Zha Xianyou is appointed as Secretary of the Party Committee of Minzu University of China

Release time:May 10, 2024 14:45 PM

On the afternoon of May 10, 2024, the University for Nationalities of China held a meeting of cadres at the division level and above throughout the school and announced the decision of the Party Group of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China on the appointment and removal of the Secretary of the Party Committee of the University for Nationalities of China. Comrade Zha Xianyou, a full-time member of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, concurrently serves as the Party Secretary of the University for Nationalities of China. Comrade Zhang Jingze no longer serves as the Party Secretary, Party Standing Committee member, and Party Committee member of the University for Nationalities of China.

Bianba Zhaxi, deputy director of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission and member of the Party Leadership Group, and Li Junfeng, deputy secretary of the Education Working Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee in charge of daily work, attended the meeting and delivered speeches.

Bianba Zhaxi emphasized that the Minzu University of China must thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, always adhere to the political foundation of the school, firmly support the "two establishments", resolutely achieve the "two safeguards", and focus on building a strong Chinese nation. We must adhere to the main line of community awareness, deepen the construction of "double first-class", focus on strengthening self-construction, promote comprehensive and strict governance of the party, effectively integrate thoughts and actions into the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, work together to overcome difficulties, and promote various projects of the University for Nationalities of China We have achieved new results in our work and made greater contributions to the cause of national unity and progress.

Li Junfeng said that the Education Working Committee of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China will continue to care about and support the construction and development of the University for Nationalities of China, and will continue to support the work of the school’s party and government leadership, and strive to provide guarantees and provide good services for the development and construction of the University of Minzu of China.

Zhang Jingze said that he resolutely obeys and supports the decision of the Party Group of the National Ethnic Affairs Commission, will bear in mind his identity as a Communist Party member, and will always be an advocate, propagandist and practitioner of the awareness of the Chinese nation's community. I wish the school to continue to write new glory and create new brilliance on its new journey of achieving high-quality development.

Zha Xianyou expressed that he fully supports and resolutely obeys the decision of the Party Group of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission. Under the strong leadership of the Party Group, he will work with the school leadership team and all teachers and students of the school to unite, be of one heart and one mind, seek truth and be pragmatic, and work hard to achieve the goal of Make new and greater contributions to building a powerful country in education and promoting national unity and progress.

Guo Guangsheng, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and President of Minzu University of China, presided over the meeting. Relevant comrades from relevant departments of the National Ethnic Affairs Commission, the Organization Department of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, and the Education Working Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee attended the meeting.

Zha Xianyou is appointed as Secretary of the Party Committee of Minzu University of China
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