The gold payment stop time is 30 minutes, Chongming People’s Congress Law Salon: Encountering telecommunications network fraud

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 20:30 PM

"I really didn't expect that my pension money would be recovered by the police. Thank you so much!" At the "Return of Defrauded Money" ceremony held by the Chongming Police in early September, the victim Ms. Zhang took over the heavy 500,000 yuan that was stolen from her. Cried with joy after being defrauded.

On September 27, the Standing Committee of the Chongming District People’s Congress, the District Public Security Bureau, the District People’s Court, and the District People’s Procuratorate held a “Rule of Law Salon” with the theme of “preventing telecommunications network fraud in accordance with the law.” Experts and representatives of the National People’s Congress attended the meeting to focus on telecommunications network fraud. The causes, trend evolution and prevention of crackdowns were discussed, and Ms. Zhang’s case was mentioned again.

In August this year, Ms. Zhang received a Facetime call from someone who claimed to be a staff member of a bank and transferred 500,000 yuan in the bank card to a designated account. After Ms. Zhang realized that she might have been deceived, she immediately called the police for help. After receiving the report, the Chongming police immediately initiated a payment stop mechanism with the bank based on the clues provided by the victim, and successfully located the location of Wen, the person who opened the fraudulent account. With the strong assistance of the local Jinan police, the bank counter was about to stop the payment. The suspect Wen Mou was caught with 500,000 cash in a bag. "Emergency payment stop is a key link in recovering stolen goods and reversing losses for the defrauded people." Since the beginning of this year, the District Public Security Bureau has actively explored early warning and disposal of funds for telecom network fraud, and has regarded the prevention of non-contact fraud as the current "main defense" focus of the police station. Pay close attention to the entire process of early warning handling on the capital side. Officer Huang from the District Public Security Bureau said that when citizens encounter telecommunications network fraud, the gold payment stop time is 30 minutes. The earlier the alarm is called, the greater the probability of recovering losses.

"The principal of several thousand yuan of fraudulent orders was withheld by the scammer. In order to get the principal back, he kept investing so-called deposits, and was eventually defrauded of more than 200,000 yuan." Officer Huang focused on popularizing the relevant knowledge of "sunk costs" and explained to everyone The reasons why sunk costs are irreversible but cannot be withdrawn are: First, it comes from the inertial thinking of "loss aversion", and second, it comes from the psychological motivation of "self-justification". When a person realizes that he has made a mistake, he will spontaneously use various excuses Or act to defend oneself and deny the negative evaluation and negative consequences of the wrong behavior. The key at this time is to stay calm, stop losses promptly, and call the police decisively. There is a line in the summer movie "All or Nothing" that says that the reason why people are cheated is because they have two hearts, one is greed, and the other is unwillingness. Relevant comrades from the Public Security Bureau and the Judiciary shared their experiences with everyone, emphasizing the need to be more discerning, ask more questions and verify more; at the same time, be cautious and avoid taking chances or being blindly confident.

Although telecom network fraud cases occur frequently, they remain true to their original purpose. The key is to break through the privacy defense line. Some criminals illegally obtain the personal identity information of the parties by implanting computer "Trojan" viruses and other methods, and "targetedly" "Precision fraud" has a higher success rate and is more difficult to identify. In response to criminal cases of infringement of citizens’ personal information, the District Procuratorate once filed a criminal incidental civil public interest lawsuit. It recommended that while imposing criminal penalties on the defendant, it also recommended that the defendant be ordered to repent in writing on a specific platform, pay punitive damages, and participate in public welfare activities for a certain period of time. Labor etc. The "Anti-Telecommunications Network Fraud Law" emphasizes that logistics information, transaction information, loan information, medical information, matchmaking information, etc. that are closely related to the implementation of telecommunications network fraud must be protected. Deputies to the National People's Congress suggested that we should combine efforts to crack down on telecommunications and network fraud crimes and other related crimes, trace the channels through which personal information was leaked in accordance with the law, carry out full-chain crackdowns that trace back to the source and trace back to buyers, build a strong network security "fire line", and let information No more "streaking".

The gold payment stop time is 30 minutes, Chongming People’s Congress Law Salon: Encountering telecommunications network fraud
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