News +|The painting behind the General Secretary contains a wonderful metaphor

Release time:Jun 23, 2024 13:01 PM

On the afternoon of June 19, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the Great Wall Garden Community in Jinfeng District, Yinchuan City, Ningxia. At the home of Zhao Shoucheng, a community resident visited by the General Secretary, an ink painting hanging on the wall of the living room was particularly eye-catching. In the painting, red pomegranates are full of branches, presenting a scene of bumper harvest.

The General Secretary said: "National unity is very important. Our 56 ethnic groups must hold together like pomegranate seeds. The 56 ethnic groups gathered together form the Chinese nation. The Chinese nation is a big family."

The relationship between "pomegranate" and "pomegranate seeds" is a vivid metaphor for the "unity of diversity in the Chinese nation".

my country has been a unified multi-ethnic country since ancient times. All ethnic groups are closely united, culturally inclusive, economically interdependent, and emotionally close to each other. This is not only our important wealth, but also an important advantage for our national development.

In 2017, in his report to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized the need to "forge a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation and strengthen exchanges, interactions and integration among all ethnic groups."

News +|The painting behind the General Secretary contains a wonderful metaphor

The General Secretary once explained that in order to build a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, we must do both visible and tangible work and a lot of "silent" work. He stressed that all work must be done in a down-to-earth and detailed manner, and must be tangible, perceptible and effective.

On the afternoon of June 19, 2024, General Secretary Xi Jinping had a cordial exchange with community residents while visiting the Great Wall Garden Community Activity Room in Jinfeng District, Yinchuan City, Ningxia.

The Changcheng Garden Community in Jinfeng District, Yinchuan City, has a total of 19 residential communities. It is home to ethnic minorities such as Hui, Manchu, Mongolian, and Tibetan, accounting for 38% of the total population. It is an inter-ethnic community.

During traditional Chinese festivals such as the Spring Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival, residents of all ethnic groups in the community gather together for fun and friendship. The community often organizes a variety of activities such as loving mutual assistance, book sharing, and family parent-child activities, bringing residents of all ethnic groups in the community together like a family.

Zhao Shoucheng told the General Secretary that residents of all ethnic groups live in harmony in the community and lead a comfortable life. The General Secretary said that our party is a party that serves the people wholeheartedly, and the people of all ethnic groups and every household are my concern. The General Secretary asked the grassroots party organizations in the community to do a thorough and detailed job in serving the people.

News +|The painting behind the General Secretary contains a wonderful metaphor

The Great Wall Garden Community Party Committee has 11 party branches and directly manages 550 party members. In recent years, the community has built 13 volunteer service teams in various fields, including medical health and legal aid, and explored the service model of "residents ordering, communities dispatching, and party members rushing for orders", constantly summarizing experiences and innovating ideas to provide in-depth and detailed services to residents of all ethnic groups.

During his inspection of the Great Wall Garden Community, the General Secretary also watched the dance "Hand in Hand with China" being rehearsed by the fan dance team of the community art troupe. Among the eight people in the dance team, four are from ethnic minorities. The dance "Hand in Hand with China" is not only an expression of the happy life of residents of all ethnic groups in the community in the new era, but also a vivid portrayal of the Chinese nation as one family.

Aerial photography of Dulong River in Yunnan on March 10, 2023.

Forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation is the main line of the Party's ethnic work in the new era, and it is also the main line of all work in ethnic regions. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, my country's ethnic regions have developed rapidly, and the cause of national unity and progress has continued to move forward.

The Dulong people in Yunnan, who have "leaped a thousand years in one step", have entered a well-off society together with people of all ethnic groups across the country. 5G signals cover the whole township and characteristic industries are booming. The counterpart assistance to Xinjiang in the new era has enabled people of all ethnic groups in the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains to live in safe houses, drink tap water, and walk on asphalt roads. The "Cultural Relics and Ancient Books Exhibition to Strengthen the Consciousness of the Chinese Nation's Community" currently being held at the National Culture Palace in Beijing brings together the myriad cultural atmospheres of various ethnic groups, and vividly reproduces for visitors the historical facts of exchanges and integration of people of all ethnic groups across the country for more than 5,000 years...

News +|The painting behind the General Secretary contains a wonderful metaphor

Implement targeted support, promote the development of the western region, jointly build the "Belt and Road", and win the battle against poverty... On the snowy plateau, north and south of the Tianshan Mountains, in the northern border and southwestern border of the motherland, the ethnic areas are changing with each passing day, and the lives of ethnic minorities are thriving.

Our vast territory was jointly developed by all ethnic groups, our long history was jointly written by all ethnic groups, our splendid culture was jointly created by all ethnic groups, and our great spirit was jointly cultivated by all ethnic groups.

As the General Secretary pointed out, our country is a unified multi-ethnic country. When all ethnic groups are united and harmonious, the country will prosper, society will be stable and the people will be happy; otherwise, the country will decline, society will be turbulent and the people will suffer.

Only by forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation and all ethnic groups holding together like pomegranate seeds can the 56 ethnic groups always think and work together to create the great cause of national prosperity and national rejuvenation.

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