Pudong takes multiple measures to promote the realization of high-quality and full employment, and implements the policy of prioritizing employment in detail

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 08:44 AM

Employment is the greatest livelihood. Since the 14th Five Year Plan period, the human resources and social security departments in Pudong New Area have deeply implemented the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, always placing good employment work in a prominent position, strengthening employment priority policies, promoting the achievement of high-quality and full employment, and reflecting Pudong's role and responsibility of "taking on the big beam and making contributions".

In accordance with the decisions and deployments of the central and municipal party committees and governments, the new district bears the political responsibility of stabilizing employment and ensuring people's livelihoods, consolidates the responsibilities of all parties, forms a working force, and all relevant departments divide responsibilities and participate together. Each street and town effectively assumes the territorial responsibility of stabilizing employment, and always regards promoting employment as a priority goal for economic development.

According to data from the human resources and social security department of the new district, the total number of employed people in the new district has steadily increased. In 2022, the number of regular employees reached 2.238 million, and the total employment volume has shown an increasing trend year by year. Compared with 2020, the cumulative increase is 301000 people, with a growth rate of 15.6%. At the same time, the employment structure is also constantly optimizing.

Stable and expanded employment through multiple channels

Pudong takes multiple measures to promote the realization of high-quality and full employment, and implements the policy of prioritizing employment in detail

In 2021 and 2022, the new district issued the 2.0 and 3.0 versions of the "Several Measures to Support Enterprises in Expanding Employment in Pudong New Area", stabilizing and expanding employment through multiple channels. In 2023, the new district issued the Implementation Opinions on Further Improving Stability and Expanding Employment, which aimed to make greater efforts to maintain employment stability and economic stability through clearer goals, more comprehensive measures, and more responsible measures.

In order to further promote the focus of employment services, 36 streets and towns in the region have formed three clusters of block employment, entrepreneurship, and training services, with villages as units. Based on the demand for village recruitment, the human resources and social security department of the new district provides targeted job fairs and interviews, builds platforms to promote employment, and carries out 1170 employment service activities with 83000 service personnel.

In 2021, Gaoqiao Town was rated as a "National Level Full Employment Community", and Nanmatou Road Street was rated as a "Shanghai Star rated Full Employment Community"... As of now, there are four "National Level Full Employment Communities" and six "Shanghai Star rated Full Employment Communities" in the new area.

In terms of improving the employment support system for key groups, the new district organized special employment actions such as the "Spring Breeze Action", "Employment Assistance Month", "Private Enterprise Recruitment Week", and "Retired Soldier Promotion Special Event". A total of 1138 online and offline job fairs were held, involving 20500 enterprises and over 338000 positions.

Pudong takes multiple measures to promote the realization of high-quality and full employment, and implements the policy of prioritizing employment in detail

For local registered residence graduates, the Human Resources and Social Security Department of the New Area cooperated with 12 colleges and universities to carry out 191 online and offline job fairs. Nearly 8400 enterprises participated in the fair, providing 151000 jobs, while raising 12500 internships, providing greater job capacity and more job preparation opportunities for college students and young job seekers. Recruitment positions for grassroots civil servants, state-owned enterprises, public institutions, social workers, etc. in the new district are inclined towards college graduates.

The "Everyone is Happy to Work" special activity is aimed at the reemployment needs of unemployed people, making good use of the street and town employment assistance base platform, identifying 53000 key groups such as new retirees, older and lower educated individuals, and retired soldiers, promoting the "1+1+3" circular precision employment assistance, and fully promoting the "Warm Heart Expanding Jobs" action, helping 81000 unemployed people, employment difficulties, and other assistance objects achieve reemployment.

Promoting entrepreneurship to drive employment

Entrepreneurship and innovation can stimulate employment vitality. With the goal of promoting employment through entrepreneurship and development through innovation, the New Area has strengthened its entrepreneurial policy support, focused on precise entrepreneurial services, and supported the construction of entrepreneurial carriers, forming a wide coverage and multi-level entrepreneurial incubation system, continuously encouraging and promoting entrepreneurship to drive employment.

Pudong takes multiple measures to promote the realization of high-quality and full employment, and implements the policy of prioritizing employment in detail

According to the Human Resources and Social Security Department of the New Area, there are 73 entrepreneurial incubation bases in the New Area, including 2 national level bases and 10 municipal level bases, covering key industrial fields such as artificial intelligence and industrial Internet, providing a continuous source of innovation impetus for Pudong's industrial development.

In addition, the new district has also promoted the recommendation and selection of entrepreneurship competitions at all levels, integrated tracking and assistance of competition managers in a one-on-one manner, enhanced the influence of entrepreneurial activities such as selecting new talents, and explored a number of potential entrepreneurial projects with Pudong industrial characteristics. Two companies have won the first and second prizes in the "China Innovation Wing" national competition, nine companies have won awards in the Shanghai competition, and three have been named one of the top ten entrepreneurial newcomers in the city. The new district also represented Shanghai in the third National Entrepreneurship and Employment Service Exchange Event and was awarded the title of "Urban Entrepreneurship Boutique Exhibition Project".

At the community level, the human resources and social security departments of the new district organize and carry out community entrepreneurship service theme activities according to local conditions, with more than 100 entrepreneurial activities held each year. They integrate and gather resources such as expert volunteer groups and entrepreneurial service carriers to provide guidance and services for entrepreneurial groups at all levels, help more entrepreneurial projects successfully incubate, and make community entrepreneurship service work unique and exciting. It is reported that 9 streets and towns including Puxing Road have built "entrepreneurial communities" in Shanghai, and 27 streets and towns have built "characteristic entrepreneurial service communities" in the new area.

Improve the public employment service system

Pudong takes multiple measures to promote the realization of high-quality and full employment, and implements the policy of prioritizing employment in detail

The human resources and social security department of the new district has stated that the next step will continue to solidly promote high-quality and full employment, with the goal of achieving higher quality and more full employment, vigorously implementing employment priority policies as the starting point, focusing on medium - and long-term measures to broaden employment channels, continuously promoting the implementation of various assistance policies for enterprises such as the "Implementation Opinions on Further Doing a Good Job in Stability and Expanding Employment", and deepening the implementation of "job expansion and increment" and other key actions to support enterprise stability and employment expansion.

In carrying out the employment campaign for unemployed graduates who have left school, the new area will combine industrial needs, deeply connect resources, and continuously explore suitable employment positions for fresh graduates. At the same time, the new area will establish a precise employment appointment mechanism for college students, carry out joint training, expand the scale of employment internships, and improve the efficiency of employment matching.

In order to strengthen the employment assistance for the disadvantaged groups, the New Area will also do a good job in providing employment assistance to the disadvantaged groups with registered residence in the New Area and the ex servicemen and other privileged groups, implement various subsidy policies for the people with employment difficulties, increase assistance, intensify recruitment activities, and help achieve market-oriented employment; Support entrepreneurship and flexible employment; Coordinate regional resources and promote connectivity with campuses and parks; Continuously optimizing the entrepreneurial environment and promoting the emergence of new market entities that absorb employment; Improve platform economy employment supervision and services, encourage and promote various groups to achieve multi-channel employment and entrepreneurship through flexible employment methods.

The human resources and social security department of the new district stated that it will further improve the construction of the public employment service system, focus on enhancing employment services for development zones and enterprises, promote the construction of a "15 minute employment service circle", improve the layout of community employment service outlets, actively promote the evolution of "digital human resources and social security", and create a more efficient, standardized, intelligent, convenient, and market-oriented public employment service model. At the same time, it will enhance the service capacity and level of the grassroots employment team in the community.

Pudong takes multiple measures to promote the realization of high-quality and full employment, and implements the policy of prioritizing employment in detail

Text: Zhang Lei

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