The Double Ninth Festival shows a different kind of luster, in the affectionate statement of Tang poetry

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 23:39 PM

"The maples on the riverside have fallen and the chrysanthemums have turned yellow, and the young man has climbed up to look at his hometown. Although the Tao family has been carrying wine for nine days, the Chu guests have been wearing clothes for three years." In the affectionate statement of the Tang poem, the Double Ninth Festival overflows with a special kind of luster.

In the fifth year of Zhenyuan, Emperor Dezong decreed that Zhonghe Festival, Shangsi Festival, and the 9th Day would be the "Three Orders Festival", and all civil and military officials would take a day off to "choose places to pursue rewards." This decree truly moved the Double Ninth Festival into a relatively pure realm of entertainment and entertainment, and changed the deep connotation of the festival.

There are many poems in Tang poetry that involve the custom of climbing high, such as Li Bai's "The weather is clear for nine days, and there are no autumn clouds when climbing high." The sky is high and the air is clear, overlooking the wilderness, you can relax and relax, showing a high-spirited, bright and clean style unique to the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

After the Anshi Rebellion, feeling the decline of the country's power, poets' poems once again revealed a rustling sound, such as Du Fu's "Drinking a cup of wine alone on the Double Ninth Festival, getting sick and going to the river to go to the stage", Liu Yuxi's "Every year I go to a high place, but I don't care." Not sad”.

Chrysanthemums often bloom in late autumn, but famous sayings such as "Chrysanthemums are not preferred among flowers, there will be no flowers after they bloom" and "I will kill hundreds of flowers after they bloom", which further highlights the nobility and pride of chrysanthemums.

Among various poems about chrysanthemum appreciation, Li Shangyin's "Chrysanthemum" is worthy of careful consideration: "Dark and lavender, melting yellow, pottery makes the fence color, and Luo Han's house is fragrant."

The words "Tao Ling" and "Luo Han" here use two allusions.

Luo Han, a scholar of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, served as an official and served as a servant. He was known as "the beauty of central Hunan" and "the beauty of Jiangzuo" at that time. He wrote "Records of Central Hunan". Luo Han resigned from office and returned home when he was old. "When he returned home, the courtyard suddenly became full of orchids and chrysanthemums. People at that time thought he was virtuous." It can be seen that "Fragrance in the house" emphasizes the highest virtue.

Tao Ling specifically refers to Tao Yuanming. His elegant and leisurely style of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and seeing the southern mountains leisurely" makes the "border color" naturally highlight a high and elegant style.

Tao Yuanming remained anonymous during his lifetime, and it was not until Liang Xiaotong 100 years later that he affirmed his reclusive character of "standing out from the crowd, being self-reliant and self-satisfied" in the "Preface to the Collection of Tao Yuanming".

In the Tang Dynasty, the world had more tendencies, affirmations and acceptance of Tao Yuanming. Typical examples include Li Bai, "I love Cui Qiupu, just like Tao Lingfeng"; Bai Juyi even went so far as to write sixteen poems "Xiao Tao Latent Body".

In this atmosphere, the chrysanthemum and Tao Yuanming merged more closely, becoming a symbol of nobility and seclusion, and integrated into the Double Ninth Festival, becoming a stable image.

For example, "It is rare to smile in this world, and you must put your head full of chrysanthemums." "The cold current in the Quchi is clean, and the chrysanthemums are blooming. The world is full of refreshment, and the autumn light in the terrace is clear." Frost. It's like today's singing and drinking banquet, and the white-headed man enters the youth field."

As recorded in Sun Simiao's "A Thousand Gold Prescriptions": "On the Double Ninth Festival, one must climb high and gaze into the distance with food and wine, as a feast for the occasion, so as to refresh one's autumn ambitions. The wine must be soaked with dogwood and chamomile, and returned after being drunk. "There is a kind of comfort in life in the peace and prosperity of our country.

It was also on the Double Ninth Festival that Wang Bo, an enthusiastic and talented man, wrote a famous line that has been passed down through the ages: "The falling clouds and the solitary swans fly together, and the autumn water becomes the same color as the sky."

The Double Ninth Festival shows a different kind of luster, in the affectionate statement of Tang poetry
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