High-quality development in China | Xinjiang achieves coordinated development of photovoltaic "blue", desert "yellow" and ecological "green"

Release time:May 22, 2024 06:00 AM

News: The State Council Information Office held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Promoting High-Quality Development" on May 21. The relevant person in charge of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region introduced the relevant situation. At the press conference, the relevant person in charge stated that Xinjiang will further improve its supply capacity of grain and important agricultural products, and strive to maintain total cotton output at more than 5 million tons in 2024, and increase grain output by at least another 2 billion kilograms.

High-quality development in China | Xinjiang achieves coordinated development of photovoltaic "blue", desert "yellow" and ecological "green"

According to reports, in 2023, Xinjiang’s grain planting area will be 42.372 million acres, an increase of 5.863 million acres, accounting for more than 60% of the national increase; grain output will be 42.38 billion kilograms, an increase of 6.11 billion kilograms, accounting for more than 30% of the national increase; grain yields will reach 1,000 kilograms, the increase in grain area and output ranks first in the country for two consecutive years, and the yield per unit ranks second in the country. As a national high-quality cotton base, Xinjiang’s total cotton output and unit yield have ranked first in the country for 30 consecutive years.

High-quality development in China | Xinjiang achieves coordinated development of photovoltaic "blue", desert "yellow" and ecological "green"

Erken Tuniyaz, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and chairman of the autonomous region, said that the supply capacity of food and important agricultural products will be further improved. Actively make good use of Xinjiang's better natural climate conditions and abundant arable land resources, and tap the potential of water resources. In 2024, Xinjiang strives to maintain its total cotton output at more than 5 million tons, and increase its grain output by at least another 2 billion kilograms, creating a "western region" Granary", so that the "China Bowl" can be filled with more "Xinjiang Grain".

High-quality development in China | Xinjiang achieves coordinated development of photovoltaic "blue", desert "yellow" and ecological "green"

Erken Tuniyaz said that Xinjiang will focus on the construction of agriculture-related industrial clusters such as grain and oil, cotton, textiles and clothing, green organic fruits and vegetables, and high-quality livestock products. Promote more high-quality agricultural products such as pomegranates from Kashgar, apples from Aksu, and red dates from Hotan to enter the homes of people across the country. In addition, we will solidly promote high-standard farmland construction and efficient water-saving irrigation, in-depth implementation of seed industry revitalization actions, and increase research on core agricultural technologies such as high-yield cultivation and pest control to promote high-quality agricultural development.

High-quality development in China | Xinjiang achieves coordinated development of photovoltaic "blue", desert "yellow" and ecological "green"

Xinjiang: Build a national energy resources strategic support base

High-quality development in China | Xinjiang achieves coordinated development of photovoltaic "blue", desert "yellow" and ecological "green"

The State Council Information Office held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Promoting High-Quality Development" on May 21. According to the relevant person in charge, Xinjiang is accelerating the construction of new power systems, increasing oil and gas reserves and production, clean and efficient utilization of coal, and exploration, development and utilization of mineral resources. It is actively building a national energy resources strategic support base to provide important energy resources for promoting Chinese-style modernization. support.

High-quality development in China | Xinjiang achieves coordinated development of photovoltaic "blue", desert "yellow" and ecological "green"

According to reports, Xinjiang’s oil and gas production equivalent has ranked first in the country for three consecutive years. In the next step, Xinjiang will consolidate and improve its advantageous industries, accelerate the increase of oil and gas reserves and production, release advanced and high-quality coal production capacity, and continuously extend the industrial chain downwards. At the same time, we will cultivate and expand emerging industries and open up new tracks for clean energy. In 2023, solar and wind energy power generation will account for 4.6% and 7.3% of the country respectively, and the scale of newly added new energy grid connections will be second in the country, turning the vast Gobi desert in the past into a "feng shui treasure land" for the development of new energy and other industries today.

High-quality development in China | Xinjiang achieves coordinated development of photovoltaic "blue", desert "yellow" and ecological "green"

Erken Tuniyaz said that Xinjiang will accelerate the construction of clean energy bases such as wind power and photovoltaics, continue to promote the large-scale and intensive development of new material industries such as silicon-based and aluminum-based, vigorously build new power systems, and realize the "blue energy" of photovoltaics. ”, desert “yellow”, and ecological “green” develop collaboratively.

High-quality development in China | Xinjiang achieves coordinated development of photovoltaic "blue", desert "yellow" and ecological "green"

Xinjiang will also focus on transforming and upgrading traditional industries, accelerating digital and intelligent transformation, vigorously supporting enterprises to introduce new technologies and new models, and promoting equipment updates and process upgrades.

High-quality development in China | Xinjiang achieves coordinated development of photovoltaic "blue", desert "yellow" and ecological "green"

According to reports, the country’s new round of prospecting breakthrough strategic action has designated 120 key prospecting areas in Xinjiang, ranking first in the country. In the next step, Xinjiang will make every effort to promote the exploration, development and utilization of important mineral resources and make Xinjiang's contribution to ensuring the security of my country's energy resources and important industrial and supply chains.

High-quality development in China | Xinjiang achieves coordinated development of photovoltaic "blue", desert "yellow" and ecological "green"

Xinjiang: Promote projects to benefit the people and focus on ensuring and improving people's livelihood

High-quality development in China | Xinjiang achieves coordinated development of photovoltaic "blue", desert "yellow" and ecological "green"

At the press conference, the relevant person in charge introduced that in recent years, Xinjiang has continued to promote a number of projects to benefit the people, focusing on the major livelihood issues that people are most concerned about, the most direct and the most practical, such as education, employment, medical care, housing, etc., and strive to protect and improve people's livelihood. .

High-quality development in China | Xinjiang achieves coordinated development of photovoltaic "blue", desert "yellow" and ecological "green"

According to reports, Xinjiang continues to increase investment in educational resources, and has achieved 15 years of free education from kindergarten to high school in urban and rural areas of southern Xinjiang. Xinjiang has an average of 1 kindergarten for every 102 children, 1 primary school for every 783 primary school students, and the gross enrollment rate in high school reaches 98.25%.

In terms of employment, the region will create 482,200 new urban jobs in 2023, and urban zero-employment households will remain dynamically cleared.

In terms of medical care, high-quality medical resources have been brought to the grassroots level, and a medical and health service network covering urban and rural areas has been basically established. Now, every village has a standardized clinic, and county-level hospitals are able to provide telemedicine, realizing that "minor diseases do not leave the village, common diseases do not leave the towns, and serious diseases do not leave the county."

In terms of housing, a total of 2.7 million rural earthquake-resistant houses have been built across Xinjiang, and more than 11 million farmers and herdsmen have moved into new homes.

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