The Yangtze River Delta

Pay attention to these issues. Citizens call 12345 to complain: Why is it suddenly not counted? The entire Yangtze River Delta is piloting
Pay attention to these issues. Citizens call 12345 to complain: Why is it suddenly not counted? The entire Yangtze River Delta is piloting

Qidong is one of the county-level cities closest to Shanghai. In the first half of this year, among the many cities in the Yangtze River Delta that tried the housing trade-in policy, Qidong started relatively early. In February of this year, Qidong Urban Investment Group launched the first batch of 50 places, which were snapped up in 8 minutes. Niu Xiangdong is one of the persons in charge of the old-for-new project of Qidong Urban Investment Group. In the past four months, he has been busy almost every day. "I held N meetings." As soon as we met, he lamented to the reporter that the company had been holding meetings almost every day for the old-for-new policy. With such an investment, the return is intuitive. Qidong Urban Investment gave a set of data: the first batch of customers who actually completed the transaction was 24 groups, with a total sales price of new houses of approximately 72.41 million yuan, a total purchase price of old houses of approximately 29.936 million yuan, and completed cash recovery of more than 40 million yuan, accounting for about

Only the market can persuade farmers to give up their homesteads.
Only the market can persuade farmers to give up their homesteads.

Recently, Nantong, Jiangsu, Fengyang, Anhui, Ezhou, Hubei and other places have introduced policies to encourage the abandonment and withdrawal of rural homesteads, which has attracted market attention. China's homestead system was established in the 1950s. Its main features are "collective ownership, use by members, one house per household, limited area, free distribution, and long-term use." Before the reform and opening up, this system was in line with the characteristics of the closed nature of traditional villages and the duality of social security, and played a certain role in ensuring the housing and production needs of farmers and the stability of rural society. However, with the development of the market economy and the advancement of urbanization, the urban-rural dual division system has gradually disintegrated, and the original homestead system has gradually become unsuitable for social and economic development. At present, with the large-scale influx of population into cities, the "hollowing out" of rural areas is becoming more and more serious, and many homesteads are idle all year round. Although farmers

Not in Xianju? , the ancestral place of Dongkui Yangmei
Not in Xianju? , the ancestral place of Dongkui Yangmei

Recently, the science and technology going to the countryside activity of the Bayberry Industry Promotion Branch of the China Agricultural Technology Extension Association was launched in Huangyan, and the activity will last until July 15. The purpose of this science and technology going to the countryside is nothing else but for Huangyan Dongkui Bayberry. When it comes to bayberry, the most famous is Xianju County, which also belongs to Taizhou. In fact, Huangyan has a long history of bayberry cultivation. It is one of the important bayberry production areas in Zhejiang Province. It is also the ancestral place of Dongkui Bayberry and the only "China's High-quality Bayberry Hometown" in the country. In order to promote the high-quality development of the bayberry industry, in recent years, Huangyan has relied on the unique advantages of the permanent venue of the Bayberry Industry Promotion Branch, actively connected with the expert team, and jointly built the China Bayberry Science and Technology Innovation Center with the Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Taizhou Science and Technology Vocational College, and cooperated in the Dongkui Bayberry unveiling project to enhance the digitalization and intelligence of the bayberry industry and create a bayberry brand culture.

Shanghai residents can now become "villagers" in Yu Village, Zhejiang
Shanghai residents can now become "villagers" in Yu Village, Zhejiang

Recently, people from Shanghai can go to Yu Village in Zhejiang to be "villagers." However, they are not real villagers, but "cloud villagers." "Yu Village Cloud Villagers" is an urban-rural breaking circle plan initiated by Yu Village in Anji, Zhejiang. Through five major sections of cloud adoption, cloud travel, cloud co-creation, cloud festivals, and cloud social networking, it creates a cloud-based interactive experience between urban youth and rural areas, organizes and plans offline integration scenes, and allows more young people to experience the beautiful rural life at close range and participate in rural revitalization. In early April this year, "Yu Village Cloud Villagers" was officially launched. Just search for the WeChat applet "Yu Village Cloud Villagers" to complete the registration with one click, and receive the "Cloud Villager Electronic ID Card" and a personalized AI image. In the cloud adoption module, "Cloud Villagers" can also obtain a one-meter vegetable garden in the applet, take cloud photos with the vegetable garden, and show off the fields in the circle of friends. At present, it has

Who will become the "Memphis" of the Yangtze River Delta? ,Wuhu, Jiaxing, Nantong
Who will become the "Memphis" of the Yangtze River Delta? ,Wuhu, Jiaxing, Nantong

Recently, there have been continuous news about the construction of a world-class airport cluster in the Yangtze River Delta driven by the participation of private enterprises. On June 28, Wuhu Xuanzhou Airport will officially open its first international cargo route-Wuhu direct flight to Hanoi, Vietnam. This route operated by JD Cargo Airlines will help Wuhu's air cargo hub construction achieve a "zero" breakthrough; on June 17, the Ministry of Civil Affairs issued an announcement: With the approval of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, the new Jiaxing Airport will be named Jiaxing Nanhu Airport. This airport is expected to be completed in June next year, and its future positioning is to be the first professional international cargo hub in the Yangtze River Delta. As early as June 2020, YTO Jiaxing Global Aviation Logistics Hub-Oriental Tiandi Port project signed a contract to settle in the airport. The recent planned annual cargo and mail throughput is 1.1 million tons, which will increase to 2.4 million tons by 2050. Aiming at "cargo", why don't the two airports meet

[Yangtze River Delta Daily] A deputy mayor of Taizhou City was dismissed
[Yangtze River Delta Daily] A deputy mayor of Taizhou City was dismissed

1. Liu Zhiming, dismissed from office According to "Taizhou Release", on June 25, the 17th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Sixth People's Congress of Taizhou City passed a list of appointments and dismissals, and Liu Zhiming was dismissed from the post of deputy mayor of Taizhou Municipal People's Government. On April 26, "Clean Jiangsu" announced that Liu Zhiming, member of the Party Leadership Group and deputy mayor of Taizhou Municipal People's Government, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, and was undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Jiangsu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. Public information shows that Liu Zhiming, male, Han nationality, was born in August 1972. He joined the Communist Party of China in June 2000 and is a graduate student of the Party School of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee. He was formerly deputy director of the Jingjiang Municipal Party Committee Office, secretary of the Party Committee of Xinqiao Town, Jingjiang City, member of the Standing Committee of the Hailing District Party Committee, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Hailing Industrial Park, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jingtai Road Sub-district, deputy secretary-general of the Taizhou Municipal Party Committee, and director of the Research Office

Is 50,000 yuan enough? Nantong and Fengyang encourage farmers to "give up their homesteads and buy houses in the city"
Is 50,000 yuan enough? Nantong and Fengyang encourage farmers to "give up their homesteads and buy houses in the city"

Recently, Nantong, Jiangsu, Fengyang, Anhui and other places have issued notices to encourage farmers to withdraw from homesteads and buy houses in cities, and give certain housing purchase rewards to those who buy newly built commercial housing in designated areas. As soon as the news came out, it quickly attracted people's attention on social platforms. However, the reporter learned in the interview that some local policies have been implemented for some time, but so far, there has not been a successful case. On June 20, the official Weibo of "China Fengyang" issued a notice on "Several Measures to Further Promote the Stable and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market", pointing out that "rewards for withdrawing from homesteads will be given". From June 20, 2024 to December 31, 2024, for projects included in the 2024 land increase and decrease scope and the county housing acquisition leading group office Determined to be included in the acquisition scope

[Yangtze River Delta Daily] The new mayor of Wuhan has worked in Zhejiang for a long time
[Yangtze River Delta Daily] The new mayor of Wuhan has worked in Zhejiang for a long time

1. Sheng Yuechun was elected mayor of Wuhan. He had worked in Zhejiang for a long time. On the afternoon of June 24, the second plenary session of the fourth session of the 15th Wuhan Municipal People's Congress was held. Sheng Yuechun was elected mayor of Wuhan after voting by the congress. On May 28 this year, the 18th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 15th Municipal People's Congress was held. The meeting decided to accept Cheng Yongwen's resignation as mayor of the Wuhan Municipal People's Government. Nominated by the chairman's meeting of the Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee, the meeting voted and passed unanimously to appoint Sheng Yuechun as deputy mayor of the Wuhan Municipal People's Government, and decided that Sheng Yuechun would be the acting mayor of the Wuhan Municipal People's Government. According to the public resume, Sheng Yuechun, male, Han nationality, was born in March 1968. He has a university degree, a master's degree in public administration, and is a member of the Communist Party of China. He has worked in Hangzhou for a long time. He has served as deputy director of the Hangzhou Environmental Protection Bureau and deputy director of the Hangzhou Municipal People's Government.

Will become a teacher at Nanjing Normal University, [Yangtze River Delta Daily] Olympic champion Hui Ruoqi graduated with a doctorate
Will become a teacher at Nanjing Normal University, [Yangtze River Delta Daily] Olympic champion Hui Ruoqi graduated with a doctorate

1. Olympic champion Hui Ruoqi graduates from Nanjing Normal University On June 19, at the 2024 graduate graduation ceremony of Nanjing Normal University, former captain of the Chinese women's volleyball national team, Olympic champion, and 2024 doctoral graduate of the School of Physical Education of Nanjing Normal University Hui Ruoqi graduated. It is reported that after graduation, Hui Ruoqi will join the School of Physical Education of Nanjing Normal University as a teacher. She said, "I hope to bring what I have learned to students in future teaching, not only through sports programs to let them gain a healthy body, but also hope that they can gain a strong heart." 2. Xin'anjiang Reservoir begins to discharge floodwaters. Taking into account the continuous heavy rainfall in Shexian County and Chun'an upstream of Anhui Province, according to the instructions of the Provincial Water Resources Department, Jiande City Xin'anjiang Reservoir opened a gate to discharge floodwaters today. This is the sixth anniversary of the completion and operation of Xin'anjiang Reservoir.

But there is Batai, my hometown has no cattle and sheep
But there is Batai, my hometown has no cattle and sheep

After the broadcast of "My Altay", many people announced that they regarded Altay as their spiritual hometown. But I don't know why, the more beautiful the grassland is, the more it reminds me of my hometown. The town where I was born and grew up is no different from any other small town in the south of the Yangtze River. There is a small river running through the town. On both sides of the river are several houses occupying good terrain. There are also several alleys between the houses leading to the outer streets and lanes. The whole town is centered on a crossroads and is divided into four streets: east, south, west, and north. The crossroads was built into a street garden in the 1980s. It is a landmark of the town. The so-called street garden actually has no garden. It is surrounded by iron chains and concrete piers. In the center is a traffic police booth for directing traffic. After dinner, people say to their families: I'm going to the street garden. This is a place for a walk after dinner and to meet neighbors.

The most fragrant mugwort that Su Dongpo ever smelled was in Xuzhou
The most fragrant mugwort that Su Dongpo ever smelled was in Xuzhou

In February of the third year of Yuanfeng in the Northern Song Dynasty, Su Shi was able to save his life from prison. However, the shadow of the Wudai Poems Case still loomed over him, and he was subsequently demoted by the court to Huangzhou as the deputy envoy of militia. When he first arrived in Huangzhou, he had no relatives and was short of money. Fortunately, with the help of his friends, Su Shi applied to the government for a piece of wasteland, and sighed that "a few acres of wasteland are left for me to live in." The wasteland was originally an old camp of the government. Because Su Shi reclaimed it and brought it back to life, it was named "Dongpo" by the new owner. The owner of the garden called himself "Dongpo Jushi" - one of the most shining figures in the history of Chinese culture, and Su Dongpo was born. It was also in this year of complete transformation that Su Dongpo improvised "Eight Poems of Dongpo", and mugwort appeared in one of the poems: "Since ancient times, there has been a small spring, coming from the back of a distant ridge. Passing through the city and the settlements, it flows with evil and strong mugwort." In Su Dongpo's other poems, it can also be seen.

There is really a lilac-like girl in the Lilac Lane of Suzhou
There is really a lilac-like girl in the Lilac Lane of Suzhou

In the south of the Yangtze River, rainy days and alleys are a perfect match. There is indeed a Lilac Lane in the city of Suzhou, which is a branch lane on Pingjiang Road. The origin of the name "Lilac" Lane may come from Ding Wei, the "Five Poison Prime Minister" of the Northern Song Dynasty. Ding Wei was extremely intelligent since childhood and "never forgot what he read", but he was criticized by the world as an official. It is said that at an official banquet, he wiped the beard of his superior Kou Zhun with his own hands, regardless of his decency. Kou Zhun was very contemptuous and rebuked him in public: "A minister of politics, a minister of the country, is brushing the beard of an official?" The people of his hometown were even more ashamed of this, and renamed the lane where he lived "Lilac Lane", trying to use the strong fragrance of lilac to wash away the stench of Ding Wei's name. Most of the Lilac Lanes are bungalows with tiled houses, which is quite in line with the original "powder-style" Suzhou. The pink walls have grown so white over the years that they look like freshly cooked soy milk; the black tiles are also so low that tall people only need to stand on tiptoe to touch them.

Who dares to say that they are the "number one" in the Yangtze River Delta?
Who dares to say that they are the "number one" in the Yangtze River Delta?

Jiangsu gardens are the best in the world. In addition to Suzhou and Yangzhou, Nanjing is also full of heavyweight gardens, among which the most famous is Zhanyuan. The plaque "The First Garden of Jinling" hanging at the gate of Zhanyuan is very conspicuous. "The First Garden of Jinling" was described as "The First Garden of Southern Capital" in the Ming Dynasty. It seems that this famous garden is recognized as the "first" in ancient and modern times. In Jiangnan, the "first" title of many gardens often breaks through the city scope and extends to a wider geographical space. Taizhou Qiao Garden is known as the "First Garden of Huaizuo", Huai'an Qingyan Garden is also known as the "First Garden of Jianghuai", Hu Family Garden in Shuyang, Suqian is rated as the "First Garden of Huaihai", and Yanshan Garden in Taicang, Suzhou has won the title of "The First Garden in Southeast". "First" is not only used in a specific space, but also can interpret the primary position in a specific period. Nantong Rugao Shuihui Garden is known as "

[Yangtze River Delta Daily] Former chairman of a bank in Jiangsu is under investigation
[Yangtze River Delta Daily] Former chairman of a bank in Jiangsu is under investigation

1. The former chairman of a bank in Jiangsu was investigated. Li Yiping, the former party secretary and chairman of Jiangsu Yancheng Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd., was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law. He is currently undergoing disciplinary review by the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Provincial Rural Credit Cooperatives Union dispatched by the Jiangsu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision and an investigation by the Yancheng Municipal Supervision Committee. Public information shows that Li Yiping, male, was born in 1965 in Yancheng, has a bachelor's degree, is a member of the Communist Party of China, and has served as the party secretary and chairman of Jiangsu Yancheng Rural Commercial Bank, and vice president of the Yancheng Charity Federation. 2. Huangshan Scenic Area closed some scenic spots and hiking trails. On June 20, the Huangshan Scenic Area Management Committee issued an announcement that some scenic spots and hiking trails in Huangshan Scenic Area were closed. The Huangshan City Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters issued a notice to upgrade the third-level emergency response for flood control to the second level. To ensure that the majority of tourists to the mountain

Taking the lead in violating discipline and law, as the main person in charge of the Party Committee of a public hospital, [Yangtze River Delta Daily] Hu Shilian
Taking the lead in violating discipline and law, as the main person in charge of the Party Committee of a public hospital, [Yangtze River Delta Daily] Hu Shilian

1. Hu Shilian, as the main person in charge of the Party Committee of a public hospital, took the lead in violating discipline and law. According to the Anhui Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision on June 19: Recently, with the approval of the Anhui Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Anhui Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision filed a case for review and investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Hu Shilian, the former Party Secretary of Anhui Provincial Hospital. After investigation, it was found that Hu Shilian, as the main person in charge of the Party Committee of a public hospital, lost his party spirit and principles, betrayed his original mission, took the lead in violating discipline and law, seriously polluted the political ecology of the unit, was not loyal and honest to the Party, resisted organizational review, and did not truthfully explain the problem during the organizational interview; violated the spirit of the Central Committee's eight regulations, accepted property that may affect the fair performance of official duties; ignored discipline and rules, and illegally sought personnel benefits for others; interfered in the procurement of medical equipment and the bidding of engineering projects; alienated his view of power and distorted his view of family affection, and used his power to gain benefits.

Hongqiao International Central Business District should strive to reduce costs
Hongqiao International Central Business District should strive to reduce costs

From November 28 to December 2, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized during his inspection in Shanghai that “we must further enhance the energy level of the Hongqiao International Open Hub and continue to run the CIIE and other large two-way open platforms.” On November 30, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the symposium on deepening the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta that “we must further enhance the radiation energy level of the Hongqiao International Open Hub.” As the “core” of the Hongqiao International Open Hub, the Hongqiao International Central Business District must play a leading role in improving its energy level and radiation level. It must create a higher density of “poles within poles” and “cores within cores.” Among them, building a low-cost, cost-effective business district is the key. This year, Shanghai has successively issued the “Shanghai Policy Measures to Reduce the Burden on Enterprises and Support the Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises” and the “Notice on Further Improving the Energy Level of the Hongqiao International Open Hub.”

But still have to eat boxed lunch on the train?, passing through so many gourmet cities, taking the Yangtze River Delta Grand Loop Tour
But still have to eat boxed lunch on the train?, passing through so many gourmet cities, taking the Yangtze River Delta Grand Loop Tour

Last Saturday, the G8388 high-speed train departed from Shanghai Station and ended at Shanghai Hongqiao Station. As the first circular high-speed railway across three provinces and one city in the Yangtze River Delta, it is known as the "Yangtze River Delta Super Loop High-speed Railway". The reporter boarded the first train that day and experienced the entire journey. In fact, the full running time of 8 hours and 9 minutes and the full ticket price of 591 yuan still failed to stop the enthusiasm of some train fans and Shanghai citizens to take the high-speed rail to "go around in a circle" in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui. When it was about to arrive at Shanghai Hongqiao Station, a train fan told that although a few days had passed, this circular high-speed railway was still attracting much attention, and the imagination space it brought was still worth recalling and thinking about. Some experts have suggested that the circular high-speed railway is expected to become the "golden tourism circle" of the Yangtze River Delta-the train passes through Shanghai on the banks of the Huangpu River, Suzhou, the Jiangnan garden, and Wuxi, the pearl of Taihu Lake.

It is better to do something practical! For example, cancel the real-name reservation for scenic spots, instead of "squeezing" the director of the Tourism Bureau
It is better to do something practical! For example, cancel the real-name reservation for scenic spots, instead of "squeezing" the director of the Tourism Bureau

The day before the Dragon Boat Festival, Suzhou announced the "cancellation of real-name reservations": except for the Humble Administrator's Garden, Lingering Garden, Tiger Hill, Lion Grove, Suzhou Museum, Zhouzhuang Ancient Town, Tongli Ancient Town, and Suzhou Amusement Park, all other A-level scenic spots, cultural venues, and religious venues in Suzhou have canceled real-name reservations. In fact, before Suzhou's adjustment, some scenic spots and cultural venues in Shanghai, Beijing, and Shenyang had also canceled the real-name reservation system for visits. On June 10, the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism issued an announcement reiterating this principle. At the same time, the reservation mechanism for Suzhou Garden Cards has also changed recently. Previously, most of the gardens in Suzhou required online reservations to enter. Even if you hold a garden card, when tourists arrive at the entrance of the attraction, you see that there are not many people inside, but you still have to take out your mobile phone to operate online before you can enter. After the adjustment, Suzhou Garden Cards are only

[Yangtze River Delta Daily] The Stanford PhD who took the civil service exam was once a local "study god"
[Yangtze River Delta Daily] The Stanford PhD who took the civil service exam was once a local "study god"

1. The Stanford PhD who took the civil service exam was once a local "academic god." The proposed recruitment of Su, a PhD from Stanford University, as a township civil servant in Anhui Province has sparked heated discussions. In response to this matter, a staff member of the Lingbi County Government Affairs Management Center stated that there had been no applicants from foreign prestigious universities on the public announcement list in the past, "this year should be the first case." The staff member further pointed out that Su was from Xiao County, Suzhou, Anhui, and Xiao County is not far from Lingbi County. The staff of the Propaganda Department of the Lingbi County Party Committee also further confirmed that Su was from Xiao County and that it is still in the public announcement stage, and the specific position has not yet been assigned. It was also reported that Su studied at the University of Science and Technology of China for his undergraduate degree, and was awarded the Guo Moruo Scholarship. He ranked second in the county in science in the college entrance examination. His junior and senior high school alumni said that he was like a "academic god" and that "he made a small mistake in the college entrance examination." On the evening of June 16, Suzhou Pioneer

Nor is she a technical secondary school student. If the "genius girl" is not from northern Jiangsu
Nor is she a technical secondary school student. If the "genius girl" is not from northern Jiangsu

Overnight, Jiang Ping became the most popular girl on the Chinese Internet. Jiang Ping's story is as perfect as a fairy tale: a 17-year-old girl from northern Jiangsu who was studying fashion design at a technical secondary school in her hometown was accidentally discovered by her teacher to have a talent for mathematics; then, under the guidance of her teacher, with this talent and great passion for mathematics, she won the 12th place and entered the finals of the International Mathematics Competition alongside contestants from well-known domestic and foreign universities, becoming the only technical secondary school student to qualify. "Genius girl" swept the entire network, and doubts about the authenticity of Jiang Ping's results also emerged. After experiencing various "deification" incidents in the past, such doubts have become a kind of "stress response" in the Internet public opinion field. But it is also worth noting that in addition to rational discussions and analyses based on academics and professions, there are also many rumors surrounding Jiang Ping.

Planned to be recruited as a township civil servant in Anhui, [Yangtze River Delta Daily] This Stanford University Ph.D.
Planned to be recruited as a township civil servant in Anhui, [Yangtze River Delta Daily] This Stanford University Ph.D.

1. This Stanford University Ph.D. is planned to be recruited as a township civil servant in Anhui Province. On the evening of June 16, Suzhou Pioneer Network released the "Announcement of Candidates to be Recruited for Suzhou City's 2024 Civil Service Examination and Recruitment". Among the candidates to be recruited, there is a candidate from Stanford University with a doctorate degree. He applied for a grassroots affairs management position in a township agency in Lingbi County. The candidate applied for the position code 040167. According to the previous announcement of Anhui Province's 2024 Civil Service Examination and Recruitment, the position with the code 040167 recruited 2 people in total, engaged in public services, rural civilization construction, rural revitalization and other grassroots comprehensive management work, 1 in Weiji Town, Lingbi County, and 1 in Xiangyang Town. After recruitment, candidates will choose their positions according to the total score ranking. The job qualifications and requirements are: for people with local household registration, 5 contracts will be signed after recruitment.

The student is a PhD student from Zhejiang University, [Yangtze River Delta Daily] Hangzhou vocational high school students born in the 2000s won a world gold medal
The student is a PhD student from Zhejiang University, [Yangtze River Delta Daily] Hangzhou vocational high school students born in the 2000s won a world gold medal

1. A post-00 vocational high school student in Hangzhou won a world gold medal, and the student is a doctoral student from Zhejiang University. Recently, the popular "night school" of the Zhejiang Provincial Cultural Center ushered in the last class of the spring session. In the cooking training classroom of Zhejiang Tourism Vocational College, Wang Shuai, a boy born after 1995, stared at the cooking table intently, and did not forget to take notes on his mobile phone memo. His other label is a doctor of medicine from Zhejiang University. For 8 consecutive weekends, Wang Shuai got up early at 6:30 in the morning and took the subway for more than an hour from the Zijingang Campus of Zhejiang University to attend class. The Western food teacher on the stage was the youngest person in the audience - Yan Han, a quasi-"post-00" boy, a national technical expert, and the gold medalist of this year's World Olympic Cooking Competition. Yan Han, born in 1999, loves cooking. At the age of 15, he enrolled in a vocational high school in his hometown to study cooking. With his outstanding performance in various competitions

Why does it cost 591 yuan to go from Shanghai Station to Shanghai Hongqiao Station? This 78-year-old Shanghai citizen
Why does it cost 591 yuan to go from Shanghai Station to Shanghai Hongqiao Station? This 78-year-old Shanghai citizen

At 10:27 a.m. on the 15th, the G8388 high-speed train departed from Shanghai Station. This is the first circular high-speed train across the three provinces and one city in the Yangtze River Delta, known as the "Yangtze River Delta Super Loop High-speed Train". Early that morning, 78-year-old Shanghai citizen Gong Benyuan set out from his home in Xuhui and took bus No. 41 to Shanghai Railway Station. He arrived at the station at 9 a.m. to wait for the train. He was going to take this circular high-speed train. He excitedly told Gong Benyuan holding the full-journey ticket for the circular high-speed train that the G8388/9/8 train stopped at 21 stations including Shanghai, Nanjing South, Hefei South, Chizhou, Qiandao Lake, Hangzhou East, and Shanghai Hongqiao. The one-way mileage exceeded 1,200 kilometers, and the entire travel time was 8 hours and 9 minutes. For the first time, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui were connected into a "circle" through the circular train product, making the "Long Road on the Track"

Has been appointed as the Party Secretary of the Provincial Public Security Department, [Yangtze River Delta Daily] Anhui's new deputy governor
Has been appointed as the Party Secretary of the Provincial Public Security Department, [Yangtze River Delta Daily] Anhui's new deputy governor

1. The new deputy governor of Anhui has been appointed as the secretary of the Party Committee of the Provincial Public Security Department. The update of the "Organization Leadership" column on the website of the Anhui Provincial Public Security Department shows that Qin Weiguo is currently the deputy governor and member of the Party Leadership Group of the People's Government of Anhui Province, secretary of the Party Committee of the Provincial Public Security Department, nominee for director of the Provincial Public Security Department, Inspector General, deputy secretary of the Provincial Political and Legal Affairs Commission, and secretary of the Huaibei Municipal Party Committee. Leading the overall work of the Public Security Department. According to the public resume, Qin Weiguo, male, Zhuang nationality, was born in June 1970. He has a postgraduate degree, a doctorate in management, and is a member of the Communist Party of China. He has served as a deputy, full-time, and full-time position in a provincial enterprise department, deputy secretary, county magistrate, and secretary of a county party committee, deputy position in a special agency directly under the autonomous region government, deputy mayor of a prefecture-level city, full-time position in a provincial enterprise, deputy secretary-general of the provincial government, member of the Party Leadership Group of the General Office, deputy secretary, mayor, and secretary of a prefecture-level city party committee, etc. On May 31,

The most calculating city in the Yangtze River Delta is Wuhu?
The most calculating city in the Yangtze River Delta is Wuhu?

On June 14, the Wuhu Data Center Cluster, an important hub node of the "East Data West Computing" project, was officially launched. The cluster will provide ultra-large-scale computing services to the Yangtze River Delta and the central region. According to the plan, the Wuhu Data Center Cluster will undertake 1/3 of the computing power needs of the Yangtze River Delta in the future. Computing power is an important resource element to support the development of new quality productivity such as artificial intelligence technology. At present, my country's total computing power scale ranks second in the world, but it still faces problems such as the relatively insufficient scale of intelligent computing power. As one of the regions with the most active economic development and the strongest innovation capabilities in China, the demand for computing power in the Yangtze River Delta region has also risen. Faced with the future gap in computing power supply, the launch of the Wuhu cluster is just in time. Wuhu, Anhui has good conditions for large-scale clustering of data centers, and the fiber optic network can directly reach hot cities in East China and Central China.

Why did this small county in Jiangbei hold the "Feidi Cup" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in Shanghai?
Why did this small county in Jiangbei hold the "Feidi Cup" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in Shanghai?

Today, Jiangsu Rudong went to Shanghai to hold a talent and technology docking symposium. Naturally, many places in the Yangtze River Delta have come to Shanghai for promotion and discussion. What makes reporters curious is that this event is the "Enclave Cup·New Rudong People" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. Unlike the previous competitions held in Rudong, Jiangsu, a small county in Jiangbei, Zhu Aimei, deputy director of the Organization Department of Rudong County Party Committee and director of the County Talent Office, introduced that this is the first time that the Enclave Cup competition has been held outside of Rudong, in order to more deeply connect with Shanghai's "enclave" talent project resources and promote the implementation and transformation of high-quality talent science and technology projects. During the event, the Collaborative Innovation Research Institute of the National Engineering Research Center for Urban Pollution Control of Tongji University was officially unveiled. Wherever there are innovative resources, you can see the "figures" of the Yangtze River Delta cities. In recent years, the "science and technology enclaves" created by the Yangtze River Delta cities in Shanghai have continued to emerge and become

Don't tell me... Don't tell me, the English name of coriander is stink bug
Don't tell me... Don't tell me, the English name of coriander is stink bug

Mr. Liang Shiqiu wrote about a Henan restaurant making stir-fried shredded eel. The eel is cut into shreds one or two inches long, stir-fried with lard over high heat, and a little coriander and salt are added. No other ingredients are needed. The eel fried in this way has white meat, a little crispness, and is very delicious. I have never understood what coriander is. I think it is a kind of side dish in the north. There is a small flower bed on the balcony. My family planted basil, jasmine and the like, but they didn't take care of them and let them grow wildly. One day I finally remembered to water them. I opened the window and saw that fortunately there was plenty of rain in spring, and the grass and trees were full of vitality. Two of them had grown to nearly one meter tall and were covered with white flowers. They looked quite beautiful, but I didn't recognize them. I used the tool on my mobile phone to check and found that they were coriander. I looked it up and realized that it was cilantro. The name of cilantro is so quaint. I remember that it didn't exist when I was a child. It must have been introduced from the north. In the past, transportation was inconvenient and there was a lot of traffic between regions.

There is a peach tree planted by a peach fairy in Tonglu
There is a peach tree planted by a peach fairy in Tonglu

The peach trees in Yangshanfan, Hengcun Town, Tonglu are a little different from what I imagined. The peach trees here have thick branches and are full of strength. Unlike ornamental peach blossoms, they are like well-trained soldiers, and even the petals are not that frivolous and weak, but thicker - every flower is full of strength. Compared with ornamental peach blossoms, fruiting is their most important mission. Wang Jingen is the chairman of the Yangshanfan Peach Cooperative in Hengcun Town. Speaking of the history of peach planting in Yangshanfan, it has been 160 years, and the peach trees were originally planted on the mountain. Wang Jingen's grandfather planted peaches, and his father planted peaches. He recalled that when he was a child, he saw his father carrying a shoulder pole of peaches to Tonglu County to sell. His father's shoulders are strong and powerful, like the rocks on the top of Tongjun Mountain, able to withstand all kinds of gravity and hardships. The money from selling two baskets of peaches can be exchanged for oil, salt and sugar for the family.

The "rice-killing hammer" is on the table
The "rice-killing hammer" is on the table

From mid-April to early May, cuttlefish enter the Dachen fishing ground to spawn. In the past, from the beginning of summer to the full moon, cuttlefish flourished in the East China Sea, forming a spectacular cuttlefish season. Fishing boats of all sizes drove to the Dachen fishing grounds, using fire to lure, cages to catch, or combs to drag - the locals call it raking cuttlefish, just like raking grains in autumn. If the cuttlefish cannot be eaten, they are dried or salted. In eastern Zhejiang, lightly dried cuttlefish roe is called dried roe, and those salted with heavy salt are called cuttlefish dates, also called Ming roe. Ming roe is a kind of salted fish. The cuttlefish bones are pulled out, the ink sac is taken out, coarse salt is applied inside and outside, and the head is stuffed into the belly, and then coarse salt is stuffed in. The shape is like a round jujube, and it is neatly arranged vertically in a ceramic jar, and then sprinkled with coarse salt. The rest is left to God. Marinate for about a week, then put it in the sun for two or three days, and it can be eaten. For those with strong taste, they will marinate several times, marinate and dry them,

What's the point? I took all the Sprite in the refrigerator and went to Fuyang Huyuanxi to stay in a B&B
What's the point? I took all the Sprite in the refrigerator and went to Fuyang Huyuanxi to stay in a B&B

At the entrance of the village is the Meizhou Dam, and below it is the Huyuan Creek. Its name is the creek, also known as the Huyuan River. It flows through Pujiang, Tonglu, and Zhuji. The Huyuan Creek enters Fuyang from Huyuan Township. It is 39 kilometers long with a drop of 60 meters. It is noisy all the way to Shuangxi Village, and then flows northward into the Fuchun River. At this moment, a bridge can be seen from a distance. That is the Longlin Dam, a popular tourist attraction. It is "hand-built" with underwater steps like scales on the back of a fish, causing the water to splash and rush. So far, it has not reduced its fighting spirit, and it is endless. The superposition and bursting make a magnificent picture of the beautiful mountains and rivers of a hundred miles. Standing on the dam, looking at the aura flowing from the deep stream below, and the rising mist, it brings to life the peaks and forests of the distant mountains. Further away is a mountain in Pujiang County, a hundred miles away. The top of the mountain is like a pot, called Hushan, and the source is like a pot, called Jiuhu.