Mobile China is full of vitality

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 21:03 PM

During the Spring Festival holiday, a Fuxing EMU train is running in Shaoxing, Zhejiang.

On the fifth day of the first lunar month, passengers passed the security check at Guangzhou South Railway Station and prepared to travel by train.

At the 2024 Spring Festival group visit, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Completely, accurately, and comprehensively implement the new development concept and coordinate high-quality development and high-level security." The Spring Festival transportation carries people's expectations for reunion and reflects a new atmosphere of high-quality development.

"I am proud to fly on a domestically produced large aircraft!" Lu Jie, a passenger of China Eastern Airlines, took the C919 large aircraft home for the first time in Chengdu, Sichuan. "The experience was very comfortable, and there was also a Spring Festival menu on board, which was festive and delicious."

"Catching a big market on the train", Qiqihar, Heilongjiang, on the 4045 train bound for Jiagdaqi, there is a dazzling array of special New Year products such as frozen pears, and the taste of the New Year is coming...

Expressways are equipped with "smart brains". The newly put into operation in Hefei, Anhui Province, the Anhui Traffic Control Group Expressway Intelligent Operation Command Center operates efficiently, and can grasp traffic flow, weather and other information in real time to ensure safe travel during the Spring Festival.

Data shows that during this year’s Spring Festival travel period, the number of cross-regional movements across the country is expected to reach 9 billion, which is expected to hit a record high. All regions and departments have strengthened overall coordination and dispatch, increased transportation capacity reserves, and prepared emergency plans to make the Spring Festival travel safer, more convenient, and warmer, and make the mobile China full of vitality.

New high-speed railways, new expressways, new airports... the main framework of the national comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network of "6 axes, 7 corridors and 8 channels" has become more complete. In 2023, my country's high-speed railways will put into operation 2,776 kilometers of new lines, more than 7,000 kilometers of newly renovated expressways, and the domestic route network Accessibility expanded by 23%, providing strong support to meet travel needs during the Spring Festival holiday and facilitate regional connectivity.

The West Street in Quanzhou, Fujian is decorated with lanterns, acupuncture lanterns, New Year goods markets, and traditional food, making tourists forget to leave. "I took the high-speed train here early in the morning. It takes less than an hour to reach Quanzhou and appreciate the charm of the ancient city." On the fourth day of the first lunar month, Mr. Chen, who lives in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, took the G1609 train to Quanzhou South Station with his family. The Fuzhou-Xiamen high-speed railway, which ushered in the first Spring Festival travel season, brought them a new experience of "sitting on the high-speed railway and looking at the sea". The station design of Quanzhou South Station, which "cuts bricks into stone with a swallow-tail ridge", also impressed them. “There are so many surprises along the way,” Mr. Chen said.

The Fuzhou-Xiamen High-speed Railway is my country's first cross-sea high-speed railway with a design speed of 350 kilometers per hour. With the opening of the high-speed railway, Fuzhou and Xiamen have entered the "one-hour living circle", and cities such as Xiamen, Zhangzhou, and Quanzhou have entered the "half-hour traffic circle."

At the end of last year, the entire Beijing-Xiongan Expressway was opened to traffic, giving Zhang Chenghui, whose hometown is in Xiongan New District, Hebei, a new choice when returning home. "The road surface is flat, the signs are clear, and the scenery is just right. It only takes one hour to drive from Beijing to Xiongan, which is so convenient!" Early in the morning, Zhang Chenghui drove the car all the way to Xiongan New Area.

In November last year, the Hongqiqu Airport in Anyang, Henan Province was opened to traffic, filling the gap in civil aviation in northern Henan. This year is the first time that the new airport has been put into use during the Spring Festival. "With the new airport, it is much more convenient to go home." Ms. Cai, who returned from Guangzhou, Guangdong, said that it used to take more than 7 hours by high-speed rail to return to Anyang, but now the whole journey by plane only takes 2 and a half hours. "The opening of the airport has facilitated the travel of residents in Anyang, Puyang, Hebi and other places." Wang Xiaofeng, the person in charge of the airport, said that during the Spring Festival travel period, the airport is expected to accommodate 6,800 passengers.

During the Spring Festival holiday, various regions launched a series of considerate Spring Festival travel services in an effort to improve passenger travel experience and provide strong support for people to travel safely and conveniently.

"Tongtong, you are awesome!" At Beijing Daxing International Airport, Mr. Liu took his grandson Tongtong from the hands of the China Southern Airlines ground staff. He smiled from ear to ear and quickly dialed the phone number of the child's mother. "Don't worry, the baby has been received." , go home now!”

Six-year-old Tongtong was able to fly from Guangzhou alone to more than half of China, thanks to the upgraded "unaccompanied minor" flight service launched by China Southern Airlines during the Spring Festival. "From check-in and security check to boarding and pick-up, we have dedicated personnel to accompany us at every step, and we will not let the children leave our sight." Yi Liang, a staff member at the China Southern Airlines special passenger service counter at Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, said that this year's Spring Festival passenger flow has increased. With more flights, China Southern Airlines has upgraded its special passenger services. During peak periods, the number of airport counters has increased from 3 to 5, the team has expanded from 4 to 15 people, and the service time has also been advanced by one hour. Since the Spring Festival travel season started, China Southern Airlines has provided services to more than 600 special passengers such as unaccompanied children every day.

Empowered by technology, travel smarter. Zhengzhou East Railway Station has launched a "community broadcast" that can be accurately customized and directed to broadcast information such as ticket check-in queues and transfers for different stations, bringing a more efficient travel experience to passengers.

Be meticulous and provide more thoughtful protection. Recently, Huang Min, who works in Zhaoqing, Guangdong, returned to his hometown of Baise, Guangxi to celebrate the New Year. Zhaoqing organized a heart-warming bus for migrant workers to take him directly from the factory to his doorstep. During this year's Spring Festival, Zhaoqing City also opened more than 20 high-speed trains to Guangxi, Guizhou and other places to return home, and set up service points on multiple highway sections to provide simple maintenance and other free services for self-driving vehicles and motorcycles.

At the beginning of the Spring Festival, China Railway Xi'an Bureau Group Co., Ltd. organized a "Heart-warming Special Train" to send migrant workers in need back home for free; on New Year's Eve, the Xinfan Service Area of ​​Cheng-Peng Expressway organized truck drivers to have a New Year's Eve dinner at a "Heart-warming Home" ; On the third day of the first lunar month, the Shanxi Expressway Traffic Police organized police forces to strengthen traffic diversion to ensure smooth traffic flow during peak hours... Various places have strengthened Spring Festival travel services to bring warmth to passengers.

Working all night to ensure smooth traffic on highways, serving passengers in train carriages, working diligently at airport counters, working overtime at express delivery stations... During the Spring Festival travel rush, many people stuck to their posts and made silent contributions.

Strengthen line maintenance to ensure transportation safety. On the fourth day of the first lunar month, when the temperature was still below freezing, workers in the Xiwu Banner line workshop of the Tongliao Engineering Section of China Railway Shenyang Bureau Group Co., Ltd. put on cotton hats and gloves, got on engineering vehicles, and began maintenance and repair work on railway lines. "The Xi-Wu Railway we are responsible for is located in the hinterland of the grassland and is an important transportation channel in Inner Mongolia. Frost damage is more common in winter and must be maintained more carefully." Gong Xiqing, director of the workshop, said that in order to ensure the stability of the line, padding operations are needed to ensure the stability of the line. The rail reaches a smooth state. On that day, workers promptly discovered and dealt with more than 10 areas of freezing damage, ensuring the safety of the line.

Increase the supply of materials and enrich holiday supplies. On the fifth day of the first lunar month, the Shuiduhe Market in the north of Changsha, Hunan Province was bustling with activity. Trucks from all over the country delivered all kinds of seafood, meat, etc. to the stalls. "We have strengthened the monitoring of market supply and ensured the transportation of goods so that residents' vegetable baskets are full." said Huang Hui, commercial manager of Shuiduhe Market.

During the Spring Festival, all localities strengthened the organization of supply sources, smoothed circulation channels, made every effort to ensure adequate supply of important people's livelihood commodities, protected "rice bags", "vegetable baskets" and "fruit plates", and strived to allow the masses to have a good New Year.

In Shaanxi, the Haoji Railway trains have increased their traffic and are continuously transporting electricity and coal; in Jiangsu, many express delivery companies have launched the "Spring Festival non-closing" service model to deliver New Year's goods to thousands of households; in Hainan, many ports in the Qiongzhou Strait have implemented 24-hour service Hours of operation to meet the needs of ro-ro passenger ships... As of February 12, the cross-regional movement of people in the whole society in the 18 days before the Spring Festival has reached 3.861 billion, an increase of 13.9% over the same period in 2023. Among them, 203 million were railway passengers, 3.608 billion people were transported on highways, 11.96 million were waterborne, and 37.44 million were civil aviation.

There is a heavy flow of passengers and a constant flow of vehicles. The mobile China reflects the joy of reunion and is full of vitality for development.

Mobile China is full of vitality
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