainage along the river. Last night, the police entered the building and went door-to-door on the first floor to confirm the safety of personnel. Then, they transferred all the trapped people on the first floor to a safe place.

"At present, the water level inside the residential buildings has dropped, and the people are out of danger. Due to the accumulation of water on the road and the thick silt, the community can only enter and exit, and most residents above the second floor remain at home. The only issue that has not been resolved is the water and power outage," he said.

Ms. Peng, who lives in Beiluyuan Beiluhua Community, Fangshan District, Beijing, told reporters that starting from the evening of July 31st, the community has been cut off from water and electricity, and the basements and first floor of several residential buildings have been flooded. The road surface has accumulated more than 1 meter of water.

The reporter verified that the masses in the trapped buildings were rescued, the railway stranded passengers were transferred, and the "rescue document" of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei rainstorm reappeared trapped | document | reporter

Ms. Peng said that the building where her parents live is slightly higher in terrain, and water has not yet entered the door, but several surrounding buildings have flooded into residential buildings. "The community experienced a power outage, but communication was normal. Last night, I asked my parents to keep their phones on battery and stay in touch." She said, "The last time I contacted was at 10am this morning, and my parents told me that the water level in the community was still rising and it was no longer above the roof of the small car. The community committee has contacted for rescue and informed residents who were severely affected by the disaster to seek shelter at their neighbors' homes nearby."

Ms. Peng's residential area has almost no water level above the roof of the car

As of now, about 60000 households in Fangshan District have experienced power outages, 3410 households in 28 villages have experienced power outages, and 62 villages in 7 townships have some operational network communication difficulties. Currently, Fangshan District is making every effort to organize emergency repairs and coordinate professional forces at the city level to jointly carry out power and communication support restoration work. At the same time, starting from today, helicopters will be used to drop food, drinking water, emergency lights and other supplies to villages with interrupted roads to ensure the basic living of the people in the mountainous area.

According to the Beijing Municipal Administration of Communications, China Unicom, China Mobile, China Telecom, and China Tower Corporation all rushed to disaster stricken areas such as Mentougou and Fangshan on the morning of July 31st to carry out rescue operations. As of July 31st, the communication industry in Beijing has invested a total of 12086 personnel, 4027 vehicles, and 2225 sets of equipment to support the project.

At present, except for the Beigou, Zhonggou, and Nangou areas in Fangshan and the deep mountain areas of Zhaitang Town, Qingshui Town, and Yanyi Town in Mentougou, the fixed voice service, public internet service, and mobile network service in the city are operating normally.

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More than 3000 people were trapped in three trains in Mentougou mountain area. Fengsha Railway, which was damaged in rainstorm, resumed operation last night | more than 3000 people
More than 3000 people were trapped in three trains in Mentougou mountain area. Fengsha Railway, which was damaged in rainstorm, resumed operation last night | more than 3000 people

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