The farthest one is from the Netherlands. How to create a "15-minute learning circle"? Songjiang collects hundreds of citizens’ golden ideas

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 01:48 AM

In addition to teenagers in school, how can the learning needs of community residents be met within a 15-minute slow drive? Songjiang listens to suggestions from community residents.

“15-Minute Study Circle” Tips from the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, one day in mid-August, the screen of Chinese tourist Luo Keping’s mobile phone flashed. The sender of the message was his colleague Shen Jiali, a teacher at Xinqiao Town Community School in Songjiang District, Shanghai. "Teacher Luo, you have a lot of great ideas. Do you have any good suggestions?"

It turns out that in order to actively promote the construction of the "15-minute learning circle", through criss-crossing learning networks, ubiquitous optional learning resources, and distinctive brand building, citizens can feel warmth and happiness through lifelong education and solve the problem of mass participation in community education. Regarding the "last mile" problem, in early August, the Songjiang District People's Suggestions Collection Office and the Songjiang District Education Bureau jointly issued a proposal to the whole society through the application app, the official website of the Shanghai Songjiang District People's Government, the official WeChat public account, and offline mailboxes. Collection order.

After Shen Jiali learned the news, she shared the collection order with Luo Keping.

"There are activity rooms in residential areas. Setting up learning points here does not involve additional venue funds and is simple and easy." Luo Keping, a community school teacher who traveled to a foreign country, thought about what he observed and researched when he was engaged in community education. In response to the situation, two suggestions came to mind: "Establishing an aerial tutor project" and "Using residential community activity rooms and other places to set up educational learning points." After logging in, the application was submitted and sent to the Songjiang District People's Suggestion Collection Office.

△"15 Minute Study Circle" People's Suggestion Collection Order.

In just two weeks, the Songjiang District People's Suggestion Collection Office has received 55 proposals. Since the beginning of this year, the District People’s Suggestions Collection Office has teamed up with relevant departments to carry out 5 active collection activities with themes such as “Building a 15-minute Learning Circle” and collected more than 400 people’s suggestions of various types. Among them, more than 100 valuable suggestions have been adopted and transformed by relevant government departments.

The district proposal collection office and the district education bureau drafted several scopes of suggestions in the collection order for citizens to refer to when making suggestions, such as how to set up learning venues, how to allocate teacher resources, how to set up courses, etc.

The farthest one is from the Netherlands. How to create a "15-minute learning circle"? Songjiang collects hundreds of citizens’ golden ideas

Ms. Sun, a citizen of Songjiang District, suggested that “learning venues can be set up in existing neighborhood committees, good neighbor spots for the elderly, party and mass service centers, new era civilized practice centers, community meal stations, office buildings, shopping malls, squares and other places.” Citizen Xu The lady proposed to attract people with special skills from the private sector and implement sharing of teachers. There are also many suggestions for improving the curriculum. For example, Ms. Wang suggested that some distinctive chat rooms, handicraft clubs and other cultural societies could be created, and polished into special courses; Ms. Zhang suggested establishing an online platform to facilitate citizens to learn about activities, make appointments and sign up...

The suggestions collected were quickly screened and forwarded to the district education bureau. After research, constructive and practical suggestions such as "using community meeting rooms and other places to build learning points", "hiring part-time teachers on a selective basis" and "cultivating volunteers in the community" were initially adopted.

In response to the problems mentioned in the suggestions such as "some citizens think that the learning methods are not flexible enough" and "the learning places are far away", Songjiang has learned the distribution of various lifelong education resources through visits, surveys, and surveys, and specially drawn up a Accurate "live map" and guidance required each street and town to build at least one "15-minute learning circle".

“Bench Classroom” and “Neighborhood Relationship” are Upgraded

The "Bench Classroom" of Xiaokunshan Town Community School in Songjiang District is located in the corridor. It is a brand project of lifelong learning in Shanghai. With the help of this people's suggestion solicitation activity, the "Bench Classroom" has been further updated and upgraded. According to the personalized learning needs of different groups of people, a "Personalized Bench Classroom Learning Manual" has been released, and several special courses and learning suitable for specific groups of people have been designed. The model is transforming from "large and extensive" to "small and precise".

The "Neighborhood Connection" classes held in residents' homes through community schools in Yongfeng Street, Songjiang District have also been upgraded. After multiple rounds of people’s suggestions collection activities, many practical problems in community education have been reflected, such as residents’ relatively scattered residences, varying emotional depths, and relatively diverse interests and needs. However, distance education lacks interaction and has a single teaching format, making it difficult for teachers to adapt to everyone’s needs. Make adjustments to teaching content and teaching rhythm according to the situation.

In response to these problems, residents shared many effective suggestions. On this basis, community school staff formed study groups for residents of the same homestead, and formed different study groups based on the culture and hobbies of the building group. Each group member also led two or three residents to participate in the study together. Activity.

In response to some shortcomings of distance education, "Neighborhood" has improved the teaching format by referring to suggestions put forward by residents, and added face-to-face tutoring by expert professors and counselors.

The farthest one is from the Netherlands. How to create a "15-minute learning circle"? Songjiang collects hundreds of citizens’ golden ideas

Dear readers, if you encounter any troubles, worries, or worries in your daily life, please scan the QR code below to report and seek help from us——

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Wang Ye Children's safety is no small matter. Nowadays, more and more families are installing child safety seats in their family passenger cars. However, currently taxis and online ride-hailing services are generally not equipped with child safety seats. If parents need to take their minors with them, There are certain safety risks when people take taxis, online ride-hailing and other operating vehicles. Scientific experiments have proven that if the vehicle is not equipped with a child safety seat, but instead uses the method of carrying a minor, when the vehicle impacts at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour, an impact equivalent to 30 times the body weight will occur at the moment of impact. For example, a child weighing 10 kilograms will have an impact force of 300 kilograms at the moment of collision. This child cannot be held by the strength of human hands alone. And the reality also proves the importance of child safety seats

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A set of cables is still hanging high in the air, or is it illegally erected? It has been half a year since the undergrounding of the Zhapu Road overhead line was completed, but the grounding was forgotten.

On Zhapu Road, where the overhead line undergrounding project was completed at the end of last year, a set of communication cables that should have been buried underground strangely appeared in the air, causing considerable trouble to the Kunshan Park nearby. On September 22, Xia Zhongyi, the manager of Kunshan Park on Zhapu Road, called the 12345 citizen service hotline for help. He said that a set of cables had been hanging at the entrance of the park, and the middle section was "stretched" on two trees at the entrance of the park for more than half a year. Not to mention affecting the image of the park, below are the benches set up along the street in the park. Old people often sit and rest. "What if the black cable box hits someone on the head?" What's more important is that this section of Zhapu Road was completed at the end of last year. This means that the overhead line entry project should not be in the air at all. The section of Zhapu Road from North Suzhou Road in the south to Kunshan Road in the north was opened as early as the second half of last year.

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Impersonating a staff member of the Cyberspace Administration to commit fraud! Many people in Shanghai have already encountered scams

"Since you have recently released more than 20000 pieces of fraud information, you will face the penalty of downtime, please find a quiet place to close the door and cooperate with the record..." Recently, the Shanghai Internet Illegal and Bad Information Reporting Center received a number of citizens who reported that a fraudster had posed as a staff member of the Shanghai Internet Information Office to launch a video call and requested to make a record on the ground that the victim had released fraud information, in order to obtain personal privacy and commit fraud. The Shanghai Internet Illegal and Bad Information Reporting Center stated that such calls are counterfeit. If you receive such a call, do not disclose any personal information or join any unfamiliar groups. Call "96110" in a timely manner or go to the local police station for registration. According to the victim, Citizen Wang, on the morning of September 20th, he received a video call starting with+86

Will the bank permanently freeze some deposit accounts? This kind of fake news has tricks!, Rumors started in September | Bank | Account
Will the bank permanently freeze some deposit accounts? This kind of fake news has tricks!, Rumors started in September | Bank | Account

Recently, the Shanghai debunking platform received a message hoping to verify the authenticity of the online rumor that "starting from September, banks will permanently freeze some deposit accounts.". After verification, all relevant statements are false. In March, there was similar news, but industry insiders said that the Shanghai debunking platform found that since March this year, various online news titled "Amazing Decision Making of Banks" and "Major Reform of Banks" have appeared, all from individual netizens or self media named "* * Finance Talk" and "* * Technology". The content posted by these accounts is roughly the same, meaning "the bank has made a new decision to permanently freeze some deposit accounts."; The "effective time" is different, some are more vague, while others say it is "August", "September", etc. However, neither the People's Bank of China nor various commercial banks have released any information