Feel the vigorous vitality of excellent traditional culture, and the Chinese dragon "fly" into the children's hearts! Zailong Cultural All-Around Competition

Release time:Jun 10, 2024 12:50 PM

Water dragons swim, sky dragons soar in the sky, and earth dragons fly... On June 10, the first event was co-sponsored by the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, Shanghai Municipal Sports Bureau, Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, and Liberation Daily, and hosted by the Shanghai Science and Technology Art Education Center and others. The 11th Shanghai Student Dragon Culture All-Around Competition opened at the Shanghai Youth Off-Campus Activity Camp. This event includes three events: dragon boat racing, kite racing, and dragon and lion racing. There are four categories: primary school, junior high school, high school, and college. There are more than 140 teams from 113 schools in 16 districts of the city, with a total of more than 3,300 contestants. Participate. From the children's sweat, tears, and laughter, we can truly feel the vibrant vitality of the excellent traditional culture.

This year coincides with the Year of the Dragon, and the Dragon Boat Festival is coming as scheduled, which can be called the "double dragon meeting". The 11-year-old Dragon Culture All-Around Competition has also opened a new page. In the past ten competitions, the inheritance of China's excellent traditional culture has passed through this stage, year after year, level by level. The "Three Dragons Project" has taken root on Shencheng campus, integrated into children's learning and life, awakened the excellent traditional cultural genes in Chinese culture, and at the same time given it a Chinese, modern and contemporary soul.

With the beating of drums, splashing of waves, and flying dragon flags, the competition begins. Dragon boats fly back and forth on the rippling water like an arrow, while the shore is full of cheers and people. . Dragon boat culture has lasted for thousands of years, carrying the rich humanistic emotions of the Chinese nation.

As a representative of traditional sports, dragon boating not only embodies the courage and progress of team fighting, but also displays the heroic spirit of hitting the water in the middle. It is the highlight of every Dragon Culture All-Around Competition. The golden championship trophy is the goal for the children to strive for together. The honor is of course valuable, but what is even more touching is the voice of the team members - what we cherish more is this period of youth in which we are riding the tide side by side.

“I like the feeling of riding the wind and waves while rowing, and I like the way everyone works hard together.” “It’s particularly powerful when everyone shouts slogans together.” Two members of the Shanghai Ocean University team shared the reasons why they love dragon boating. The clear muscle lines on the young men's arms make it hard to imagine that they had never touched a dragon boat a year ago, and some could not even do a pull-up. The Shanghai Ocean University Dragon Boat Team is the "leader" in domestic dragon boating. Over the years, this team composed of ordinary college students has achieved great results in domestic and foreign competitions. Chi Huan, who is called the "devil coach" by the team members, Qi’s contribution is not small. He told reporters that the team was all composed of freshmen, and no one had ever received physical training. Most of them knew nothing about dragon boating before joining the team. "The Dragon Culture All-Around Competition is the first competition they have experienced."

"The dragon boat team is a place for people to grow. In the team, you can't just consider your own feelings, you must know how to cooperate." "The temperament and atmosphere on the dragon boat are different from other sports." "We are waving flags, shouting, and beating drums. , feel the charm of a thousand-year-old culture"... During the interview, team members from different schools all talked about their "love" for dragon boating. Many of them train four to five days a week, for at least 2 hours at a time, and many of them are girls. . Most of them were "newbies" to water sports not long ago, and were quickly infected by the atmosphere, presence, collectiveness and cohesion of dragon boating. They went from giving it a try to becoming passionate about it, and because of their passion, they persisted. In Chi Huanqi’s view, the continued holding of the Dragon Culture All-Around Games will better promote the introduction of dragon boat classes into schools, and bring students insights and inspiration that far exceed the sport itself, and have been internalized into a belief and belief in their hearts. Pursue. "The patriotism, struggle and team spirit contained in dragon boat racing will benefit them for life."

Jumping, fluttering, climbing, flipping... The team members became one with the dragon and lion, flying up and down, swimming quickly, and instantly transformed into various shapes... In the dragon and lion arena of the Dragon Culture All-Around Competition, gongs were played and drums were played. People, dragon dancers, lion dancers, all gathered together. 3 Dragon and lion dances are not only reserved for boys, but there are also many "female men" among them. They are all serious and focused, and their performances are lifelike. Yang Wanqing, a fifth-grade girl from Guangzhong Road Primary School in Hongkou District, was playing on the field. Her mother, who was watching the game on the sidelines, clenched her fists and watched the game closely. When the music ended, she breathed a sigh of relief. "I am more nervous than she is!" she told reporters. My daughter has been exposed to dragon dance since she was in second grade. She has changed a lot and benefited a lot. "In dragon dance, she learned what perseverance is, and what collectiveness and unity are!" She told reporters that before a competition Her daughter happened to be sick. She advised her not to hold on, but she was taught a lesson. "My daughter told me that everyone in the dragon and lion dances has an important role. If one position is missing, she will not be able to dance. As long as she can persist, she must go." ”

At the Dragon Culture All-Around Competition, many children had the same story as Yang Wanqing. "I have been learning lion dance since the third grade. It is very tiring to practice some moves, especially the difficult ones. Every time, it is the coach's careful guidance and the help of my teammates that help me persevere step by step. In lion dance, I learned what perseverance means," said one of the team members.

Looking at the history of the Dragon Culture All-Around Competition, it is also the history of "Dragon and Lion" entering the campus. This sport has turned the somewhat boring physical education class in the past into a classroom where students can experience traditional sports culture. Some teachers from dragon and lion schools told reporters that dragon and lion dances were introduced into physical education classes to allow students to understand and learn traditional culture. It not only allows students to learn this sports skill, but also allows students to continuously cultivate and enhance their national consciousness and enhance their national cultural self-confidence during the learning process. Dragon and lion dance is also a traditional folk culture that integrates martial arts, dance, music, etc. The entire dance process is an educational process that uses movement to liberate nature, enhance physical fitness, cultivate beauty, and sharpen will. Yang Wanqing's mother told reporters that her daughter also learns guzheng and other folk music on weekdays. She often says that some songs are very suitable for use in dragon and lion performances. "This is really an interactive complementation of traditional culture, nourishing the soul from the outside to the inside."

The Lailong Cultural All-Around Competition can be described as one "kite" and two studies: understanding the historical knowledge of kites and learning the scientific principles of kites.

"The air pressure above the kite is small, and the air pressure below is high, so lift is generated!" In the lively kite competition venue, a young player who had just finished the competition explained the principles of kites to reporters. "Then do you know the history of kites?" Seeing the reporter nodding repeatedly, she started chatting, "In ancient times, kites were first used for military purposes, and later became entertainment activities. Starting from the Song Dynasty, we Chinese have been flying around the Qingming Festival Fly a kite and cut the kite string to pray for good luck!" This young player comes from Qixian School in Fengxian District, Shanghai. "Creative Kite" is the school's traditional moral education course, which started in 1988 and has been in existence for 36 years. It is understood that the school has compiled its own kite teaching materials, focusing on the four arts of "tying, pasting, painting, and flying" to form a kite teaching book that can be used by low, middle and high school students to make, fly and explore. According to the age characteristics of students, kite knowledge enlightenment and popularization education are carried out in stages to guide children to master relevant knowledge and skills. The school also has a special kite classroom, where pairs of small hands fiddle with thin silk, flexible bamboo strips and colorful paint pens to "turn" them into colorful kites.

As traditional cultural education receives more and more attention, and with the guidance of competitions, kites have flown into the classrooms of more and more primary and secondary schools in Shanghai. Zhou Lijun, a teacher at Qixian School, told reporters that exploring kite-related knowledge has indeed inspired students’ desire to explore knowledge across disciplines, and it has also inherited and promoted Chinese kite culture, allowing more children and their families to experience the sport of kites. The charm of intangible cultural heritage projects that carry thousands of years of traditional history and culture of the Chinese nation.

The sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly. The participating children were sweating, but their faces were full of excitement and joy. During the competition, they went all out and worked together in the same boat. Outside the competition, they danced and played together, not caring that the sun would burn their skin. Black... At the Dragon Culture All-Around Competition, we witnessed that traditional culture nourishes young people, guiding them to establish correct values, strengthen cultural self-confidence, and develop a high-spirited spirit. Through years of accumulation and precipitation, the Dragon Culture All-Around Competition has become a "platform for experiencing Chinese excellent traditional culture", "a platform for displaying results combining culture and sports", "a platform for quality education integrating knowledge and action" for the majority of young people in this city. The forces of all sectors of society provide a great stage for promoting excellent national culture and realizing the vision. To create a Shanghai example of cultural self-confidence and self-improvement, and to build a place for the best practice of Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts, the Dragon Culture All-Around Competition is also a bright spot.

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