Chinese Culture Chinese New Year Feel the unique charm of traditional festivals

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 20:51 PM

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, “During the Spring Festival, various places can hold more cultural activities that are popular with the masses to make the festival more festive and joyful.” This Spring Festival, the land of China is full of joy, and thousands of households are enjoying themselves. People are participating in the colorful New Year cultural activities. , experience the strong flavor of the New Year, strengthen cultural confidence, and gather expectations for a better life.

The Spring Festival, as one of the most important traditional festivals in China, carries a strong cultural charm. It is not only the beginning of the Chinese New Year, but also a way of cultural inheritance and expression. During this Spring Festival, Tianjin Ancient Culture Street is full of the strong flavor of the New Year, with sugar paintings, sugar blowers, temple fairs, and New Year celebrations. A number of time-honored shops are lined up in sequence, attracting visitors from all over. On the eve of the Spring Festival, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a special trip here for inspection and sent New Year blessings to people of all ethnic groups across the country.

During the inspection, the General Secretary successively visited Guifaxiang 18th Street Mahua, Nut Zhang, Clay Figurine Zhang, Yangliuqing Painting and other specialty shops on Ancient Culture Street to learn about product types, sales, and the inheritance and development of traditional culture. He pointed out that "China Modern modernization is inseparable from the inheritance and promotion of excellent traditional culture."

Zhang Binsong, a technician who has inherited the twist-making skills of Guifaxiang 18th Street: This is an affirmation of our time-honored brand, and it also encourages us to continue to uphold integrity and innovate. As a twist-making and inheritance technician born in the 1990s, we must keep in mind the general secretary’s instructions, strengthen our cultural confidence, and pass on this intangible cultural heritage skill.

In Xilinhot, Inner Mongolia, General Secretary Xi Jinping listened to long tunes and enjoyed singing and dancing with herdsmen, and watched the protection, inheritance and development of traditional culture in the ancient city of Pingyao, Shanxi. The General Secretary's "New Year" journey has traveled thousands of miles and has a long lasting charm. In Confucius Mansion in Qufu, Shandong Province, the "Welcome the Spring Festival" ceremony on the first day of the first lunar month was very lively. The "lucky star" held good luck to greet tourists, and the "longevity star" held longevity peaches to send health blessings to the elderly; in the Confucius Museum, bells and chimes were played in unison, and ancient music was melodious. . These notes from history allow visitors to experience the thousand-year charm of traditional Chinese music immersively.

Guo Sike, Director of the Confucius Museum: General Secretary Xi Jinping has always been concerned about the inheritance and development of China’s excellent traditional culture. We also present the essence of China’s excellent traditional culture to tourists at home and abroad through the creation of a cultural atmosphere during the festival.

The Chinese New Year is a "Year of Time" in which we bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, and it is also a steaming "Year of Culture". In the Year of the Dragon, a series of cultural activities during the Spring Festival "Celebrate the New Year with Joy" are widely carried out in various places. The streets and alleys are decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, highlighting the traditional cultural heritage. The flavor of the New Year is approachable and perceptible, and is more contemporary.

In Hangzhou, Zhejiang, there are special temple fairs and art exhibitions and performances; in Yulin, Shaanxi, the "Celebrating New Year in the Ancient City" event creates a full atmosphere of the Spring Festival, allowing citizens and tourists to immerse themselves in the unique charm of traditional Chinese festivals. In Liuzhou, Guangxi, Fangshan, Beijing and other places, rural cultural activities such as the Spring Festival "Village Gala" are held enthusiastically, innovatively integrating unique local culture with the taste of the New Year. It is not only the performances that move people's hearts, but also the "thickness" in the laughter. local sentiment” and deeper cultural self-confidence.

Liang Jinwei, a citizen of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province: Watching Yangko and guessing lantern riddles is how our Chinese New Year should be prosperous!

Wang Fei, a villager in Zhang Guying Village, Yueyang County, Yueyang City, Hunan Province: The general secretary cares about how our grassroots people are having a good New Year. We feel very warm in our hearts. Now tourists are willing to come and experience the ancient charm and culture of our village. We are all confident about the coming year and will live a better life.

Chinese Culture Chinese New Year Feel the unique charm of traditional festivals
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