Determined to be a loyal defender of the Party and the people, the Shanghai Public Security Bureau deeply commemorates the heroes of public security

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 20:45 PM

He went through fire and water with a single heart for the people; he sacrificed his life and served the country with passion. On September 30, on the occasion of the 10th National Martyrs’ Day, the Shanghai Public Security Bureau thoroughly implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important reply, held various commemorative activities to commemorate the public security heroes, and encouraged all police officers to unswervingly serve the Party and the people. loyal defenders who work tirelessly to build a higher level of peace in China and actively contribute to promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation.

At the Songhu Anti-Japanese War Memorial Hall, young Yangpu police officers gazed at history and remembered the martyrs, feeling the responsibility of the nation and the glory of the Republic in their hearts. Yan Ci, a police officer from Yangpu Branch, looked at the "038229" police signal on his chest and was filled with emotion. This was his father's warning signal, and it was also the honor and responsibility his father left to him. Eighteen years ago, his father, Yan Dehai, captain of the special patrol brigade of the Yangpu Branch, rushed into the fire without risking his own life when dealing with an arson case, and sacrificed his life to save the safety of the masses. He was posthumously awarded as a revolutionary martyr. Today, Yan Ci wears his father's warning sign on his chest and walks among the people his father once guarded with his life. At the event, he said excitedly: "I will use my actions to polish the siren on my chest and insist on 'people first'. This is the best tribute to my father."

In the early morning of September 30, a group of young people in police uniforms came to the intersection of Wuzhong Road and Hongxu Road and stood in silence in front of the "Maosheng Quangang Group" monument for a long time. The policemen from the Traffic Police Detachment of the Minhang Public Security Bureau told the story of martyr Mao Shengquan affectionately, and everyone present shed tears. Eight years ago, young police officer Mao Shengquan died while on duty at this intersection. On April 15 of the same year, he was awarded the title of revolutionary martyr, and there was also a "Maosheng Quangang Group" monument at the intersection where he was on duty. Since then, every year on Tomb Sweeping Day and Martyrs’ Day, the monument is always filled with flowers to express grief. Peng Yuehui, a young policeman from the "Maosheng Quangang Group" of the Second Brigade of the Minhang Traffic Police, said: "We must work hard to inherit his spirit, ensure good road order with practical actions, and protect the safe travel of residents in the jurisdiction!"

The Loyal Guards Square of the Shanghai Public Security College is solemn and green with green pines. More than 300 teachers and students from the Public Security College lined up to enter the venue to hold the Martyrs' Day commemoration event to "carry forward the spirit of heroes and forge the soul of loyal police officers". The father of Dai Jiachen, a 2022 undergraduate student, Dai Yongkang, was an instructor at the Qibao Police Station of the Minhang Public Security Bureau during his lifetime. He died in the line of duty in December 2022. He said emotionally, "The police uniform should not only be worn on the body, but also in the 'heart'! This is the last advice my father gave me. As the successor of the public security industry, I will definitely inherit my father's legacy and work hard for Escorting the city's socio-economic development. "During the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day security this year, Dai Jiachen and his classmates stayed on the streets of the city, honed their growth through actual combat, and achieved themselves through responsibility.

At the May 30th Martyrs Memorial Square, young Hongkou police officers placed blooming chrysanthemums and lilies, stood in line to salute the martyrs’ monument, expressed their high respect and admiration for the revolutionary martyrs, and reviewed the oath of joining the police in front of the martyrs’ monument. Solemn commitment to the revolutionary martyrs. After taking the oath, Chen Liangshun, a police officer from Liangcheng Xincun Police Station, said with excitement: “We must remember the heroes and martyrs, pass on the spiritual torch, and protect the lights of thousands of families and the peace of one place with practical actions!

Since May 1949, a total of 82 revolutionary martyrs on the Shanghai Public Security Front have contributed their precious lives to the safety of the city. They used their youth and blood to practice their solemn oath of loyalty to the party, the motherland, the people, and the law, and sacrificed their precious lives to ensure the safety and stability of the city and the people's livelihood. The city's public security police stated that they will be guided by the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important reply, continue to be courageous in taking on responsibilities, be willing to sacrifice and contribute, create "great peace" with "small goals", and strive to achieve "a world-class safe city and world-class police service" model and world-class police image” and make unremitting efforts!

Determined to be a loyal defender of the Party and the people, the Shanghai Public Security Bureau deeply commemorates the heroes of public security
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