China Merchants Shekou Shanghai Branch jointly builds the "Green Rose Garden" and bravely serves as a "pioneer" in high-quality development

Release time:Jun 08, 2024 07:10 AM

On June 7, China Merchants Shekou Shanghai Company's "Green Rose Action" jointly built a Green Rose Garden event was held in Mansion No. 9. The owner's family actively participated in activities such as tree planting science classes, nursery planting, and kite flying. Flower gardens and small shops can be seen everywhere. The scenery is full of spring scenery, which makes people involuntarily put down their steps and appreciate it slowly. It is reported that in the future, the project will invite owners to maintain the "Pothos Garden" together, build beautiful homes, and promote community landscape optimization and quality improvement.

In fact, Mansion No. 9 is neither the first nor the last one to jointly build a "Pothos Garden". Under the "Green Rose Action", China Merchants Shekou proposed to build 100 green rose gardens in communities across the country, demonstrating China Merchants Shekou's active advocacy of green life and its profound insight into beautiful human settlements.

"Green Radish Action" creates green and sustainable IP for investment

What is "Operation Green Radish"? This is an event initiated by China Merchants Shekou in 2017 and launched every year on Earth Day. From energy conservation and emission reduction, green and clean gardens, to environmental protection co-creation and recycling of old items, through different dimensions and activities, we actively promote a green and low-carbon lifestyle and inject new impetus into the green development of the community.

In 2024, China Merchants Shekou's "Green Radish Action" will enter its eighth year, with the theme of "Green Life, Please Take Action". Compared with previous years, this year has made innovations and upgrades on the basis of inheritance, forming four major highlights: 45 brands have jointly launched green initiatives, a total of 100 pothos gardens have been built in communities across the country, and the "Green Low-Carbon Life Festival" has been held nationwide. ”, and jointly launched green consumption subsidies with strategic partners.

After years of hard work, the "Green Radish Action" has become a landmark activity for China Merchants Shekou to actively assume social responsibilities as a central enterprise, conveying the green power of China Merchants Shekou to carry a better life. The "Pothos Garden" is a community co-construction garden project launched by China Merchants Shekou based on the concept of the sustainable development brand IP "Pothos Action", which contains two levels of essence.

First of all, we carry out landscape improvement and renewal projects in designated areas in the delivered community, combining green quality protection with co-construction by owners, which is widely loved by owners. For example, the landscape improvement project carried out in No. 9 Mansion is one of them, adding a bright color to the community landscape that has been delivered.

Actual picture of the "Green Rose Garden" jointly built by Mansion No. 9

At the same time, China Merchants Shekou Shanghai Company made innovative breakthroughs, not only adding new greenery to the delivered community, but also implanting "Pothos Garden" in the early stage of landscape planning of new projects. For example, the trendy investment project in the Sijing sector integrates the concept of green living throughout the entire community life cycle.

Of course, the significance of this project actually goes far beyond updating the face of the community. Through continuous space optimization and improvement, we gain in-depth insights into the needs of owners, not only create a friendly and harmonious community atmosphere, but also form community activities and advocate a healthier and active lifestyle.

Be a green pioneer and jointly build a beautiful urban ecology

Against the macro background of China’s continuous pursuit of “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality”, ESG has clearly become another must-have for the vanguard of real estate companies.

On the road to "carbon" seeking a better life, China Merchants Shekou has chosen a "difficult but correct" path and has gained a lot of substantial progress and experience.

As early as August 2021, China Merchants Shekou issued a notice requiring all new projects to 100% comply with green building design, fully implement green building evaluation standards, and effectively promote the work of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality".

As of the end of 2023, the number of green building certification projects in China Merchants Shekou has reached 486, with a total construction area of ​​57.9272 million square meters of certified projects, accounting for 69.4% of the total certified projects. These certification results fully demonstrate China Merchants Shekou’s leading position and green strength in the field of green buildings.

As one of the earliest real estate companies to deploy urban renewal and initiate digital transformation, China Merchants Shekou has successfully launched a series of low-carbon practical projects relying on its technological advantages.

The first zero-energy consumption pilot building in Shanghai, the China Merchants Bright City Exhibition Center, is a successful exploration of quality human settlements by China Merchants Shekou Shanghai Company. It is the first time that modular construction and zero-energy consumption operation and maintenance have been deeply integrated and used to achieve " Carbon reduction throughout the entire life cycle of "design, construction, operation and maintenance" has become a milestone in China's "modular zero-energy" construction field.

In this project, "increase revenue and reduce expenditure" has been achieved from the very beginning of planning and construction. For example, the project adopts domestic leading technologies such as photovoltaic direct-drive air conditioners, photovoltaic curtain walls, modular buildings and zero-carbon comprehensive monitoring and management platforms. It can not only effectively reduce the energy consumption of the building itself, but also make full use of renewable energy such as photovoltaic solar energy to provide it with clean Electricity to achieve zero energy consumption operation of buildings. According to reports, the project can save 50% of the construction period during construction, reduce on-site labor by 70%, and reduce waste emissions by 80%.

According to industry analysis reports, the entire life cycle of prefabricated construction reduces carbon emissions by more than 50% compared with traditional construction methods. Therefore, China Merchants Shekou has also taken ultra-low energy consumption buildings and prefabricated construction as its main directions to build a low-carbon construction LCCS system to minimize carbon emissions.

At present, this system has been applied in batches in residential projects in Shanghai. Among them, China Merchants Yunxi successfully passed the expert certification organized by the Shanghai Municipal Housing and Construction Commission and the Science and Technology Commission, becoming the first ultra-low energy consumption project in a high-rise building nearly 100 meters high. The ultra-low energy consumption technology used in this project was also successfully used by China Merchants Shekou Shanghai Company in China Merchants Hongxi and Tianhui Century Seal projects. Data shows that the cumulative construction area of ​​low-carbon construction in the three projects exceeds 167,300 square meters, achieving a total carbon emission reduction of 1,569.8 tons.

As a responsible state-owned enterprise that co-exists with the city, China Merchants Shekou has always practiced the brand concept of "carrier of a better life", integrated the concept of green environmental protection into the blood of the company, and continuously awakened and inspired the company by continuously carrying out and deepening the "Green Radish Action" Public awareness and actions towards green and low-carbon life.

Facing the future, China Merchants Shekou will continue to take the initiative to reduce carbon emissions in depth, actively explore green buildings, further contribute to the implementation of the national "double carbon" goal, and become a practitioner of low-carbon urban life.

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