How to be "people-oriented"? , Financial Observation|Cities accelerate digital “renewal”

Release time:May 22, 2024 06:00 AM

Cities are important places where residents live and work, and are also comprehensive carriers for promoting the construction of Digital China. How to make good use of data as a basic resource and innovation engine to promote urban digital transformation and meet people's growing needs for a better life?

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Data Administration, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Natural Resources jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Deepening the Development of Smart Cities and Promoting the Digital Transformation of the City in All Areas", which focuses on the overall requirements, promotes the digital transformation of cities in all fields, and comprehensively enhances the city's digital transformation. Five aspects, including digital transformation support, whole-process optimization of the city's digital transformation ecology, and safeguard measures, are focused on promoting the city's digital transformation across the entire city.

Sun Yi, a professor at the School of Economics and Management of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, said in an exclusive interview with People's Daily Online that in recent years, the central government has paid close attention to the problem of imbalance and insufficiency in the development of the digital economy. The "Guiding Opinions" propose that data integration, development and utilization should be used throughout the entire city's digital transformation construction, and comprehensively improve the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security as an important goal. This is to promote all people to share the development dividends of the digital era and use the digital economy to An important measure to promote common prosperity.

Shanghai’s “One Network Management”, Zhejiang’s “Maximum One Run”, Fujian’s “Ecological Cloud”... In recent years, my country’s smart cities have gone from building various independent “point-like” information systems to each department providing “conditions” based on management functions. It has gradually explored and promoted cross-department, cross-business and cross-system integrated applications, forming a series of landmark achievements.

Chen Ronghui, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the National Data Administration, said at a special press conference held by the National Data Administration on May 20 that smart city construction faces new challenges such as insufficient urban integration planning and construction, and insufficient industry-city coordination and linkage. At the same time, with the rapid development of digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, the value of data elements has become increasingly prominent and deeply integrated with various urban economic and social fields, driving my country's smart city construction towards a new era of global digital transformation of "system reconstruction, quality and efficiency improvement" stage.

Sun Yi pointed out that the "Guiding Opinions" integrate data elements throughout the entire life cycle of urban planning, construction, management, services, and operation, and emphasizes the unification of technical facilities and institutional systems. Relevant measures are of great significance for opening up "data islands" in the development of smart cities, giving full play to the innovative effects of data element integration, and promoting the efficient circulation and high-level application of data elements in the process of urban transformation and development.

The "Guiding Opinions" put forward "global digital transformation" requirements for the development of smart cities. In this regard, Sun Yi said frankly, "The diffusion, application and integration of digital technology in urban development is not a balanced process. If there are shortcomings in digital transformation, it will inevitably restrict the overall level of smart city development." Therefore, promoting digitalization with global digital transformation Collaborative development is conducive to making up for digital shortcomings, bridging the digital divide, and coordinating the construction of Digital China.

Wu Xiaoning, director of the Digital Economy Department of the National Data Administration, emphasized at the special press conference that the focus of promoting the digital transformation of the city must be three "wholesale".

The first is to promote urban digital transformation in “all” fields. It is necessary to establish and improve a common basic platform system for urban digitalization, promote facility interoperability, data connectivity and business collaboration, and use scenarios as a guide in key areas such as urban economy and industry, industry-city integration, urban governance, public services, livable environment, and resilience and security. , break the barriers to data supply and circulation, form a batch of applications that are relevant to society, enterprises, and the masses, and improve the quality and efficiency of digital transformation.

The second is to "comprehensively" strengthen support for urban digital transformation. It is necessary to coordinate and promote the construction of urban computing power networks and data circulation and utilization infrastructure, promote the digital transformation and intelligent operation of public facilities; accelerate the construction of a data element empowerment system, vigorously promote data governance and open development, and consolidate the foundation of digital transformation.

The third is to optimize the city's digital transformation ecology through the "whole" process. It is necessary to accelerate the advancement of digital system innovation, continue to innovate smart city operation and maintenance models, and promote digital coordinated development on a larger scale and at a deeper level.

The overall goal put forward in the "Guiding Opinions" is that by 2027, the digital transformation of all cities across the country will achieve significant results, forming a number of livable, resilient, and smart cities with horizontal and vertical connections and unique characteristics, which will strongly support the construction of Digital China. By 2030, the digital transformation of all cities across the country will achieve a comprehensive breakthrough, the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security will be comprehensively improved, and a number of Chinese-style modern cities with global competitiveness in the era of digital civilization will emerge.

"Cities are important places for people's production and life, and are comprehensive carriers to promote the construction of Digital China." Chen Ronghui pointed out that the "Guiding Opinions" embody the promotion principle of "scenario-driven and people-oriented". Promote the city-wide digital transformation, create typical scenarios that are effective in actual combat, loved by grassroots cadres, and found useful by the masses, and form a batch of tangible and knowable digital application results.

At the same time, in response to the practical problem of "emphasis on construction and neglect of operation" in smart cities, Chen Ronghui pointed out that it is necessary to focus on the system and explore the establishment of operating budgets and evaluation assessment mechanisms oriented by application effects such as problem resolution and user satisfaction. Through integrated planning and professional construction, we plan operational priorities in advance and achieve operational results that satisfy the people.

How to be "people-oriented"? , Financial Observation|Cities accelerate digital “renewal”
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