Are super long-term special government bonds worth buying? They sold out in 10 minutes! Someone bought it for 160,000 yuan

Release time:May 21, 2024 18:32 PM

"Collect 2,000 yuan in interest every half year to reward yourself."

With the completion of the issuance of the first ultra-long-term special government bond during the year,

The first ultra-long-term special treasury bonds are sold to individuals

Some people "spend a lot of money", while others are not very enthusiastic

On social platforms, discussions about ultra-long-term special treasury bonds are not only very lively, but many netizens have also shared their successful purchase experiences.

A media reporter learned from interviews that the Guangzhou Branch of Zheshang Bank stated that the bank achieved sales of 1.4803 million yuan on May 20, and the quota was sold out within 10 minutes. The bank has rated the risk level of this product as R2. If individual investors want to trade, they can do so through the counter debt module of Zheshang Bank’s mobile APP after it is listed on May 22.

Staff from China Merchants Bank said that individual customers need to meet a customer risk rating of A3 or above before they can purchase, and they need to open a book-entry treasury bond account before purchasing. Currently, it is only supported for purchase through personal banking PC version and counter channels, and cannot be purchased through mobile banking. The issuance price and the face value of the bond are both 100 yuan, and the bond subscription price is an integral multiple of the face value of 100 yuan, with no upper limit.

"This special treasury bond was only available to individual investors on May 20, but we sold it out quickly." The person in charge of the Shanghai branch of a joint-stock bank told reporters.

In his view, a key factor why the bank was able to sell out quickly was that the bank only provided 500 million yuan of ultra-long-term special treasury bond subscription quota to individual investors this time. Reporters have learned from many sources that although there are 56 financial institutions participating in the underwriting of the first 30-year special treasury bonds this year, including large state-owned banks and many joint-stock banks, only a few banks such as China Merchants Bank and Zheshang Bank have opened up individual investors. Subscription channels, and the subscription amounts provided by these banks are generally not high.

The reasons are: first, the winning bid yield of the 30-year special treasury bonds is 2.57%, which is slightly higher than the interest rate of many banks' 3-year deposit products, which affects the investment willingness of individual investors; second, compared with savings treasury bonds, Special treasury bonds are subject to the risk of price fluctuations in the secondary market and investment profits and losses. Most individual investors with low risk tolerance are not very interested in this investment.

The ultra-long-term special treasury bonds issued this year are book-entry treasury bonds. Investors should pay attention to the difference between book-entry treasury bonds and savings bonds when purchasing.

Savings bonds are sold directly to individuals. According to different ways of recording claims, they can be divided into certificate-type savings bonds characterized by paper voucher records and electronic savings bonds characterized by electronic records. Savings bonds cannot be listed and traded during their duration.

Book-entry treasury bonds are mainly issued to institutional investors in the primary market through book-entry treasury bond underwriting syndicates, and claims are recorded electronically at CCDC. After listing, individual investors can also purchase from institutional investors in the secondary market.

The industry said that for individual investors, ultra-long-term treasury bonds can provide stable principal and interest income, as well as secondary market investment profits and losses. It is recommended that individual investors should have certain investment experience and risk-taking capabilities.

Since the holding period of this period of treasury bonds is as long as 30 years, if the customer urgently needs cash midway, the book-entry treasury bonds cannot be redeemed in advance and can only be traded in the secondary market. This period of government bonds can be sold starting from May 22. Zheshang Bank Guangzhou Branch reminds that book-entry treasury bonds can be listed and traded midway and will face the risk of transaction prices fluctuating with the market. Affected by economic fundamentals, monetary and fiscal policies, bond supply and demand and other factors, bond prices may rise or fall. They may rise to more than 100 yuan or fall to more than 90 yuan. Therefore, if you sell in the middle of the holding period, you may suffer a loss or you may make a profit.

If investors are interested in investing in ultra-long-term special treasury bonds, there will still be multiple entry opportunities in the future.

According to the issuance schedule announced by the Ministry of Finance, the ultra-long-term special treasury bonds will be issued from May to November this year, with a total of 22 issuances. Among them, the most recent is May 24, when the first 20-year special government bond will be issued. Investors with allocation needs can pay attention to the subsequent issuance plan.

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