Release time:Apr 15, 2024 08:28 AM

Johannesburg, August 23, Xinhua News Agency

Unity and cooperation for development, courage to take on responsibilities, and promoting peace

——Speech at the 15th BRICS Leaders Meeting

the People's Republic of China President Xi Jinping

Dear President Ramaphosa,

Dear President Lula,

Dear President Putin,

Dear Prime Minister Modi

I am delighted to come to Johannesburg and discuss with my colleagues the major plans for BRICS cooperation and development. This is the third time that the BRICS Leaders Meeting has entered Africa, which is of great significance. Thank you to President Ramaphosa and the South African government for their careful and thoughtful arrangements for this meeting.

Currently, the world is entering a new period of turbulence and transformation, undergoing major adjustments, divisions, and reorganizations, with an increase in uncertain, unstable, and unpredictable factors.

The BRICS countries are an important force in shaping the international landscape. We independently choose the path of development, jointly defend the right to development, and move towards modernization, which represents the direction of human society's progress and will profoundly affect the world's development process. Looking back on history, we have always upheld the spirit of openness, inclusiveness, and win-win cooperation in the BRICS, continuously pushing BRICS cooperation to a new level and assisting the development of the five countries; Always uphold international fairness and justice, uphold fairness and justice on major international and regional issues, and enhance the voice and influence of emerging market countries and developing countries. The BRICS countries have always been advocates and practitioners of independent foreign policies, insisting on starting from the right and wrong of the matter itself on major international issues, speaking impartially and handling matters in a fair manner, not trading with principles, not succumbing to external pressure, and not being subservient to other countries. The BRICS countries have broad consensus and common goals, and no matter how the international situation changes, the original intention and common aspiration of cooperation will not change.

The BRICS cooperation is at a crucial stage of carrying forward the past and opening up the future. We must grasp the overall situation, lead the direction, adhere to the original intention of unity and self-improvement, strengthen cooperation in various fields, promote high-quality partnerships, and promote global governance reform towards a more just and reasonable direction, injecting more certainty, stability, and positive energy into the world.

——We need to deepen economic, trade, and financial cooperation to support economic development. Development is an inalienable right of all countries, not a patent of a few. Currently, the momentum of global economic recovery is unstable, and international institutions predict that the world economy will grow by less than 3% this year. The challenges faced by developing countries are even more severe, and achieving sustainable development goals is a long and arduous task. BRICS countries should be peers on the path of development and revitalization, and oppose decoupling and economic coercion. We should focus on practical cooperation, especially in areas such as digital economy, green development, and supply chain, to promote exchanges and exchanges in the fields of economy, trade, and finance.

China will establish a "China BRICS New Era Science and Technology Innovation Incubation Park" to provide support for the transformation of scientific and technological innovation achievements; Based on the cooperation mechanism of remote sensing satellite constellations in BRICS countries, explore the establishment of a "BRICS Global Remote Sensing Satellite Data and Application Cooperation Platform" to provide data support for the development of agriculture, ecology, disaster reduction and other fields in various countries. China is willing to work with all parties to jointly establish a "BRICS Sustainable Industry Exchange and Cooperation Mechanism", providing an industry docking and project cooperation platform for implementing the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

——We need to expand political and security cooperation and maintain peace and tranquility. "The benefits outweigh the governance, and the harm outweighs the chaos." Currently, the Cold War mentality is lingering, and the geopolitical situation is severe. People of all countries look forward to a good security environment. International security is inseparable, sacrificing the interests of other countries and seeking absolute security for oneself will ultimately harm oneself. The Ukrainian crisis to this point has complex and intricate causes. The top priority is to promote peace talks, ease tensions, stop wars, and achieve peace. We must not "pour oil on the fire" or let the situation worsen.

The BRICS countries should adhere to the general direction of peaceful development and consolidate their strategic partnership. We need to make good use of mechanisms such as the BRICS Foreign Ministers Meeting and the High Representative Meeting on Security Affairs, support each other on issues related to each other's core interests, and strengthen coordination on major international and regional issues. We should actively mediate hot issues, promote political solutions, and cool down the heat of hot issues. Artificial intelligence is a new field of human development. The BRICS countries have agreed to start the work of the artificial intelligence research group as soon as possible. To fully leverage the role of the research group, further expand cooperation in artificial intelligence, strengthen information exchange and technological cooperation, jointly do a good job in risk prevention, form a widely agreed artificial intelligence governance framework and standard specifications, and continuously improve the security, reliability, controllability, and fairness of artificial intelligence technology.

——We need to strengthen cultural exchanges and promote mutual learning among civilizations. Civilization is diverse and diverse, with diverse paths of development, which is what the world should look like. Human history will not end with one civilization or one system. The BRICS countries should promote the spirit of embracing all rivers, advocate peaceful coexistence and harmonious coexistence among different civilizations, and respect the modernization path chosen by each country independently. We should make good use of mechanisms such as BRICS governance seminars, cultural exchange forums, and women's innovation competitions to deepen cultural exchanges and enhance people to people communication.

The Chinese side proposes that the BRICS countries expand cooperation in the field of education, play a good role in the vocational education alliance, explore the establishment of a digital education cooperation mechanism, and create a comprehensive education cooperation pattern. At the same time, strengthening traditional cultural exchanges and promoting the inheritance and innovation of excellent traditional culture.

——We must adhere to fairness and justice, and improve global governance. Strengthening global governance is the correct choice for the international community to share development opportunities and respond to global challenges. International rules should be written and upheld jointly by all in accordance with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. No one with a thick arm or a loud voice should have the the final say. We cannot form cliques and package our "family laws and regulations" as international rules. The BRICS countries should practice true multilateralism, maintain the international system with the United Nations at its core, support and strengthen the multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organization at its core, and oppose the formation of "small circles" and "small groups". To fully leverage the role of the New Development Bank, promote the reform of the international financial and monetary system, and enhance the representation and voice of developing countries.

I am pleased to see that the enthusiasm of developing countries to participate in BRICS cooperation is high, and many developing countries have applied to join the BRICS cooperation mechanism. We must uphold the spirit of openness, inclusiveness, and win-win cooperation in the BRICS community, allowing more countries to join the BRICS community, gather wisdom and strength, and promote global governance towards a more just and reasonable direction.

 Dear Colleagues,

The ancient African continent harbors simple and profound wisdom. There is a saying in Africa that goes, "Walking alone is fast, and walking together is far." The Ubantu spirit advocates "we are here, so I am here", emphasizing that people are interdependent and inseparable from each other. Harmony, coexistence, and universal harmony have been the beautiful pursuits of the Chinese nation for thousands of years. China is willing to work with its BRICS partners, uphold the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, strengthen strategic partnerships, deepen cooperation in various fields, respond to common challenges with BRICS responsibilities, create a better future with BRICS responsibilities, and jointly sail towards the other side of modernization!

Thank you all.

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