Year of Reunion | Warm New Year with Love

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 20:56 PM

In the ice and snow, he took off his gloves and shook hands with the border guards one by one;

In the nursing home restaurant, he handed a prepared meal to an old man with both hands: "Please treat the old man to a meal";

In the construction site dormitory, he leaned over and cupped the child's cheek, and the "big friend" and the child looked at each other and smiled;

Close up, freeze, and remember, through the micro-shots of the General Secretary and the people together on the eve of the Spring Festival every year, people can feel the people's leader's deep feelings for the people.

Year of Reunion | Warm New Year with Love

On February 1, 2024, the 22nd day of the twelfth lunar month, General Secretary Xi Jinping took the "Fuxing" to Tianjin for inspection early in the morning.

In Liubu Village, the general secretary held the hand of a fellow villager and said, "We should thank you for your hard work in enriching the 'vegetable basket' for the Spring Festival." Last year, a severe flood occurred in the Haihe River Basin, and Liubu Village was hit by the disaster. , more than 2,000 vegetable greenhouses in the village were all flooded.

On February 1, 2024, while inspecting the Sixth Port Village in Tianjin, General Secretary Xi Jinping had a cordial chat with villager Du Honggang and his family.

During this trip, the General Secretary first learned about the local agricultural production recovery situation, and then went into the homes of the disaster-stricken people to ask "what else needs the party and the government to care about and help"... The Spring Festival is approaching, and he is thinking about whether the folks in the disaster area can have a good time. Good year.

This reminds people of the scene when the General Secretary visited Feng Nanyuan Village in Shanxi Province in the snow on the eve of the Spring Festival in 2022.

Year of Reunion | Warm New Year with Love

That day was the twenty-fourth day of the twelfth lunar month, and the flavor of the new year was getting stronger. Amidst the falling snowflakes, the general secretary said to the villagers: "I came to Shanxi today mainly because I am concerned about the impact of last year's disaster on everyone's production and life."

Villagers remember that the General Secretary stood outside the house as soon as he got off the car to listen to the report on the disaster and recovery and reconstruction. "Have all the damaged houses been repaired?" "How is the replanting of winter wheat?" The general secretary asked carefully while listening.

The snow is getting heavier and heavier, but the villagers feel warm in their hearts.

On January 26, 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the Hongbing family of the disaster-stricken villager Feng Nanyuan Village in Shanxi Province.

General Secretary Xi Jinping said that his biggest wish is that “everyone can have a happy New Year.” These heartfelt words remind people of one warm moment after another——

Year of Reunion | Warm New Year with Love

Braving the severe cold of more than minus 30 degrees Celsius, the General Secretary visited the home of Guo Yongcai, a forestry worker in difficulty in Inner Mongolia: "The Spring Festival is almost here. I know you are in difficulty, so I came here to visit you."

Taking the New Year's goods purchased with his own money, the General Secretary returned to Liangjiahe to visit his father and fellow villagers. As soon as he entered the familiar cave dwelling, he felt as if he had arrived at his own home and sat beside the kang naturally.

In the adobe house where Ji Haoye, a poor family, seeks a home, the general secretary bent down, lifted up the mattress with concern, and touched the quilt to see if it was thick enough.

On February 11, 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Ji Haoyeqiu, a poor household in Sanhe Village, Sichuan, at his home.

After getting off the car temporarily during the inspection, the General Secretary walked into a courier service point to pay New Year greetings to the couriers and asked them if they were tired from work and whether they would go home during the New Year.

Year of Reunion | Warm New Year with Love

In a Huimin fresh food supermarket in Guizhou, the general secretary had cordial exchanges with customers buying New Year goods, and also told merchants in the cooked food area: "Be sure to pay attention to food hygiene, mark the production date, and do not sell expired food."

Video link to the cadres and workers of Zhengzhou East Railway Station, one of the largest high-speed rail stations in my country. The General Secretary asked everyone to organize and dispatch carefully, strictly adhere to the safety bottom line, and ensure the safe travel of passengers.

During the inspection, he saw the smiling faces of citizens and tourists watching traditional folk performances. The General Secretary took this matter to heart and reminded various places to hold more cultural activities that are popular with the masses during the Spring Festival to make the festival more festive and cheerful.

Every word, deed, greeting and exhortation reflects the heart-to-heart feelings between the people's leaders and the people.

Year of Reunion | Warm New Year with Love

Every festive season, we miss our loved ones even more. Every year on the eve of the Lunar New Year, General Secretary Xi Jinping takes time to visit and express condolences to grassroots cadres and masses, chatting with everyone about daily life, seeing what difficulties everyone still has, and listening to everyone's plans for the New Year.

"For the common people, every trivial matter around them is a real major matter, and some are even urgent and difficult matters." This is what the General Secretary said 20 years ago in "People who don't care about the people, don't be "officials"" A sentence written in an article. He regarded the common people's affairs as the most important thing.

"There were still some stains on the water ladle, so the General Secretary drank the water without hesitation." Ma Hailong, the grandson of Ma Gang, an old party member in Yuangudui Village, Gansu Province, remembered that the General Secretary saw the water tank when he came to pay New Year's greetings at his home in 2013 and was so moved that he drank the water without hesitation. He scooped up a ladle and tasted the water quality. "The General Secretary is really concerned about whether we can drink safe water."

"The General Secretary heard that I had a heart operation last year, and asked me whether I had a stent or a bypass, how much the operation cost, and how much was reimbursed." Recalling the interaction with the General Secretary on the eve of the Spring Festival in 2017, Hebei Desheng Villager Xu Xuehai's eyes turned red, "The general secretary cares about me and asks me to take good care of my illness."

On January 24, 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the home of Xu Xuehai, a villager in Desheng Village, Hebei Province.

Year of Reunion | Warm New Year with Love

The folks in Daliang Mountain have always remembered that on the 26th day of the twelfth lunar month in 2018, the General Secretary flew for more than three hours and traveled in the mountains for another two or three hours to visit them. Learning that the local government had put the relocation of villages, including the "Cliff Village", and rural tourism on the agenda, the General Secretary was very happy and specifically asked the staff to take back the planning map, "I will take a good look at it."

As the spirit of the new year in 2023 gets stronger, the general secretary has a video connection with cadres and masses from the east, west, south, north, and central regions. He asked the village cadres of a Qiang village in Sichuan that is engaged in tourism whether there are many tourists and what the income of the village is like. Hearing that the per capita income of the village exceeded 40,000 yuan last year, he said: "Not bad!" "I shared my experience and knowledge of visiting here with the General Secretary. The General Secretary was very happy and wished us a happy time here. ." Recalling the conversation with the General Secretary, tourist Wei Zhuo "felt that he was very concerned about the development of the countryside."

On January 18, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping communicated cordially with villagers and tourists in Shiyi Village, Sichuan via video link.

On the eve of this year’s Spring Festival, the General Secretary was very moved when he heard some disaster-stricken villagers in Tianjin’s Liubu Village say bluntly that “with the help of the party and the government, they quickly overcame the difficulties and did not find life difficult.” Before leaving the village, he specifically told the villagers: "The Party Central Committee has also made up its mind to work hard to build better water conservancy and flood control projects for the sake of the people's livelihood and contentment."

Year of Reunion | Warm New Year with Love

"The people's affairs are the most important thing and must be handled well."

What the people's leaders say and do what they do is always concerned about the happiness of the people's lives.

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