Chinese Stars | How can Chinese people land on the moon? China | Engineering | Lunar Landing

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:01 PM

In 2023, China's manned space engineering missions have achieved consecutive victories. On May 10th, the launch mission of the Tianzhou-6 cargo spacecraft was a complete success. On May 30th, the launch of the Shenzhou-16 manned spacecraft was a complete success. On June 4th, the return capsule of the Shenzhou-15 manned spacecraft successfully landed at the Dongfeng landing site, and the Shenzhou-15 manned flight mission was a complete success. China's manned space program has opened a new stage and chapter in the application and development of space stations. At the same time as implementing the tasks of space station application and development, the project is also making every effort to promote manned lunar exploration missions. Currently, the key technology research and scheme deepening demonstration of manned lunar exploration have been completed. This year, various research and construction work during the lunar landing phase will be comprehensively carried out.

How is the progress of China's manned lunar exploration work? What innovations and breakthroughs will be made in the new generation of manned launch vehicles and manned spacecraft? What new developments will be made in the crew and scientific experiments of Chinese space station astronauts? At the forefront of the dialogue, Lao Chunyan, a reporter from the front desk, had an exclusive interview with Zhou Jianping, an academician of the CAE Member and chief designer of China's manned space program.

What do the new generation of manned spacecraft and rockets look like?

More than thirty years ago, China established a three-step strategy for manned spaceflight and chose to develop manned spacecraft technology to create a stable and reliable system for astronauts to travel between heaven and earth. Today, the Chinese space station has been completed, and a new generation of manned launch vehicles and spacecraft with reusable technology are under development.

Zhou Jianping: At that time, this was also the focus of the argument. Indeed, as you said, the space shuttle was relatively hot at that time. Of course, our argument must consider different options, but we have taken into account many factors, including both the technical foundation and the cost and cost. We have decided to start with a manned spacecraft, which now looks like a very good choice. We are also developing a new generation of manned spacecraft, in the form of blunt headed bodies. Of course, transforming the three compartment structure into a two compartment structure, a safer and more economical mode, can also achieve partial reuse. You can retrieve the crucial part.

Zhou Jianping: Yes.

Zhou Jianping: China can achieve it within a few years. Technically, I believe we can solve all the challenges in a few years.

Chinese Stars | How can Chinese people land on the moon? China | Engineering | Lunar Landing

Zhou Jianping: And our rocket should also break through the first stage recovery technology within a few years.

What can the launch of the sky survey telescope bring?

As one of the important tasks in the application and development stage of China's space station, China will also launch its first large-scale space survey telescope to conduct wide-area survey observations and cutting-edge scientific research.

Zhou Jianping: The Sky Survey Telescope should be said to be the most important scientific facility in the space station project so far. It is also the highly anticipated scientific facility in the Chinese astronomical community and the highest level of investment in astronomy by the country. It will bring tremendous impetus to the development of astronomy, and it will also lead Chinese astronomical research and Chinese astronomers into the world's leading ranks.

Zhou Jianping: We have such a specialized observation module design.

Zhou Jianping: Yes, this is also a very important issue of concern to humanity. The search for extraterrestrial life forms has been a long-standing concern for us humans. Through the continuous advancement of technology, we have the hope to approach this goal step by step, but it is indeed difficult.

Zhou Jianping: To explore, the universe is so vast, with so many stars and planets, is there only life on Earth?

Chinese Stars | How can Chinese people land on the moon? China | Engineering | Lunar Landing

How is the progress now in achieving manned lunar landing before 2030?

After the full construction and operation of the space station, the Chinese people will go further in exploring space. According to the China Manned Space Engineering Office, the lunar landing phase of China's manned lunar exploration project has been launched, with plans to achieve the first Chinese landing on the moon before 2030.

Zhou Jianping: The difficulty is much higher. Our space station consists of three modules, with two manned spacecraft and one cargo spacecraft parked. This is the current maximum configuration. More than 90 tons, almost 100 tons. So we need to achieve a manned lunar landing, which is equivalent to a carrying capacity of about 130 to 40 tons to be sent to near Earth orbit, which is 3 to 40 percent larger than sending the entire combination of six. Of course, it's not delivered once, it's twice. We are studying rockets for lunar landing, which will deliver manned spacecraft and lunar landers to lunar orbit in two phases, and rendezvous and dock on the lunar orbit. Astronauts depart in manned spacecraft, dock with the lander in lunar orbit, enter the lander, and then land on the moon. The lander will carry a vehicle, which can expand the range of human activities and improve efficiency. After completing the mission, the ascent of the lander sends the person to lunar orbit, docks with the manned spacecraft, and the astronaut returns to the manned spacecraft, returning to Earth in this process.

Zhou Jianping: China has already possessed the ability to achieve manned lunar landing, and I can confidently say that it will not take too long to complete our engineering research and development work, to achieve the task of sending Chinese people to the moon before 2030, conducting scientific research activities on the lunar surface, and then safely returning to Earth.

Producer | Liu Xin Xi Luo Xi

Producer | Wang Gang and Wang Yu

Editor in Chief | Yang Hongyang

Chinese Stars | How can Chinese people land on the moon? China | Engineering | Lunar Landing

Reporter | Lao Chunyan, Yang Hongyang, Wang Yange

Camera | Yang Decai, Xie Lin, Wang Zeliang

Editing | Liang Weisheng

Lighting | Wu Di Gao Wei

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