Release time:Apr 15, 2024 09:06 AM

Xinhua News Agency reporter

They stated that as a natural member of the "global south", China has always been committed to promoting common development and prosperity, striving to achieve universal security, and adhering to cultural exchanges and mutual learning. As long as countries around the world unite and cooperate, they will definitely be able to cope with various risks and challenges, and drive the giant ship of human development towards a brighter future.

Promoting common development and prosperity, universal security, and mutual learning among civilizations

"Encouraging!" said Zambian Cabinet Deputy Secretary General for Financial and Economic Development, Siazongo Siakarengai, who was listening to the speech on site.For a long time, China has helped African countries achieve industrial development, promote their independent production capacity, and continuously promote African development.

Alex Yurov, a technical expert from the Russian "BRICS Payment" organization who listened to the speech on site, applauded excitedly multiple times.

South African entrepreneur Runga Williams also listened attentively to the speech on site, occasionally recording it in his notebook.Williams believes that China has always been helping the African continent and other developing countries to develop and progress together in a sincere, equal, and friendly manner, enhancing the well-being of people around the world. More and more young people in Africa are liking China and learning Chinese, hoping to establish deeper connections with China.

"These initiatives have pointed out the direction for promoting global common development and achieving universal security," said Joachim Oulu. Against the backdrop of the current turbulent international situation, China has demonstrated the great responsibility of promoting global development through practical actions.

Promote the vigorous development of positive, stable, and beneficial forces in BRICS countries

In today's era, the collective rise of emerging market countries and developing countries represented by the BRICS countries is fundamentally changing the world map.

Saudi Arabian international expert Ahmed Ibrahim deeply agrees with this. He said, "By implementing trade preferential policies and a series of other reform measures, the BRICS countries have effectively ensured trade and investment exchanges with each other and with other countries. Adhering to the spirit of openness, inclusiveness, and win-win cooperation, the BRICS mechanism has become an important force in promoting global governance change, continuously injecting stability and positive energy into world development."

In the view of Charles Onunayiju, Director of the China Research Center in Nigeria, the common characteristics of the BRICS countries are their large economic size and great growth potential, while the characteristic of the BRICS cooperation mechanism is the emphasis on consultation and cooperation. He said, "With abundant resources, diverse industrial structures, and its position in the global supply chain, the BRICS cooperation mechanism has a broad positive impact on practical cooperation and common prosperity between emerging market countries and developing countries, and promotes the development of the international order towards a more just and reasonable direction."

Many countries have great enthusiasm for joining it, which also confirms the attractiveness and potential of the BRICS cooperation mechanism.

"At present, when certain countries face issues such as anti globalization trends, rising protectionism, and supply chain failures, the BRICS countries can effectively promote economic globalization and make important contributions to world development by promoting free trade and deepening economic cooperation among 'global southern' countries."

Looking ahead to the future development of BRICS countries, Dennis Muneney, Executive Director of the Central Africa Center at the Kenya Africa Policy Research Institute, said that he expects BRICS countries to continue to strengthen cooperation and coordination in areas such as political security, economy and trade, digital technology, green development, and cultural education. "With the continuous expansion and strengthening of the BRICS cooperation mechanism, poverty and other issues in developing countries will be more effectively solved, and the 'Global South' will further achieve stability and development.".

Chinese path to modernization provides reference for the "Global South"

As a developing country and a member of the global South, China has always breathed and shared a common destiny with other developing countries, firmly safeguarding the common interests of developing countries, and promoting the increase of representation and voice of emerging market countries and developing countries in global affairs.

"China has always been a developing country and a member of the 'global South'," said Sebastian Schultz, a researcher at the China Research Center at the National University of La Plata in Argentina. China has been committed to enhancing the representation and voice of emerging market countries and developing countries. Emerging market countries and developing countries have played a greater role in international affairs through the BRICS cooperation mechanism, which is of great significance in the current complex international environment.

Chinese path to modernization has created a new form of human civilization, showing a new prospect of modernization. The Chinese economy has strong resilience, great potential, and abundant vitality. The long-term positive fundamentals will not change, and the ship of the Chinese economy will continue to move forward through wind and waves. China will always be an important opportunity for world development.

"Many policies and measures containing the concept of Chinese path to modernization, such as adhering to peaceful development, promoting common prosperity, strengthening cultural construction, promoting the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, can be used for reference by emerging market countries, including BRICS countries, which will help promote the sustainable development of all countries," said Ronnie Lins, a Brazilian economist.

Lyazide Benhamy, Vice Chairman of the Paris France China Friendship Association, said that the world has witnessed the rapid development of China's economy since the reform and opening up, and China, with a huge market, remains an important engine of global economic growth. In addition, China has always adhered to the concept of mutual benefit and win-win in foreign economic and trade cooperation, increased investment in emerging market countries and developing countries, and provided assistance for these countries to improve economic stability and achieve sustainable development.

Mamon Mrida, Secretary General of the Bangladesh China Chamber of Commerce and Industry, took the development cooperation between Bangladesh and China in infrastructure, information and communication as an example, pointing out that China has always supported and assisted emerging market countries and developing countries, providing assistance to many countries to help them build and develop, without attaching any political conditions in this process. "The door of China's opening up is getting wider and wider, which is in line with the common interests of all countries and the expectations of people around the world."

Egyptian economist Walid Jabala said that China is committed to promoting win-win cooperation, constantly promoting the infrastructure construction of relevant countries in the process of jointly building the "the Belt and Road" cooperation, and "has contributed to the stability and balance of the world economy".

He said that China has comprehensively built a modern country, promoted reform and opening up, and set an example for developing countries. China, with its economic size, growth rate, and development in various fields such as technology, will make greater contributions to the global economy and the economic recovery and development of various countries.

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