Xi Jinping and French President Macron held a small-scale meeting between the heads of state of China and France in the Hautes-Pyrenees province

Release time:May 08, 2024 01:16 AM

On May 7, local time, at the special invitation of French President Macron, President Xi Jinping left Paris by special plane for a visit to the Hautes-Pyrenees province in southwestern France.

Macron and his wife Brigitte arrived in advance, and led Salomon, the governor of the Hauts-Pyrenees, and other French local government representatives to warmly greet Xi Jinping and his wife at Tarbes Airport. They welcomed Xi Jinping and his wife to visit Hautes-Pyrenees, which is of special significance to him. Province.

In spring and summer in the Nanfa Mountains, the snow melts, the streams gurgling, mountain flowers bloom, and the grass is green.

President Macron and Brigitte welcomed Xi Jinping and Peng Liyuan at the "Shepherds Station" on the Tourmalai Mountain Pass, where they enjoyed the shepherd's dance with a strong Southern French style performed by local villagers and took photos with them cordially.

Outside the wooden house of the inn, spring snow is flying and the sea of ​​clouds is vast. The two heads of state and their spouses sat by the window, overlooking the mountains, tasting local delicacies, discussing world affairs, and having strategic communication on some important issues in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the Chinese civilization is the only long-standing civilization in the world that has lasted for more than 5,000 years without interruption. Because of this, the Chinese people have a strong sense of family and country, and particularly value and cherish national unity. Many overseas Chinese have lived overseas for many years and still have deep patriotic feelings and are sincerely proud of the continuous development and growth of their motherland. During my visits, I often see many overseas Chinese and international students spontaneously waiting to be welcomed along the way. Now that China has achieved its first centenary goal, I believe that through the continuous struggle of the Chinese people, China will surely achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Although China and France belong to Eastern and Western civilizations and have different values ​​and social systems, they both value exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations. Both sides can be harmonious but different, and make new contributions to world peace and development and human progress through dialogue and cooperation. China is willing to strengthen people-to-people and cultural exchanges with France and Europe, continuously deepen economic and trade cooperation, enhance mutual understanding, and consolidate and inherit the stories of friendship between the peoples of China and France and China and Europe.

Macron said that his visit to China last year, especially the meeting in Guangzhou Pine Garden, left a deep and good impression. Through in-depth exchanges with Mr. Chairman, I have further understood China's history, culture, concepts and development process, and have a deeper understanding of China's stance on important issues. The current international situation is full of uncertainties. It is crucial for Europe to maintain strategic independence and unity. It is also crucial for Europe to develop good relations with China and strengthen bilateral and multilateral cooperation. France and China are both permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. I look forward to maintaining close communication with President Xi Jinping and playing a positive role in safeguarding peace and stability in Europe and the world.

Xi Jinping thanked President Macron and his wife for their warm invitation and careful arrangements, and pointed out that today my wife and I spent a wonderful and unforgettable time with President Macron and his wife. I look forward to regular exchanges with President Macron and working together to lead the healthy and stable development of China-France relations and China-EU relations, and inject more stability and positive energy into this chaotic world. President Macron is welcome to visit China again at his convenience.

When leaving, the local villagers sang the shepherd's song to thank Xi Jinping and Peng Liyuan for their visit and warmly invited them to come again.

Xi Jinping said that the beautiful scenery and special food here left a deep impression on me. We welcome more high-quality French agricultural and food products to enter the homes of Chinese people, and welcome more friendly French people to visit China.

Macron and Brigitte accompanied Xi Jinping and Peng Liyuan as they left Tourmalai Pass and returned to Tarbes, and held a formal farewell ceremony at the airport. The two heads of state agreed to meet again in Beijing.

That night, Xi Jinping left France by special plane for Belgrade and began a state visit to Serbia at the invitation of Serbian President Vucic.

Xi Jinping and French President Macron held a small-scale meeting between the heads of state of China and France in the Hautes-Pyrenees province
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