What an amazing scene! The Israeli representative shattered the United Nations Charter in public

Release time:May 11, 2024 06:59 AM

According to @CCTV international news, late at night on May 10th, Beijing time, the 10th emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly considered the issue of admitting Palestine as a new member state of the United Nations and voted to pass a resolution granting Palestine more rights.

In his speech before the vote began, Israel's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Edan, used a small paper shredder to shred a copy of the United Nations Charter at the General Assembly site to express his opposition to the special session.

After the resolution was passed, Israeli Foreign Minister Katz issued a statement saying, "The decision of the United Nations General Assembly to elevate Palestine's status in the United Nations is a 'reward for Hamas.' This decision highlights the 'structural bias' of the United Nations against Israel. The United Nations has become An 'insignificant institution'".

On the morning of May 10, local time, at the request of many countries, the 10th Emergency Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly resumed. The meeting considered the issue of admitting Palestine as a new member state of the United Nations and adopted a resolution granting Palestine more rights.

During the voting, 193 member states passed the resolution with an absolute majority of 143 votes in favor, 9 votes against, and 25 abstentions. The United States, Israel and others voted against it.

According to the United Nations Charter, admission of new members must be approved by the Security Council and the General Assembly at the same time. UN General Assembly resolutions are not binding on member states but are expressions of international will but are implemented by UN agencies.

In addition to reiterating the "two-state solution" to the Palestinian-Israeli issue, the resolution confirmed that Palestine is eligible for membership in the United Nations Charter and recommended that the Security Council reconsider Palestine's application.

In addition, the resolution decided to grant Palestine more UN rights, including sitting among member states in alphabetical order, the right to propose and introduce proposals, and participation in the bureau seats of the UN General Assembly and its committees. But the resolution makes it clear that Palestine does not have the right to vote and cannot be a candidate for seats in United Nations agencies.

On April 18, the United States vetoed a draft resolution on Palestine's application to become a full member of the United Nations in the Security Council. Palestine is currently a United Nations observer state. According to the United Nations Charter, the United Nations' admission of new member states must be recommended by the Security Council and then decided by the General Assembly. Since the admission of new member states is a substantive issue, the Security Council's decision requires the consent of at least nine Security Council members and the non-objection of all five permanent members before it can be adopted.

Palestine submitted a formal application to join the United Nations in September 2011, but it was not approved by the Security Council. On November 29, 2012, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution granting Palestine UN observer state status.

Palestinian President Abbas: Thanks for "support of truth and justice"

On May 10, local time, after the emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution granting more rights to Palestine, Palestinian President Abbas issued a statement thanking the countries that voted for Palestine at the meeting and thanked them for their "support for truth and justice." .

Abbas data map. Abbas said in a statement that this overwhelming vote in support of Palestine demonstrates the world's support for the freedom and rights of the Palestinian people, as well as its rejection of Israel's occupation of Palestinian land and violations of the Palestinian people. In view of the results of this vote, the State of Palestine will continue its efforts to obtain full membership of the United Nations through Security Council decisions and call on more countries to recognize the State of Palestine.

Abbas called on the United States to stop favoring Israel, and called on the international community to put pressure on Israel, implement relevant United Nations resolutions, end Israel's occupation of Palestinian land, recognize the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, and establish a settlement based on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem. Only with an independent Palestinian state as its capital and enjoying full sovereignty can peace and stability in the region and the world be truly realized.

Abbas also called on Israel to end its occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem as soon as possible, immediately and completely withdraw its troops from the Gaza Strip, provide humanitarian assistance to all areas of Gaza, and allow displaced people to return to their homes.

Fu Cong, Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations: China welcomes this historic resolution

On the morning of May 10, local time, Fu Cong, China’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, said in his speech after the vote that China welcomed this historic resolution.

Fu Cong. Fu Cong pointed out that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has been cyclical for decades, and generations of Palestinian people have lost their homes and been displaced under occupation. This is a wound that continues to tear and bleed in today's world. The establishment of an independent state is the long-cherished wish of the Palestinian people, and formal accession to the United Nations is a key step in this historical process. Palestine should enjoy the same status as Israel, and the Palestinian people should enjoy the same rights as the Israeli people. It is the common responsibility of the international community to support and promote the process of Palestinian independent statehood and provide a strong guarantee for the implementation of the "two-state solution" and the realization of lasting peace in the Middle East. Regrettably, the application of the State of Palestine to become a full member of the United Nations was ruthlessly rejected by the United States in the Security Council on April 18. The United States has repeatedly used its veto power on the Palestinian-Israeli issue, unreasonably obstructing the international community's efforts to resolve the long-standing historical injustice suffered by Palestine, and is inconsistent with the responsibilities of a responsible major country.

Fu Cong said that the emergency special UN General Assembly adopted a resolution by an overwhelming majority, reiterating that the Palestinian people have the right to self-determination, including the establishment of an independent state, confirming that the State of Palestine meets the qualifications to become a full member of the United Nations, and recommends that the Security Council re-actively review the Palestinian state's membership of the United Nations. Apply. China welcomes this historic resolution, which reflects the aspiration of the international community. China participated in the co-sponsoring of this resolution. China supports the Security Council in re-examining the application for a Palestinian state as soon as possible in accordance with the requirements of the UN General Assembly resolutions, and hopes that relevant countries will not continue to delay or set up obstacles in this regard.

Fu Cong said that the resolution makes further arrangements for the State of Palestine to participate in United Nations activities and related meetings, and gives the State of Palestine new rights and privileges. China understands that these are special arrangements made when there is no choice but to remedy the long-term historical injustice suffered by Palestine and correct the abuse of veto power by the United States. China believes that making these special arrangements within the scope permitted by the United Nations Charter will help the international community hear the voice of Palestine more fully and help Palestine engage in dialogue and negotiations with Israel on a relatively equal footing. The resolution clarified that the relevant arrangements are exceptions and do not constitute a precedent. China believes that the relevant arrangements will not be permanent. One day, the State of Palestine will become a full member of the United Nations and enjoy full and equal rights in the United Nations like other member states.

Fu Cong emphasized that the crux of the protracted resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli issue is that the "two-state solution" has not been implemented. Over the years, Israel, as the occupying power, has continuously eroded the foundation of the "two-state solution." The current conflict, which has lasted for more than seven months, is more likely to completely ruin the prospects of the "two-state solution." China urges Israel to stop collective punishment of the Gaza people, stop advancing the military offensive on Rafah, and effectively remove all restrictions on the entry of humanitarian supplies into Gaza. In the West Bank, Israel should stop all settlement activities and effectively curb the intensifying settler violence. China will continue to play a constructive role and make unremitting efforts to promote an immediate ceasefire, revitalize the "two-state solution", and achieve early peaceful coexistence between Palestine and Israel and long-lasting peace and stability in the Middle East.

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