Focus Interview: Keep in mind the General Secretary’s instructions that this place of peace of mind is my home

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 21:03 PM

Message: The heart of a city is its people. A city must not only have height, but also temperature. An important criterion is whether residents are satisfied or dissatisfied, and whether their lives are convenient or inconvenient. Xiongan New Area, a thousand-year plan, the city of the future. There are many resettled residents here. How are their lives now? Are the elderly living comfortably? Is the education of their children guaranteed? For a big city like Shanghai, there are many migrant workers. Can they stay and live well? The People's City is built by the people, and the People's City is for the people. Let’s first take a look at Xiongan New Area.

The twenty-third day of the twelfth lunar month is the Little New Year in the north. Li Jinghe's family from Nanwenying Community in Xiongan New District is busy having a reunion.

Li Jinghe's family originally lived in Xilijiaying Village, Langmatai Town, Rongcheng County, Hebei Province. Around 2020, the construction of Xiongan New Area accelerated, and Li Jinghe's hometown was designated as a starting area for construction. After their hometown was demolished, they moved to the resettlement community where they are now.

Compared with the previous villages, the living environment of the resettlement community is very different. The construction of Xiongan New Area must not only relieve the non-capital functions of Beijing, develop high-end high-tech industries, build a smart new city with a beautiful environment, but also provide high-quality public services. services to help people live a better life.

For Li Jinghe, there is another particularly unforgettable event in 2023. General Secretary Xi Jinping came to their home as a guest.

The General Secretary has always been concerned about the lives of the people who have returned. In May 2023, during an inspection of Xiongan New Area, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that in building Xiongan New Area, the most important thing is to connect the people to live and work in peace, so that the people can live and live in peace. , There is a rush. The general secretary's instructions were full of warmth and affection.

Li Jinghe's mother-in-law is 63 years old. Since moving into the resettlement community, she has lived a comfortable life, with medical insurance and a monthly pension of more than 1,000 yuan.

I usually have breakfast and dinner at home with my daughter and son-in-law, and go to the community canteen for lunch. Seniors over 60 years old also enjoy discounts when applying for a card.

The environment is beautiful and basic life is guaranteed, but for the elderly, it is inevitable to feel uncomfortable after leaving the countryside where they have lived for most of their lives and entering an unfamiliar environment.

After the community learned about the needs of the elderly through extensive visits, it often organized activities. Now it has built a new elderly care post. After two years of moving back, the elderly have gradually adapted to the new community elderly care life.

For the vast majority of resettled residents, as the General Secretary said, to live stably and live in peace, solving the problem of "one old and one young" is the key. Li Jing and his wife's sister, Xing Yun's family, are also resettlement residents. After moving to Xiongan New Area, her children's education has saved her a lot of worries. There used to be four pick-up and drop-off trips every day, but now the school is right next to my home, which is very convenient.

Not only are people's livelihood issues such as elderly care and education guaranteed, but now in Xiongan New Area, there is a walking life circle measured in "minutes", with public service facilities such as parks, supermarkets, schools, health service stations, exhibition halls, and elderly care stations. In 15 minutes, residents can meet their daily needs such as "food, clothing, housing, transportation, culture, sports, education and health".

There are thousands of families like Li Jinghe in the entire Xiongan New Area. Since 2021, 120,000 people from Xiongxian, Rongcheng, and Anxin counties in Hebei have successively moved back. Xiongan New District has not only built a modern new urban area, but also focused on "one old and one young" as a key service direction, providing high-quality public services for the resettled people. In addition, for the many relocated residents who are willing to find jobs, Xiongan New District also provides Jobs will be accurately promoted to residents through community neighborhood stations and party-mass service centers to solve employment problems for residents.

In the city, in addition to locals such as resettled residents, there are also many migrant workers. They not only strive for their dreams, but also contribute to the development of the city. Among the thousands of lights in the city, there should be a light belonging to them.

In a metropolis like Shanghai, workers in industries such as security, catering services, and takeout delivery often face the dilemma of poor accommodation conditions. In recent years, Shanghai has accelerated the construction of affordable rental housing, providing housing security for many new residents, young people and frontline workers in Shanghai.

In November 2023, Zhang Songwei became the first resident of the New Era Urban Builders and Managers' Home in Minhang District. Not long after he moved in, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Shanghai for inspection. The general secretary shook hands and talked with them cordially, which made Shanghai security practitioner Zhang Songwei feel the warmth and care of a parent from the bottom of his heart, and strengthened his determination to contribute to the construction of Shanghai.

During his inspection in Shanghai, General Secretary Xi Jinping said that migrant workers who come to Shanghai to contribute are also the masters of the city. It is necessary to implement the people's city concept, continuously meet the people's needs for diversified and diversified housing, and ensure that immigrants can come in, stay, live safely, and establish careers. The construction of affordable rental housing has solved the most worrying problems for builders and contributors in many big cities.

Zong Bo is a food delivery rider from Suzhou, Anhui Province. For him, in the past few years since he came to Shanghai, he has been a rider through ups and downs, but he has not found it difficult. What worries them most is the problem of housing. Urban space is at a premium, and when the rental budget is not high, many frontline workers either rent a small house together in the city center, or extend their commuting time and rent houses built by farmers in the suburbs or urban villages. In addition, the renovation of old areas and urban renewal have accelerated in recent years, making suitable housing even more scarce.

The affordable rental housing is spacious and bright with complete facilities. After moving in, Zongbo felt that this improvement not only improved their quality of life, but also provided better security for their jobs.

Not only is the rent affordable, but there is also butler-style service. If the water, electricity or household appliances in the room are damaged, the butler will repair it in time. It is understood that new era city builders and managers homes like this are distributed in various districts in Shanghai. At present, Shanghai has raised the first batch of 11,000 beds. The monthly rent of the beds is 500-1,000 yuan, and all of them have been put into supply.

Focus Interview: Keep in mind the General Secretary’s instructions that this place of peace of mind is my home
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