After leaving the court, immediately switch to election mode and watch the video. | Trump appears again in court without saying a word throughout the entire process | Trump appears again in court

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:43 PM

On the 13th local time, former US President Trump appeared in a federal court in Miami, Florida to plead guilty to 37 federal criminal charges, including improper handling of confidential documents.

According to foreign media reports such as Reuters, during the 47 minute trial, Trump, wearing his iconic dark blue suit and red tie, remained silent and held his arms. When prosecutors accused him of improperly possessing and hiding confidential documents, Trump frowned. His lawyer represented Trump in presenting a plea of not guilty to the court.

After the hearing, Trump was allowed to leave the court unconditionally, without paying cash bail or submitting a passport, and his personal travel was not restricted. But the judge ordered him not to discuss this case with another defendant, Norta, and other potential witnesses. Norta is Trump's personal assistant.

Unlike his pale face when he appeared in court, Trump quickly turned to "campaign mode" after leaving the courtroom. Previously, he had announced his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election.

Trump did not immediately fly back to New Jersey, but instead went to the famous Cuban restaurant in Little Havana, Miami, where he was welcomed by a small group of supporters. He claimed that the United States was "manipulated," "corrupt," and "corrupt," and even announced that he would treat lunch.

Coincidentally, on the day before Trump's 77th birthday, supporters even sang a happy birthday song for him, which also gave Trump a smile on his face. Reuters pointed out that the Cuban community in Florida is an important Republican stronghold in the state.

After returning from Florida to Bedminster Trump National Golf Club in New Jersey, he told supporters at a rally, "Today, we have witnessed the most heinous and heinous abuse of power in the history of our country... This day will be a day of shame."

Reuters reported that Trump's defense has sparked a legal battle that could last for a year or more, which will run through Trump's campaign.

On June 9th, the US Department of Justice released an indictment listing 37 federal felony charges against Trump, accusing him of illegally taking thousands of documents away from the White House when he stepped down, some of which involved national security secrets. He was also accused of lying to government officials who intended to retrieve documents.

The lawsuit states that Trump left a large number of classified documents in a "dangerous way" at his Florida residence, Sealake Estate. The photos attached to the indictment show boxes of documents scattered in the ballroom, bathroom, and storage room.

Legal experts believe that the "Confidential Incident" case involves allegations of endangering national security, and once convicted, the defendant may face a "considerable" sentence.

This is also Trump's second appearance in court in recent months. In April of this year, Trump was charged 34 counts of first tier felony by the New York state prosecutor's office in the "sealing fee" case. In addition, Georgia prosecutors are expected to announce in August whether to file criminal charges against him for allegedly interfering in the 2020 election vote counting. The investigation into the Capitol Hill riots is also ongoing.

However, analysis suggests that even if criminally charged or ultimately convicted, it does not prevent Trump from continuing to run for president.

This former president, who is plagued by lawsuits, remains the most popular candidate for the Republican presidential nomination. The Reuters/Ipsos poll results released on the 12th showed that 81% of Republican voters believe that the accusations against Trump are politically motivated. Compared to other Republican presidential candidates, Trump still has a significant lead in support.

On the day of Trump's appearance in court, a group of Trump supporters and opponents gathered outside the court and engaged in arguments. However, despite Miami being prepared for potential violent incidents, there were no safety issues on that day.

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