Why is it said that Chinese path to modernization "embodies the advanced nature of scientific socialism"? China | China | Essence

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:06 PM

Fully understanding the advanced nature of scientific socialism deeply revealed and intensively demonstrated by Chinese path to modernization and mastering the scientific thinking methods and practical strategies of Chinese path to modernization are the root and vitality of deepening the theory of Chinese path to modernization and firmly following the path of Chinese path to modernization.

1. adhere to the ideological guidance of scientific socialism and demonstrate the advanced nature of the banner road.

Adhering to the theoretical guidance of scientific socialism is the primary embodiment of Chinese modernization to highlight the advanced nature of scientific socialism. As the ideological theory guiding the proletarian revolutionary movement, the theory of scientific socialism is the theoretical support for the realization of socialism from utopian to scientific. It not only draws the ideal blueprint of communism, but also points out the fundamental method and basic path to realize this ideal. Standing at the general height of the historical development of human society, Marx and Engels revealed the structural contradictions revealed in the operation of capitalism, and scientifically pointed out that the development of social forms from capitalism to socialism is an inevitable and inevitable trend. At the same time, they also stressed that the demise of capitalism will never be replaced before its full productive forces are brought into full play, and the realization, construction and development of socialism will not be achieved overnight. In the development of practice, Chinese-style modernization does not regard the theory of scientific socialism as an arbitrary abstract formula or immutable dogma, but uses it realistically and continuously enriches and develops in practice and exploration, and plays its role as a powerful ideological weapon for transforming the world. effect. It is precisely because of seeking truth from facts and advancing with the times that the theoretical logic of scientific socialism and the historical logic of Chinese social development are organically unified, and the advanced essence of Chinese modernization is demonstrated.

History has repeatedly proved that the path of Chinese path to modernization is feasible and stable, in the final analysis, because China's modernization has realized the creative transformation and innovative development of scientific socialism theory on the premise of adhering to the basic principles of Marxism. The CPC has constantly promoted the sinicization of Marxism and the modernization of socialism. It has formed Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of "Three Represents" and the Scientific Outlook on Development, which provides scientific theoretical guidance for promoting modernization at different historical stages.At present, the world's unprecedented major changes are accelerating, and China's reform and development are facing many tough challenges. In the face of these difficulties and obstacles on the way forward, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China summarized and put forward the theory of Chinese path to modernization with five basic characteristics and five basic principles as the main content. It has always linked the basic principles of scientific socialism with the realistic logic of China's social development, opened up a new realm of Chinese path to modernization, and highlighted the progressiveness nature of Chinese path to modernization.

2. uphold the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China and demonstrate the advanced nature of the leadership core.

Adhering to the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China is the foundation for Chinese-style modernization to demonstrate the advanced nature of scientific socialism. Scientific socialism clearly clarifies the central role of the proletarian party in revolution and construction. The "Communist Manifesto" clearly pointed out the reasons why the Communists can become the core force leading the revolutionary cause: "The Communists are not a special party opposed to other workers' parties. They do not have any interests different from the interests of the entire proletariat." It is an independent movement that belongs to the overwhelming majority and works for the interests of the overwhelming majority ". The Communist Party of China is a Marxist political party with a great original intention and a special mission. In the course of a hundred years of struggle, the Communist Party of China does not forget its original ideals and aspirations, bear in mind its mission, constantly promote the great social revolution with self-revolution, and always maintain purity, people-oriented and revolutionary nature. it has become a strong core of leadership for the continuous development of Chinese-style modernization, and constantly leads the people to write a great history of pursuing modernization, developing modernization, and realizing modernization.

As a great and arduous undertaking, the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country must face many unpredictable risks, challenges, and difficulties. The reason why we can promote Chinese path to modernization and make historic achievements lies in the progressiveness of the CPC. In terms of leadership, the CPC has proved to the world with a high degree of theoretical consciousness, strict organizational discipline and resolute revolutionary attitude that China with a huge population should anchor the direction of modernization, and that achieving the centralized and unified leadership of the Party is the prerequisite for promoting all work and the fundamental requirement for the full implementation of all aspects and links of modernization construction. In terms of value position, the CPC closely combines the value goal of modernization with the socialist essential requirement of "eliminating exploitation, eliminating polarization, and ultimately achieving common prosperity", and clearly establishes the people centered development thought and ruling feelings. Representing the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people all the time is the source of the CPC's confidence in calmly dealing with the "difficulties" of modernization, and is also the value foundation for the CPC to unite the great power of the people of all ethnic groups in the country. In terms of road choice, in the face of the myth that most post styled ethnic countries fall into the trap of "modernization equals westernization", the CPC has grasped the historical initiative with sober strategy and consciousness, and devoted itself to the great practice of Chinese path to modernization with the struggle spirit and political determination of "sticking to the green mountains and not relaxing", firmly holding China's development path and future destiny in its own hands. In the ten years of the new era, the CPC has constantly strengthened its leadership ability and leadership level in cutting through thorns, led the people to promote a series of great revolutionary practices, successfully achieved the first century goal, and built a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way on the land of China. Today, the CPC is leading the Chinese people to gallop steadily on the new road to achieve the second century goal.

3. adhere to the Marxist system concept layout, highlighting the advanced nature of strategic deployment.

Adhering to the systematic concept of Marxism is an important method support for Chinese-style modernization to highlight the advanced nature of scientific socialism. System concept is an important category of Marxist epistemology and methodology. The transition from capitalism to socialism is inevitable in the historical development of human society, but the replacement of social forms has to go through a long-term process from germination, development, maturity to increasing perfection. Therefore, the socialist society at different time points must show the stage characteristics consistent with the historical development at that time. This requires us to face the actual situation and put forward effective solutions with a concrete analysis of specific problems. At the same time, "those who do not seek the overall situation are not enough to seek one domain." To promote Chinese-style modernization, we need to adhere to systematic thinking, grasp the overall picture and stage characteristics of the development of things, and pay attention to the continuous advancement of the overall strategic deployment.

From the "First Five Year Plan" to the "14th Five Year Plan", building China into a socialist modernized strong country is our unchanging strategic goal. In this great strategic practice, our understanding of modernization continues to deepen and our practice continues to enrich, fully demonstrating the unity of the stage and continuity of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics and modernization construction. At present, based on the domestic and international overall situation, grasp the system elements of Chinese path to modernization development in the new journey with sober strategic thinking, make overall plans, plan systematically and promote as a whole, and ensure the strategic foresight, overall situation and stability of the modernization process, which is a powerful guarantee for the solid promotion of Chinese path to modernization.

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