Follow the General Secretary to see China | The village becomes rich and the villagers laugh

Release time:May 22, 2024 05:34 AM

On June 16, 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Huamao Village, Fengxiang Town, Bozhou District, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province and pointed out that whether the policies formulated by the Party Central Committee are good or not depends on whether the villagers cry or laugh. If you laugh, it means the policy is good. If someone cries, we should pay attention, correct what needs to be corrected, and improve what needs to be perfected.

Huamao Village was not called "Huamao" before. Because of its abandoned fields, overgrown thatch and thatched houses with earth walls everywhere, and "difficulties in traveling, drinking water, and increasing income," it was called "Barren Thatched Field" by villagers from ten miles and eight villages. "Huangmaotian" was called so many times that it became the name of the village. Later, the people of Huamao Village decided to rename the "barren thatched field" to "Huamao" to establish a beautiful vision of "luxuriant flowers, leaves and prosperity" for the whole village.

After the name change, Huamao Village has transformed cultural resources such as red, nostalgia, farming, earthen pottery, and ancient papermaking into development resources and industries to enrich the people by improving infrastructure and living environment. At the same time, Huamao Village adopts land contracting and entrusted transfer of management rights to develop efficient and characteristic agriculture.

A villager in Huamao Village and inheritor of the earthenware intangible cultural heritage, while inheriting the ancient craftsmanship of her ancestors, she constantly innovates, transforms the earthen kiln into an electric kiln, and explores the production of more earthenware products, through rural Taobao e-commerce The platform sells Huamao earthenware to all parts of the country, and the income is increasing steadily.

In Huamao Village today, the village is getting richer. The lives of the villagers are getting better and better, and the smiles on their faces are getting brighter and brighter. The per capita disposable income has increased from 10,984 yuan in 2014 to 25,479.3 yuan in 2023. A picture should be taken. A new picture of a harmonious and beautiful countryside that is suitable for living and working is slowly being drawn.

Follow the General Secretary to see China | The village becomes rich and the villagers laugh
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