Understanding the New Era and Promoting Western Development Symposium: This inspection, one look, three sentences: National rejuvenation | Common prosperity | Xi Jinping

Release time:Jun 23, 2024 12:59 PM

Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Qinghai and Ningxia for inspection and research.

Qinghai is the province with the highest proportion of ethnic minority population in China, while Ningxia is the largest Hui ethnic group concentration area in China. During the three days and two places, General Secretary Xi Jinping went deep into ethnic minority areas and had face-to-face exchanges with people of all ethnic groups.

At the symposium on promoting the development of the western region in the new era held in April this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly put forward the important requirements of "six insistences", one of which is "to persist in forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation and effectively safeguard national unity and border stability."

One part planning, nine parts implementation. This field investigation after the symposium is aimed at doing a good job in the party's ethnic work in the new era, which is related to promoting the long-term development of the western region.

The first stop of the inspection was the Xining National Middle School in Golog, Qinghai. General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into the classroom to observe the theme ideological and political class and listened to the children talk about the gratifying changes in their hometown in the new era.

Communication, exchange and integration are the only way to enhance national unity, build a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation and promote the construction of the Chinese nation community. This school, which is full of deep friendship between Shanghai and Qingdao, is a microcosm of promoting cultural exchanges among different ethnic groups in different regions with the help of targeted assistance.

"Obvious results and far-reaching significance" are the eight words used by General Secretary Xi Jinping to evaluate the country. They carry great weight.

"To strengthen the great unity of the Chinese nation, the long-term and fundamental thing is to enhance cultural identity, build a spiritual home shared by all ethnic groups, and actively cultivate a sense of community among the Chinese nation."

Cultural identity is the deepest level of identity. General Secretary Xi Jinping urged: "We must make the building of a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation a focus of ideological and political courses in schools, tell the story of the Communist Party of China and socialism with Chinese characteristics, tell the story of comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization in the new era, tell the story of the Chinese nation community and national unity and progress, and implant the sense of community for the Chinese nation into children's hearts from an early age."

From history to the future, cultural identity has always been the root of national unity. Make good use of the power of education to make the sense of community of the Chinese nation increasingly deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Multi-ethnicity is a major feature of my country and a major favorable factor for its development. During his visit to Ningxia, General Secretary Xi Jinping focused on inspecting a multi-ethnic community.

From proposing in May 2014 to "promote the establishment of a social structure and community environment in which all ethnic groups are mutually embedded" to the gradual development and steady progress in recent years, General Secretary Xi Jinping has provided scientific guidance for the construction of harmonious communities where all ethnic groups are united as one family.

“Gradually realize the full-scale integration of all ethnic groups in terms of space, culture, economy, society, psychology, etc.”

Understanding the New Era and Promoting Western Development Symposium: This inspection, one look, three sentences: National rejuvenation | Common prosperity | Xi Jinping

"Build an embedded social structure and community environment to create social conditions for people of all ethnic groups to live, study, build, share, work and have fun together";

At the symposium on promoting the development of the western region in the new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "We will fully and accurately implement the party's ethnic policies, accelerate the construction of an interlocking social structure and community environment, and promote exchanges and integration among people of all ethnic groups."

Discuss countermeasures and see implementation. "Holding together like pomegranate seeds", the successful practices in ethnic unity work are gradually promoting the construction of a strong country and the process of national rejuvenation.

"In Chinese-style modernization, people's livelihood is the most important thing. All the work of the Party and the government is for the people to live a happier life." General Secretary Xi Jinping's remarks during his inspection in Chongqing in April revealed the distinctive characteristics of Chinese-style modernization.

At the symposium on promoting the development of the western region in the new era, the general secretary emphasized the need to "insist on organically combining the promotion of new urbanization and the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas, and to ensure and improve people's livelihood in the course of development."

The concept of ensuring and improving people's livelihood in the course of development has been consistent.

This time in Qinghai, it was emphasized that "we must effectively guarantee and improve people's livelihood, do our best and act within our means, do more practical things that conform to the will of the people, benefit the people's livelihood, and warm the people's hearts, and solidly solve the people's urgent and difficult problems." In Ningxia, it was pointed out that "we must strengthen the construction of inclusive, basic, and bottom-line livelihood projects, focus on solving the people's urgent and difficult problems, and solidly promote the common prosperity of all ethnic groups."

Visiting the home of Zhao Shoucheng, a resident of the Great Wall Garden Community in Yinchuan City, Ningxia, General Secretary Xi Jinping learned in detail about their employment, income, medical insurance reimbursement, and their children's schooling.

"Our party is a party that serves the people wholeheartedly. People of all ethnic groups and every household are my concern. I hope you can do a better job in building your family and live better and better," General Secretary Xi Jinping said earnestly.

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