The 7th "Five Beautiful Communities Festival" of Chongming District opens, "small incision" leverages the "big article" of village governance

Release time:Jun 12, 2024 17:05 PM

On June 12, the opening ceremony of the 7th "Five Beauties Community Festival" of Gangxi Town, Chongming District, was held in Jingnan Village, Gangxi Town. At the event site, the "Five Beauties Market" spontaneously organized by residents and community volunteers had a wide variety of stalls selling intangible cultural heritage, delicious food, barter, and live broadcasts, which attracted many residents to visit and experience, and the atmosphere was very lively.

What is less known is that the harmonious and harmonious Jingnan Village once made the neighborhood committee cadres feel difficult. As one of the first 15 villages in Shanghai for homestead exchange, 99% of the villagers in Jingnan Village moved into the community - Mingnan Jiayuan through homestead exchange. The community has 85 commercial buildings and more than 2,200 houses. Among them, one-fifth are commercial houses for sale, and the sale of some villagers' demolished houses has formed a typical phenomenon of "up-building farmers" and residents living together. For a long time, the living habits of some "up-building farmers" have not changed with the change of their identities. In daily life, they are not integrated with the residents of commercial houses, and the community management is difficult.

In order to make the villagers more integrated, in 2023, Jingnan Village, relying on the innovative rural governance platform of "Rural Shared Home" in Gangxi Town, carried out "micro-updates" of the party-mass service positions, and changed the original grid party branch activity room into a dance room, parent-child park, baking room and other activity positions that villagers like. At the same time, 8 clubs such as Mingnan Skillful Hands and Mingnan Taste were established to allow new residents to carry out activities with "farmers who move upstairs". At the same time, Jingnan Village also carried out the "Five Beautiful Corridors" points project governance, linking "family points" with "corridor points", organizing corridor mutual evaluation and points publicity every quarter, awakening the collective consciousness and home consciousness of villagers.

There are many good practices of community governance like this in Gangxi Town, and they were all brought to the scene of today's event. As a new integrated development township accompanying the city and the countryside, the 13 villages in Gangxi Town are not the same, and the requirements and emphases of governance are also different. In recent years, Gangxi Town has actively explored and created an innovative rural governance work platform of "Rural Shared Home" around the construction of "Five Beautiful Communities", formulated personalized work plans for each village project, focused on social governance work such as villagers' self-governance, elderly care services, human settlement environment, and safe construction, and identified 12 sub-projects such as self-management and self-protection of rural parks, creation of "Five Beautiful" corridors, and "Happy House" doorstep elderly care services, leveraging the "big article" of grassroots governance through "small incisions". In this way, the subjective initiative and creativity of the grassroots can be fully utilized, so that party members, cadres, and residents can contribute to the co-construction and co-governance of the countryside.

For example, Fumin Village explored a new model of "home-based elderly care at service stations at doorsteps" to create a one-stop neighborly elderly care service complex at doorsteps; Beishuang Village established the "Xianglian Beishuang Steward Alliance", giving full play to the role of multiple governance subjects such as the "three leaders and one member", and included 32 old village cadres and skilled craftsmen who are highly motivated to participate in community governance as members of the alliance, and matched service projects and positions according to their specialties, converting the "resource list" into a "service list"; Tuanjie Village focused on the operation and maintenance of the rural park after its completion, and divided the public green space, roads and greening on both sides of the river into households according to the principle of proximity, exploring a long-term management and protection model for the rural living environment; Xiexi Village focused on the "National River Chief" villagers' self-management and self-protection project, and mobilized the masses to govern themselves, build and share together...

No matter whether it is a big or small matter, only when it is done well can the masses welcome it. In the view of relevant officials of Gangxi Town, this event is not only a display of the results of community innovation and governance, but also a deep embrace between the "Five Beautiful Communities" and the "Rural Shared Home". "In the future, Gangxi Town will continue to deepen the practice of party building to lead grassroots governance innovation, continuously improve the functions and mechanisms of the "Rural Shared Home" platform, promote the modernization of the rural governance system and governance capabilities, enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security, and make rural communities a beautiful home where people can live and work in peace and contentment."

The 7th "Five Beautiful Communities Festival" of Chongming District opens, "small incision" leverages the "big article" of village governance
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