Citizens who took photos there gave them thumbs up, and a hearing-impaired couple opened a "silent photo studio" on this street in Shanghai

Release time:May 21, 2024 12:52 PM

When an important day comes, many people will choose to go into a photo studio to record the beautiful moments with lenses and leave precious memories. Therefore, the photo studio is often filled with laughter and a lively atmosphere. However, there is a "silent photo studio" on Shihua Street in the suburbs of Shanghai. There is no sound of conversation, only the "click" of the shutter and the satisfied smiles of customers.

It turns out that behind this special photo studio is a hearing-impaired couple, who are both the owners and photographers. ID photos, literary portraits, spring outdoor shots... They carefully record every beauty every day, use their lenses to tell the silent love and tenderness, and also create a different kind of photography world.

Silent photographer, using light and shadow to convey beauty and emotion

At the intersection of Mengshan Road and Long'an Road in Jinshan District, a photo studio called "Moran" Studio is located in an inconspicuous corner on the second floor. When you enter the door, you can see that the decoration in the store is simple but very warm. Not only are customer samples posted on the wall, but there is also a calligraphy work of "Continuous Improvement" hanging on the wall.

In the studio, photographer Shen Jinhui is busy taking ID photos for the elderly in the community. Unlike other photographers, Shen Jinhui rarely uses words to communicate. Instead, he uses his unique movement demonstrations to guide the elderly in the most natural and appropriate shooting postures.

Shen Jinhui and his wife Zhou Lan are a hearing-impaired couple. Shen Jinhui was born in 1992. His hearing was damaged due to accidental improper medication when he was young. He only retained weak hearing and partial pronunciation functions. Zhou Lan, who was born in 1994, also suffered from hearing loss when he was young. Faced with the difficulties, they did not give up on themselves, but used a positive attitude to study photography technology, hoping to leave perfect images for every customer.

Aunt Zhang, a resident who had just completed the shooting, looked at the photos on the computer and said with satisfaction: "At the beginning, I was worried that there would be communication problems, but after the shooting, I found that the young man's communication skills are still acceptable. The shooting was great."

Photography seems easy and casual, but in fact it requires rich skills and careful preparation. Mr. and Mrs. Shen Jinhui, who suffers from hearing impairment, do not have particularly accurate pronunciation when speaking. In order to ensure smoother communication with customers during the shooting process, they will try their best to use simple movements that customers can understand to guide them in posing. Or use sign language and mouth shapes to convey your meaning.

When encountering communication needs that are more complex or difficult to express with actions, he will choose to use mobile phone software to convert the recording into text to ensure the accurate transmission of information.

"Although he speaks slowly and his tone is not very normal, and he relies more on movements when guiding everyone, we can all understand what he means. Moreover, I just saw the photos he took, and they are very good." Customer Zhu Auntie said.

The camera opens the way to entrepreneurship, and perseverance sharpens the mind

For ordinary people, the road to entrepreneurship is not easy, but for Shen Jinhui, this road is even more bumpy.

Tracing back to his original intention of starting a business, we have to start from a year ago. At that time, Shen Jinhui was still working quietly in a design company in the urban area. At that time, he already had 7 years of experience in editing pictures. However, it was there that he met a colleague who had a profound impact on him.

The former colleague was a photographer. By chance, Shen Jinhui discovered that his lighting and shadows were not handled well. Out of good intentions, he reminded the other person. Unexpectedly, he was ridiculed by his colleagues: "You are deaf. You only know how to retouch pictures. How can you understand photography?" This unintentional remark was like a sharp thorn, piercing deeply into Shen Jinhui's heart.

However, Shen Jinhui was not defeated by these words. On the contrary, it became his motivation to move forward. He secretly made up his mind to prove his strength. So he began to buy a large number of photography books and study photography techniques in depth. And his mother gave him the greatest support and gave him a camera worth nearly 30,000 yuan, hoping that he could go further on the road of photography.

"When I received the camera, I was very excited. I studied it all night. I also studied the functions of each button on the camera with my friends. I thought that I would take good pictures in the future and thank my mother for her support and help."

After unremitting efforts, Shen Jinhui resigned from his original photo editing job in November 2023 and chose to return to Jinshan to open his own photo studio. In order to support his dream, his wife Zhou Lan also gave up her design job in the urban area and assisted him in doing makeup for clients and styling them before shooting.

Faced with hearing impairment, Shen Jinhui never felt inferior. On the contrary, he has a firm belief in his heart: "I want to prove to everyone that we are not different. Because I have rich work experience, photography has given me a broader space to develop."

Every effort deserves to be seen and every effort deserves to be respected

With the help of relatives and friends, the photography shop obtained preferential rent. Since its opening, customers have mainly come from referrals from friends. Shen Jinhui knows that this is only the first step in a long journey of thousands of miles. How to maintain and operate requires continuous study, thinking and adjustment.

However, this also puts pressure on him who is optimistic by nature and has always been confident in his photography skills: "Although I have my own photography skills, after taking photos for the first time, I still care more about the customer's satisfaction and dissatisfaction. If you want to do better, you need to continue to innovate and change.”

However, Shen Jinhui, who has experience as a disabled sprinter, quickly turned pressure into motivation.

With the popularity of the film and television drama "Flowers" some time ago, he keenly captured this hot spot and immediately began to study the tonal scene layout that fit the film and television drama. Huang Xuelian, a citizen who came here to take the "Flowers" series of photos, said: "I have found confidence. I used to not want to take pictures, and I would hide when they were taking pictures. Now, when I take pictures here and see their finished products, I suddenly I gained confidence. They were honest and cheerful people, and I quickly got to know them when I came in to take photos.”

The continuous positive feedback from customers has also given the young couple a lot of confidence. Recently, they have successively received business for outdoor shooting of spring scenery in the area. They are full of confidence and smug about the future of photography shops.

"We don't want people to pity us because of our hearing impairment. We hope that every customer who comes to take photos can appreciate our work and their own beauty from the bottom of their hearts. This is why we continue to be in business. Motivation." His wife Zhou Lan said with a smile.

Shen Jinhui told us, "The four inscriptions 'Self-improvement' were given to us by a calligrapher. Although we have some obstacles in hearing and communication, we also hope that like normal people, we can work hard and never stop. stop."

Citizens who took photos there gave them thumbs up, and a hearing-impaired couple opened a "silent photo studio" on this street in Shanghai
Xin Kuang Shen Yi
May 24, 2024 09:23 AM
West Zaowei
They can all hear their daughter calling them
May 23, 2024 10:06 AM
I listen to what is promised every year
May 23, 2024 05:47 AM
🌈Read the songbook while riding a donkey
When there was no traffic, the stall fee was 2,000 a month. Now it has increased to 8,000 a month [face covering] [face covering]
May 23, 2024 03:49 AM
first generation squid
Hit the softest spot in my heart. . well. . I cried too. .
May 22, 2024 22:12 PM
Jiujiu (99)
Yes, the genetics are affected [face covering]
May 22, 2024 21:05 PM
Xin Kuang Shen Yi
May 22, 2024 18:45 PM
Brother Dong🎧
The human body cannot explain it at all. Myopia is also in the later stages, but if it exceeds 600 degrees, it will be inherited [face covering], so helpless
May 22, 2024 17:05 PM
Raw rice grains and little sunglasses
I thought Zhou Shen and Tan Weiwei knew this story. They went to Shanghai to get cochlear implants today.
May 22, 2024 16:07 PM
Isn’t deafness hereditary?
May 22, 2024 15:51 PM
Things that seem easy to us ordinary people are extremely precious to a family of three [face covering]
May 22, 2024 15:27 PM
Pulled Pork Shreds
I really hope Musk’s brain machine will be realized soon
May 22, 2024 14:53 PM
The blind man♛
May 22, 2024 14:37 PM
Xin Kuang Shen Yi
What a good and sensible child [thank you] [thank you] [thank you]
May 22, 2024 14:12 PM
Look out the window every year
@I listen to what is promised every year
May 22, 2024 14:04 PM
I listen to what is promised every year
May 23, 2024 05:47 AM
May 22, 2024 13:24 PM
Xin Kuang Shen Yi
May 22, 2024 18:45 PM
Xin Kuang Shen Yi
What a good and sensible child [thank you] [thank you] [thank you]
May 22, 2024 14:12 PM
Stuck [shed tears] [shed tears] [shed tears]
May 22, 2024 12:44 PM
Qingwan girl
Photography blogger @凯凯的vlog Girl Dad @ I’m No Longer a Lonely Fighting Girl Mom @ Silent Explosive Egg Boy’s parents’ love is silent, but deafening. I wish them happiness forever [Compare Heart].
May 22, 2024 11:50 AM
Xin Kuang Shen Yi
May 24, 2024 09:23 AM
West Zaowei
They can all hear their daughter calling them
May 23, 2024 10:06 AM
00 haha ​​00
May 22, 2024 11:44 AM
May 22, 2024 11:25 AM
Uncle Salted Fish Meow
In recent years, the more difficult it has been, the more kind it has been.
May 22, 2024 10:49 AM
Happy layman
Parents' pet peeves
May 22, 2024 10:40 AM
Master Geng Crossing the Bridge Rice Noodles
[Thank you] [Thank you] [Thank you] [Thank you] [Thank you] [Thank you]
May 22, 2024 10:04 AM
Bad Tiger Feng He
May 22, 2024 09:56 AM
May 22, 2024 09:50 AM
A long journey
Great love has no boundaries [crying] [comparing heart] [comparing heart] [comparing heart] [comparing heart] [comparing heart] [comparing heart] [comparing heart] [comparing heart] [like] [like] [like] [like] [Like] [Like] [Like] [Like] [Thank you] [Thank you] [Thank you] [Thank you] [Thank you] [Thank you] [Thank you] [Thank you] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause ]
May 22, 2024 09:32 AM
Brother Jun
[laughing and crying][laughing and crying][laughing and crying][laughing and crying][laughing and crying][laughing and crying]
May 22, 2024 08:49 AM
Dou Ma is the best looking
Killing someone [Crying loudly][Crying loudly]
May 22, 2024 08:36 AM
Doudou’s shit shoveling officer
May 22, 2024 07:56 AM
Lots of luck
Just say that the mother is not congenital, the father may be congenital
May 22, 2024 07:46 AM
stride life
[Thank you] [Thank you] [Thank you] [Thank you] [Thank you] [Thank you] [Thank you] [Thank you] [Thank you]
May 22, 2024 07:12 AM
Excuse me
[cover face][cover face][cover face]
May 22, 2024 06:20 AM
I am Xia Xue
May 22, 2024 05:44 AM
Little Tangtang
Only a world with love will have light [rose][rose][rose]
May 22, 2024 04:53 AM
Yunnan Traveler
Only a world with love will have light [rose][rose][rose]
May 22, 2024 04:13 AM
Chic brother-
My eyes pee [sobbing]
May 22, 2024 04:09 AM
Morning light and cloud return
Angel-like daughter[Compare your heart][Compare your heart][Compare your heart][Rose][Rose][Rose]
May 22, 2024 03:26 AM
Second sister
So expensive, hearing aids
May 22, 2024 03:21 AM
🌈Read the songbook while riding a donkey
When there was no traffic, the stall fee was 2,000 a month. Now it has increased to 8,000 a month [face covering] [face covering]
May 23, 2024 03:49 AM
Mai Mai
This is an angel descending to earth to accompany kind people [crying]
May 22, 2024 02:30 AM
Man Man Zai Zai
If the mother perms her hair before pregnancy, many children will be born with naturally curly hair.
May 22, 2024 01:39 AM
Where is their stall? If I want to eat if it’s close, I won’t eat if it’s far away [crying]
May 22, 2024 01:34 AM
She is only 4 years old, and is even more sensible and considerate than a 40-year-old person [Compare Heart][Compare Heart]
May 22, 2024 01:20 AM
I believe I will get better and better
I cried when I saw it, and I suddenly thought of the little girl who was alone at the beach.
May 22, 2024 01:05 AM
The Custodes Sun Guard with a name as long as a book
There are so many secrets of the human body, who can know them? Myopia is acquired, and is inherited when you reach a certain height. For example, in my case
May 22, 2024 00:50 AM
Zhang Keqin
May the family get better and better [Rose]
May 22, 2024 00:24 AM
Walking through windy days
That sentence about dad almost made me cry.
May 21, 2024 23:55 PM
The red dust is billowing
May 21, 2024 23:18 PM
journey of time
Only a world with love will have light, and a world with love will have kindness. Come on, come on, a loving family [rose] [rose] [rose]
May 21, 2024 23:11 PM
Jiujiu (99)
Why is the child's hearing affected when they are not born with it?
May 21, 2024 22:46 PM
Jiujiu (99)Brother Dong🎧
Yes, the genetics are affected [face covering]
May 22, 2024 21:05 PM
Brother Dong🎧
The human body cannot explain it at all. Myopia is also in the later stages, but if it exceeds 600 degrees, it will be inherited [face covering], so helpless
May 22, 2024 17:05 PM
Lots of luck
Just say that the mother is not congenital, the father may be congenital
May 22, 2024 07:46 AM
Man Man Zai Zai
If the mother perms her hair before pregnancy, many children will be born with naturally curly hair.
May 22, 2024 01:39 AM
The Custodes Sun Guard with a name as long as a book
There are so many secrets of the human body, who can know them? Myopia is acquired, and is inherited when you reach a certain height. For example, in my case
May 22, 2024 00:50 AM
Crying from beginning to end, my unsatisfactory eyes [shed tears]
May 21, 2024 22:06 PM
first generation squid
Hit the softest spot in my heart. . well. . I cried too. .
May 22, 2024 22:12 PM
West Zaowei
Just today, with the help of a cochlear company, their family all received cochlear implants.
May 21, 2024 21:51 PM
Chengxian Fenghuangrenjia Farmhouse
I dare not look at it. [tears][tears][tears][tears]
May 21, 2024 21:07 PM
three fish
May their family be happy forever
May 21, 2024 20:41 PM
I am your only one
come on! [Like][Like][Like][Like][Like][Like][Like][Like][Rose][Rose][Rose][Rose][Rose][Rose]
May 21, 2024 20:26 PM
Cai Cai’s vlog
May 21, 2024 19:23 PM
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Putuo has achieved the first real estate project in the city to provide online "land delivery and certificate delivery" service throughout the entire process | Planning | City wide

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Huangpu District "Intangible Cultural Heritage Summer College" has opened. In a Dragon Boat Festival activity, sewing sachets and wrapping Zongzi children | culture | activities

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The first event will be held at the end of the year, and Pudong is building the first international and market-oriented shipping event in mainland China. Finance | Shipping | Event
The first event will be held at the end of the year, and Pudong is building the first international and market-oriented shipping event in mainland China. Finance | Shipping | Event

On June 15th, the reporter learned at the "Lujiazui Industrial Finance Forum 2023- Asia Shipping and Logistics Summit" that the first "Pudong Shipping Week" event will be held at the end of this year. The event aims to promote in-depth industry exchanges, smooth information flow, and resource docking and cooperation. We have launched the recruitment of global shipping market entities, aiming to create the first international, market-oriented, and professional "Shipping Week" brand event in mainland China. Shanghai is a world leading international shipping center city, and building a communication platform for the shipping industry is an inevitable need for Shanghai to deepen the construction of the international shipping center. "The natural attributes of the shipping industry determine its urgent need for information aggregation and industrial upstream and downstream communication. In the process of Shanghai's transition from being a basic shipping center to a fully established shipping center, it needs to have such a platform to benchmark against the international market."

This portrait oil painting exhibition was held in Jiangchuan, Minhang, China, showcasing the overall portrait of Shanghai musicians, including He Shouchang
This portrait oil painting exhibition was held in Jiangchuan, Minhang, China, showcasing the overall portrait of Shanghai musicians, including He Shouchang

On June 13th, the "Shanghai Melody" He Shouchang music portrait oil painting, created by the famous artist and former Party Secretary of Shanghai Theatre Academy, He Shouchang, was exhibited in Jiangchuan Road Street, Minhang District. It is reported that this series of paintings depicts a total of 43 groups of music figures who have influenced Shanghai, including well-known masters and masters such as He Luting, Ding Shande, Huang Yijun, Lv Qiming, Zhu Jianer, and Cao Peng. It is reported that since the 1990s, Mr. He Shouchang has had a long-standing wish to create an overall portrait of Shanghai musicians and leave a lasting impression on Shanghai style culture. Never forget, there will always be an echo. At the end of last year, this series of paintings was officially exhibited on a tour in Shencheng, shining like small suns planted with staff and brushes, illuminating the brilliance of art to every corner. This time, the tour arrived at Jiangchuan Road Street, commonly known as "Old Minhang".

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