You can launch an offensive at "key contact points", Xuelin's essay | Tell the story of Chinese civilization well

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 00:02 AM

In the new era and new journey, ideological and cultural propaganda work is facing new situations and new tasks. To promote cultural prosperity, build a culturally powerful country, and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, we need to strengthen the construction of international communication capabilities and continuously enhance the country’s cultural soft power and the influence of Chinese culture.

To strengthen the construction of international communication capabilities, there are four elements worthy of in-depth discussion: first, content, which must be attractive, which is the basis; second, communication, which must keep pace with the times, and communication channels and methods must keep pace with the times, which is the key; third, recognition, This is the expected result; the fourth is practice, we must silently strengthen the construction of international communication capabilities and achieve civilization attraction, inspiration and influence, which is the highest goal.

Since the new era, we have made positive progress in building our international communication capabilities. However, compared with Western developed countries, especially European and American countries such as the United States, Britain, and France, there is still a big gap.

For example, the content of international communication is relatively single, fragmented, and not highly relevant. It fails to continuously capture the attention of the international audience and is difficult to guide the direction of international public opinion. The top-level design and strategic layout have not yet formed a coherent and well-organized pattern. Pattern, specific communication channels and means need to be expanded; there is insufficient research on the general trend of the times and communication psychology, and insufficient proficiency in the use of communication forms in the digital era.

In this regard, developed countries have a lot to learn from. It is generally believed that the popular culture industry in the United States mainly consists of three parts: high-tech industry, entertainment industry and media industry. Accordingly, popular cultural products correspond to high-tech products, film and television music, fast food, drinks, media cultural products, etc., such as Microsoft, Apple, McDonald's, KFC, Hollywood, etc., "breaking through the strong barriers of religion, ethnicity and country" and almost penetrating To every corner of the world.

In this regard, we must maintain a clear understanding. We must not only strengthen cultural confidence, uphold openness and inclusiveness, insist on integrity and innovation, but also see the gaps, learn from the strengths of others, and effectively improve our ability to use popular culture to strengthen international communication and enhance Chinese civilization. Awareness and ability of communication and influence.

Telling China's story well, spreading China's voice well, and presenting a true, three-dimensional and comprehensive China are important tasks for strengthening international communication capacity building. In the new era and new journey, we should take "individual expression in the context of common discourse" as the core strategy, deepen institutional reform internally, vigorously develop cultural industries, strengthen content construction, promote the Chinese spirit, spread Chinese values, and unite Chinese strength; externally build The strategic communication system follows the laws of communication, enriches communication paths, innovates communication forms, and refines communication discourse. It improves the appeal of Chinese culture, the affinity of China's image, and the persuasiveness of Chinese discourse by integrating new concepts and new discourses from China and foreign countries.

On the one hand, we must stand firm on China's position and make strategic arrangements closely around the core ideology and culture of Chinese civilization, and avoid being fragmented and scattered; we must face the world and focus on telling the wonderful story of Chinese-style modernization.

For example, we must create a good combination of discourse, combine official discourse, academic discourse, popular discourse, and international discourse, and tell the story of Chinese civilization that shares its beauty and beauty, is open and inclusive, and tells the story of the Chinese nation moving forward bravely and pursuing its dreams. Tell the story of the Chinese Communist Party’s integrity, innovation, and world-mindedness, and tell the story of China’s hard work, self-confidence, and self-improvement in the new era.

In terms of cultural image creation, it is necessary to work hard to build a new image that integrates China and foreign countries. For example, because "dragon" has significant differences in Chinese and Western cultures, mechanical application can be moderately reduced to reduce misunderstandings. The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics mascot "Bingdundun" combines the image of a panda with a super-energy ice crystal shell. The overall image resembles an astronaut, symbolizing a strong body, perseverance and inspiring sportsmanship. Under the common cultural background of the Winter Olympics, it vividly demonstrates the unique charm of Chinese culture and subtly enhances the soft power of Chinese culture.

On the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen top-level design and strategic layout and build a three-dimensional and multi-layered communication system. On the basis of traditional mainstream communication channels, more clever forms of communication should be carefully created.

Based on the real needs of the people, we will give full play to the craftsmanship of excellent design teams and processing enterprises to launch products with rich cultural connotations and competitiveness. In this regard, "Forbidden City Cultural and Creative Industries" has given its own answer. As a museum that receives tens of millions of visitors every year, the Palace Museum has successively launched cultural and creative products such as Forbidden City passports, Forbidden City cat ornaments, Forbidden City lipstick, Forbidden City gold foil handmade soap, Chaozhu earphones, Imperial Palace bowls, Imperial Palace fans and other cultural and creative products, becoming China's most important museum. A business card that displays cultural heritage internally and spreads culture externally.

Recommended communication methods include original live broadcasts, such as the walking migration of wild Asian elephants, and communication communication with Chinese wisdom, such as Chinese education and culture. In this regard, Shanghai's basic education, especially mathematics education, can do more. The British education department once summarized the teaching methods of Shanghai mathematics teachers as the "Mastering Mathematics Model" and promoted it in the United Kingdom. It also recommended the use of Shanghai mathematics textbooks for grades one to six to thousands of schools in the country.

In addition, it is necessary to enhance the appeal, influence and recognition of people in developing countries. Research shows that compared with developed countries, audiences in developing countries have a higher evaluation of China's cultural soft power; respondents in the United States have a significantly lower evaluation of China's cultural soft power than those in China. This shows that strengthening international communication capacity building can be segmented into specific audiences in target countries and regions.

For example, start from friendly countries, regions and people, work intensively, continuously consolidate and expand traditional advantages, and make people in relevant countries and regions become "iron fans" of Chinese culture; we must analyze "depressions" in detail, dig deep into the crux behind them, and find out Breaking through points, breaking them into pieces, blooming scattered points, and using the power of value and market to carefully cultivate tens of thousands of "points". They are both individuals and groups; they act independently and are interconnected. "The sweet and bitter loneliness that burned deep in their minds prompted them to act for the common good" and united them.

"Touch point" was originally a concept in the field of integrated marketing, which refers to the place where information contact occurs between a brand and consumers. "Contact point" management in cultural communication requires paying attention to every opportunity that allows people to feel Chinese culture. The "point" here refers not only to people, such as foreign affairs receptionists, overseas students, tourists, etc., but also to objects, that is, daily consumables with cultural connotations that are frequently used in daily life.

Under the new situation, to launch various offensives at "key touch points", the key is to produce a rich range of daily consumables with creative value, such as clothing, hats, shoes and socks, food, tableware, cups and plates, umbrellas and fans, etc. Bags etc. It is necessary to make people at home and abroad excited to see it, feel generous and carefree, use it with pleasure and comfort, and make people unable to restrain themselves when thinking about it. Let people realize that Chinese culture is not an antique sealed in historical memory through ubiquitous use. Not usable, but alive, beautiful, and within reach.

You can launch an offensive at "key contact points", Xuelin's essay | Tell the story of Chinese civilization well
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