Data assets come alive to help accelerate the digital economy

Release time:Jun 07, 2024 08:33 AM

How can binary data assets enter corporate balance sheets, be recognized by investors or banks, and become real "financial report" assets?

Recently, with the innovative cooperation between the Bank of Shanghai and the Shanghai Data Exchange, the Shanghai Data Exchange’s first “Shuyidai” for the chemical industry was successfully launched. Shanghai Xinhua and Cloud Data Technology Co., Ltd. successfully obtained 1.5 million through data asset pledge financing. Yuan credit support, which also provides a reference sample for the "realization" of relevant corporate data assets.

Bank’s “golden key” helps monetize data assets

Authoritative departments predict that the data infrastructure system will generate a data trading market of 300-500 billion yuan in the short term. In the medium and long term, the potential size of the data asset-related market will be more than 60 trillion yuan. Data element pricing is the “golden key” to unlocking a new 10-trillion-level market. Behind the rapid growth of the market scale, innovative applications such as data asset pledge guarantee jointly carried out by banks and data exchanges are indispensable.

Take Xinhua Heyun as an example. This company is a big data platform for the chemical industry. Relying on the company's accurate industry database, it provides database services and data analysis services to the industry. As a typical "asset-light, data-heavy" company, it has been facing challenges in capitalization due to characteristics such as difficulty in confirming rights and valuation, and inconsistent valuation standards. This makes Xinhua and Yunhua rely on data assets to obtain bank credit. The idea has been difficult to make effective progress.

"Our data products, the upstream and downstream data of the chemical industry chain and the dynamic operating data of chemical companies, have been marketed and started to generate revenue since 2022, and were listed and registered on the Shanghai Data Exchange that year." Xinhua Yu Zheng, chief operating officer of Heyun, said.

After learning about the company's financing needs, Bank of Shanghai conducted on-site due diligence to evaluate the impact of relevant data assets on the company's operations. It comprehensively considered the scarcity of data, market demand, usage scenarios and potential benefits, and evaluated the impact of data assets on the company's operations. The value of data assets is finally determined after considering the potential value of future data commercialization, data transactions and data-driven business innovation.

"Although the amount of this 1.5 million credit is small, it has a certain symbolic significance, showing that data assets can not only be used as transaction objects, but also as collateral for obtaining financing. This method provides light assets and high-tech enterprises with a New financing channels can help enterprises alleviate financing problems, reduce financing costs, and improve financing efficiency," said Hu Ji, Vice President of Bank of Shanghai Puxi Branch.

Empowering new productivity "Shuyidai" successfully breaks through the circle

"Data empowers various industries to form an 'amplification, superposition, and multiplication' effect, making its value stand out. Digital finance is an inevitable requirement for doing a good job in the 'five big articles' of finance. The Bank of Shanghai's carrying out such business also helps new productivity and Active exploration of the development of digital economy," said a relevant person from the Bank of Shanghai.

As a national data trading platform, the Shanghai Data Exchange has achieved pioneering pilot projects such as "Shuyidai" in the field of data asset pledge financing, and has accumulated a wealth of practical cases. Up to now, the Shanghai Data Exchange has adopted the "Shuyidai" enterprise data asset innovative application program and cooperated with Shanghai financial institutions, including the Bank of Shanghai, to provide data asset-based loan services to seven companies.

All market participants are optimistic about the overall demand for “realization” of data assets. For enterprises, once the realization of data assets opens up, there will be a lot of room for growth in its future value curve; for banks, it will help them strengthen financial support for related enterprises, especially platform Internet enterprises, thereby helping The development of the real economy and new productive forces.

At present, the Shanghai Data Exchange has listed more than 2,500 data asset products, covering many fields such as finance, shipping and transportation, comprehensive, and trade. “Due to the particularity of data assets and the differences in financial institutions’ understanding and risk management capabilities of data assets as an emerging asset, we expect that areas with a high concentration of data elements and financial elements are expected to achieve large-scale development and provide a platform for national data Asset innovation applications provide exploration experience,” said a person from the Shanghai Data Exchange.

Data assets come alive to help accelerate the digital economy
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