"Resonance with Shanghai's Development and Innovation in China", Shanghai Yaoying Hospital: "International Medical Surgery | Services | Medical"

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 10:54 AM

One day in early 2023, in the operating room of Shanghai Yaoying Hospital, the urology and surgical center teams were busy.

Lying on the operating bed is an American patient named Edward, who is over sixty years old.

On that day, he took the first train alone from Suzhou to Shanghai and headed straight to the Shanghai Yaoying Hospital located on the Bund.

"My American friend said,

They have never enjoyed similar services themselves

A few months ago, Yao Ying Medical conducted a multidisciplinary consultation internally regarding Edward's situation. The patient's prostate enlargement has already affected their daily life, accompanied by a huge kidney cyst, and he also has various chronic diseases, making his health situation complex. Considering the patient's actual situation and strong demands, Yaoying Medical is prepared to provide him with a one-time solution to the problems of prostate hyperplasia and kidney cysts. The urology department, cardiology department, anesthesia department, imaging department, as well as the surgical center, nursing team and other clinical medical staff jointly held a meeting to finalize the relevant surgical plan for Edward.

"Resonance with Shanghai's Development and Innovation in China", Shanghai Yaoying Hospital: "International Medical Surgery | Services | Medical"

Thanks to the detailed preoperative preparation and the patient's full trust, the surgery proceeded very smoothly. In the well-equipped and meticulously cared single patient room, Edward chatted with his friends in the United States and Europe, who said they had not enjoyed similar services in Europe and America.

"It's really rare that there is such a hospital in the center of Shanghai that can provide me with comprehensive surgical and inpatient services, which completely exceeds my expectations."

Name: Shanghai Yaoying Hospital

Coordinate: Located on the Bund of Shanghai, it is only one street away from the famous Nanjing Road Walkway.

Interesting name: "Yao Ying", the first ray of light from the rising sun, symbolizes life, warmth, and hope, and is also the team's understanding and pursuit of medical care.

Future outlook: through "international medicine, Chinese innovation", relying on the chain medical network of "hospital+outpatient department" and the digital medical service of "Internet hospital+chronic disease management product", we will build a high-level medical team to provide patients with high-quality medical services of "general practice+specialty" and "online+offline".

"Resonance with Shanghai's Development and Innovation in China", Shanghai Yaoying Hospital: "International Medical Surgery | Services | Medical"

High quality healthcare - Beyond your expectations is the brand slogan of Yaoying Medical.

In 2016, according to the relevant policies in the 13th Five Year Plan, Shanghai's diversified and high-quality medical services ushered in a wave of development, and Yao Ying Medical was one of the outstanding representatives that emerged.

In more than seven years of development, Yaoying Medical has always resonated with the development trend of high-quality medical care in Shanghai. From taking the lead in introducing the service model of "general practice+specialty", to continuing to carry out international medical cooperation, launch the layout of the Yangtze River Delta, and then to carry out digital medical services such as Internet hospitals, Yaoying Medical not only continuously provides high-quality medical services for Chinese and foreign families and enterprises in Shanghai and its surrounding areas, but also contributes to the industrial development and business environment construction of Shanghai.

In December 2022, with the official opening of Shanghai Yaoying Hospital located on the Centennial Bund, Yaoying Medical has opened a comprehensive hospital and 6 outpatient departments in Shanghai, as well as one outpatient department each in Hangzhou and Suzhou. The "1+8" high-quality medical service chain network has officially taken shape in the Yangtze River Delta region.

What would a hospital that doesn't look like a hospital look like?

Entering the lobby of Yaoying Hospital located at 350 Jiangxi Middle Road, it may be difficult to connect this place with the hospital unless there is the word "hospital" outside the door.

"Resonance with Shanghai's Development and Innovation in China", Shanghai Yaoying Hospital: "International Medical Surgery | Services | Medical"

"Hello, can I help you?" As you arrived at the entrance area, the security guard in a white shirt opened the door for you. At the oval marble front desk that caught your eye, the customer service representative quickly stood up and greeted you with a smile, asking for the appointment department and time.

Image caption: The lobby of Yaoying Hospital

Behind them, there is a huge mosaic mural called "Night of the Bund". Above the head, the agile curves flow like the winding Pujiang River; Looking around, the wooden walls are inlaid with ArtDeco style metal patterns, gathering the profound cultural heritage of this land and land.

Arriving at the waiting area of the outpatient department on the second floor, you only need to sit on a chair, and the customer service staff will notify the nurse to come out and greet you. After completing all the consultation, examination, medication and other procedures, you need to go to the front desk to check out. If you are an insurance client who has signed a direct payment agreement, you only need to sign to leave.

If you are going to the VIP Health Management Center on the 6th floor, there will be an exclusive health butler to welcome you upstairs and enter different examination areas according to gender for changing clothes, ensuring maximum privacy. Sitting in the room, you will minimize walking throughout the entire physical examination, while nurses and doctors will walk through the center.

Image caption The VIP Health Management Centre on the 6th floor of the hospital

"Resonance with Shanghai's Development and Innovation in China", Shanghai Yaoying Hospital: "International Medical Surgery | Services | Medical"

No wonder someone commented that this is simply "the hospital that doesn't look like a hospital the most"!

However, a gorgeous appearance is not the key. As a comprehensive hospital based on providing professional and high-quality medical services, professionalism is the deeper pursuit of Yaoying.

The hospital has a building area of approximately 11000 square meters and a total of six floors. It has nearly 30 general and specialized consultation rooms, which can provide outpatient, surgical, and inpatient services. It also has 24-hour medical services and is equipped with multiple large equipment that meets international standards, which can meet different types of diagnosis and treatment needs. The hospital is equipped with 5 operating rooms and 2 endoscopic operating rooms, including a hundred level laminar flow operating room, a ten thousand level laminar flow operating room, and a DSA catheter room. The hospital also has single patient rooms and intensive care units, with a total of 40 beds, providing private and comfortable health services for customers in need.

"Patient safety is the top priority." According to Dr. Shi Haoying, founder and CEO of Yaoying Medical and Director of Cardiovascular Medicine, Yaoying Hospital is a hospital built on air purifiers - each room has an independent fresh air system, and the air flowing out of each room is filtered at the operating room level through "medium efficiency filtration". In addition, the hospital has set up negative pressure wards to meet the medical needs in special situations.

Image caption: VIP single ward of Yaoying Hospital - sleep monitoring

Shanghai Yaoying Hospital is still a "wireless hospital". It is reported that in order to facilitate the movement of patients, hidden wiring was adopted at the beginning of the construction of the ward to facilitate the use of wireless heart monitoring systems and other equipment by hospitalized patients in the hospital. In addition, the hospital has also invested high-tech equipment such as automatic dispensing devices in services to bring convenience to patients as much as possible while ensuring safety.

"Resonance with Shanghai's Development and Innovation in China", Shanghai Yaoying Hospital: "International Medical Surgery | Services | Medical"

Solving problems for patients is the key to healthcare

As a medical group founded and led by doctors, Yaoying Medical boasts a multidisciplinary team of doctors. It is reported that Yaoying currently has over 130 full-time doctors, over 200 part-time doctors, and more than 20 foreign doctors. Among them, 38% have a doctoral degree, 50% have overseas study or work experience, and 90% have work experience in a tertiary hospital. Dr. Shi Haoying, its founder, is a senior cardiologist who has hosted the first batch of heart failure clinics in China in a tertiary hospital.

Image caption: Dr. Shi Haoying, Founder and CEO of Yaoying Medical and Director of Cardiovascular Medicine

The key to medical care is to be able to solve problems for patients. Guided by this approach, Yaoying Medical continues to invest in disciplinary construction, cutting-edge technology, and other aspects. Now, Yaoying Medical has established 12 characteristic centers, including the Digestive Disease Center, Heart Diagnosis and Treatment Center, Endocrine Metabolism and Thyroid Center, Ophthalmology and Ophthalmology Optics Center, etc. Through the role of general practitioners as "health gatekeepers", and the in-depth understanding and medical solution capabilities of specialized doctors for specific diseases, Yaoying Medical has created an international high-quality service model for patients.

A patient's gastric submucosal tumor was successfully discovered in this pattern. During a health assessment at Yaoying Medical, this patient communicated with a general practitioner and stated that "there has been a sudden urge to wake up while sleeping at night recently.".

In order to identify the cause of nocturnal wakefulness, the general practitioner referred him to the otolaryngology department. The ear, nose, and throat doctor arranged for multi-channel sleep monitoring for the patient and discussed the results with the neurologist. It was determined that the correlation between the patient's nocturnal wakefulness and throat obstruction was relatively small. Therefore, it was recommended that the patient undergo a lung CT scan. The radiologist discovered a lump protruding from the outside into the stomach while reading the film. After receiving this feedback, the patient was immediately referred to a gastroenterologist, and ultimately confirmed through endoscopic examination that the mass was a submucosal tumor of the stomach with a diameter of over 5cm.

"Resonance with Shanghai's Development and Innovation in China", Shanghai Yaoying Hospital: "International Medical Surgery | Services | Medical"

Generally speaking, gastric submucosal tumors are asymptomatic in the early stages, but there is a potential risk of cancer transformation, and many people are already too late when symptoms appear. Fortunately, although the patient's gastric submucosal tumor was large, with the smooth cooperation of various departments of Yaoying Medical, the possible crisis was contained in the cradle.

In addition to playing the role of "general practice+specialty", the construction of a "medical integration" service system of "outpatient department+hospital" by Yaoying Medical Institute can also make the entire medical system more convenient to reach patients from different communities, and enable those in need to quickly obtain high-quality medical services.

Not long ago, a Russian patient came to the outpatient department of Shanghai Mall for treatment. He made a rapid change of direction while playing football, resulting in pain in his ankle. At the outpatient department, the attending doctor conducted a comprehensive evaluation of his condition and determined that the injury to the Achilles tendon required further surgical treatment. Quickly, the patient was referred to the 24-hour emergency outpatient department of Shanghai Yaoying Hospital, and a team of orthopedic experts were requested to quickly carry out consultations.

The Shouqing Director of the Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Department of Yao Ying Medical, who participated in the consultation, has served as a team doctor for the German Football Bundesliga Hannover 96 football team and the Basketball Bundesliga Brunswick Lions for many years. He was diagnosed with Achilles tendon rupture based on the patient's medical history and imaging examination, and immediate Achilles tendon repair surgery is required.

Image caption: Shouqing Director, Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Department, Yaoying Medical

The surgery ended quickly, and the patient was also very satisfied. The rehabilitation medical team also intervened as soon as possible after the surgery, guiding patients on how to perform basic recovery movements while wearing Achilles tendon boots, in order to help them return to normal life as soon as possible.

"Resonance with Shanghai's Development and Innovation in China", Shanghai Yaoying Hospital: "International Medical Surgery | Services | Medical"

"I was worried that I wouldn't be able to return to my home country for vacation, but now I can walk down the ground!"

In fact, Yao Ying Hospital has launched specialized ERAS services for this type of surgical patients. Starting from the formulation of the surgical plan, the goal is to reduce patient pain and promote patient recovery. Anesthesiologists, surgeons, nursing teams, rehabilitation teams, patient education teams, and others work together to develop the optimal exclusive plan for patients. Most patients receive ERAS services, which not only greatly reduce postoperative pain and enable many to walk immediately, but also shorten hospitalization time and restore normal life as soon as possible.

Dr. Shi Haoying introduced that in order to ensure clinical medical quality and safety, Yaoying has established a multi-level, three-dimensional, and all-round medical quality management system and institutional norms to ensure the level of medical services and medical safety.

International Medical, Chinese Innovation

It is understood that more than 50% of Yao Ying's medical team has experience working or studying abroad. But the management team has a clear understanding that truly benchmarking "international" services is far from simply "plating a layer of gold" overseas. "More importantly, in the high-end medical market today, the number of domestic patients has exceeded that of foreign patients, so it is crucial to integrate international service concepts into the local market," said Dr. Shi Haoying.

Image caption: More than half of the doctors have experience working or studying abroad

"Resonance with Shanghai's Development and Innovation in China", Shanghai Yaoying Hospital: "International Medical Surgery | Services | Medical"

As one of the representative institutions of high-quality medical care in Shanghai, Yaoying Medical has long been deeply cooperating with the world-renowned medical institution Mayo Clinic. From the medical service quality system to the design and construction of the hospital area, we have referred to Mayo Clinic's accumulated century long and highly acclaimed experience.

"There are advanced medical service concepts and mature standardized processes internationally, which are worth learning and learning from by domestic medical institutions, but they cannot be completely copied. Through years of accumulated experience in medical services for millions of people, Yaoying Medical has explored the service model of" International Medical, China Innovation ", rooted the concept of international medical care in China, and innovated in combination with China's clinical practice to build high-quality international medical care that truly meets China's national conditions and population.".

In addition to regular exchanges and regular cooperation with world-renowned medical institutions, Yaoying Medical also maintains close cooperation with domestic tertiary hospitals in professional fields. At the recently held "Bund Medical Hui" 2023 International High end Forum for High Quality Medical Development, the "Yaoying Medical Sub center of Shanghai Thyroid Disease Center" was officially unveiled and established. This marks that Yaoying Medical has established a more profound cooperation with the city level disease center in the field of endocrine specialty, and can provide patients with endocrine disease diagnosis and treatment services that meet the public tertiary standards.

Image caption: DSA intervention surgery team led by Professor Ouyang Feifan

"Yaoying is rooted in medical institutions in Shanghai, and we are deeply influenced by Shanghai's' embracing all rivers' temperament." Dr. Shi Haoying said that the development of Yaoying Medical over the years reflects Shanghai's efforts and achievements in diversified medical services. Due to its rigor and persistence in medical care, as well as its pursuit and dedication to service quality, Yaoying has gained the trust and praise of a large number of customers, and has also gained high recognition from peers in the industry. Over the past five or six years, Yaoying Medical's annual revenue has steadily increased by over 60%, achieving steady growth.

We believe that,

"Resonance with Shanghai's Development and Innovation in China", Shanghai Yaoying Hospital: "International Medical Surgery | Services | Medical"

Regardless of the type of medical institution,

High quality has always been the common pursuit of everyone.

No distinction between public and private, progress together,

This is what we expect.

Yao Ying will also continue to play a role,

Actively promote industry development. "

"Resonance with Shanghai's Development and Innovation in China", Shanghai Yaoying Hospital: "International Medical Surgery | Services | Medical"
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