Release time:Apr 15, 2024 08:30 AM

From attending a series of activities for a state visit to South Africa in the morning, to delivering a speech at the closing ceremony of the BRICS Business Forum in the afternoon, and then attending an informal special meeting of BRICS leaders in the evening, the schedule is full and information is intensive.

Political News Eye interprets for you.



Pretoria: From Welcome Ceremony to Medal Witnessing Deep Friendship

The Federal Building in Pretoria is the location of the South African Presidential Palace and government.

The two heads of state stepped onto the reviewing platform. The honor guard saluted with guns, the military band played the national anthems of China and South Korea, and 21 salute guns were fired on site.

△ Presidential Palace Honor Guard.

He sighed and said, over the past decade, on this magical land of South Africa, I have personally experienced the flourishing development of China South relations.


This is the highest level medal and highest honor awarded by South Africa to the heads of important friendly countries.

The South African Medal.

The two heads of state also witnessed the signing of a number of bilateral cooperation documents on jointly building the "the Belt and Road", new energy power, agricultural products and other fields. Both sides have issued a joint statement between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of South Africa.



"Partner": The meeting between the two heads of state highlights this keyword

This is the most important event of this state visit.

The Presidential Palace flies the flags of China and South Korea.

"Partner" is an important coordinate for the development of China South relations. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations 25 years ago, the relationship between the two countries has achieved a three-level leap from partnership to strategic partnership, and then to comprehensive strategic partnership.

The venue before the start of the meeting.

At the BAIC South Africa factory in the East Cape province of South Africa, local employees and Chinese colleagues work in the welding and assembly workshop.

Good friend, we must start, end, and move forward together.

△ Teachers and students at the Confucius Institute of Durban Institute of Technology in South Africa.


During the 2017 Xiamen Summit, he attended the opening ceremony of the BRICS Business Forum and said that arranging the business forum to be held before the leaders' meeting is to listen to the opinions and suggestions of the business community, work together to ensure the success of the Xiamen Summit and the construction of BRICS cooperation.

Johannesburg Cedar Conference Center. This year's BRICS Business Forum will be held here.

He said that the business community of BRICS countries is facing new historical opportunities for cooperation, and he hopes that the business community of BRICS countries can seize these opportunities and jointly promote the economic development of BRICS countries. On that day, the BRICS Business Council officially announced its establishment.

On site of this year's BRICS Business Forum.

Over the past 10 years, the business community of BRICS countries has not forgotten their original aspirations, seized opportunities, deepened cooperation, and made positive contributions to the economic and social development of BRICS countries, as well as injecting positive energy into global economic growth.


In today's era, the collective rise of emerging market countries and developing countries represented by the BRICS is fundamentally changing the world map. Emerging market countries and developing countries have contributed up to 80% of world economic growth in the past 20 years, and the global share of GDP has increased from 24% to over 40% in the past 40 years.

The first ship of feed corn imported from South Africa docked at Machong Port in Guangdong, China.


"The Big Picture": Countries should uphold a correct worldview, historical view, and overall perspective

"The direction of the pendulum of history depends on our choices."

On August 22nd, attendees walked into the Sugido Conference Center.

At the peak of a high mountain, one can only see the rushing river; Above the peaks, one feels the vastness of the long wind.

What people of all countries hope for is not a "new cold war" or a "small circle", but a world of lasting peace and universal security, a world of common prosperity, openness, inclusiveness, cleanliness, and beauty. This is the logic of historical progress and the trend of the times.

Wind power projects operated by Chinese enterprises in North Cape Town, South Africa.

The cooperation among BRICS countries upholds the correct worldview, historical view, and overall perspective.

South African students take a photo with their own written Chinese characters.

The size of a great country is the size of its pattern.

These initiatives align with the logic of historical progress and the trend of the times, and also effectively answer the questions of the times.

A promotional poster near the Sando Convention Center in Johannesburg.

Political News Eye will continue to follow you.

Producer | Shen Yong Gong Xuehui

Editor in Chief | Xie Xiaoguang

Reporter | Ma Yayang, Wang Pengfei, Geng Xiaolong, Guo Hong, Ma Peimin

Visual | Chen Kuo and Zhang Jing

Editor | Wang Zun

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