Various departments in Shanghai work together to build a "protective wall", World Mental Health Day: less than 20% of adolescents with mental disorders are diagnosed and treated

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 22:17 PM

In order to further increase the public's attention and care for the mental health of children and adolescents, and promote the healthy growth of children and adolescents, on October 10 this year, "World Mental Health Day", the theme of my country's publicity is "Promote children's mental health and jointly protect a better future." Hosted by the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission, jointly organized by the Shanghai Mental Health Center, the Shanghai Mental Health Branch for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Shanghai Mental Rehabilitation Association, and co-organized by the Chinese Hospital Association Psychiatric Hospital Branch and other societies, the "2023 World Spiritual Conference The "Health Day" online and offline themed publicity event was held in the spacious and bright East Building of Shanghai Library. Guests from the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, Shanghai Health Promotion Center, Shanghai Academy of Educational Sciences and all walks of life gathered together to jointly provide services for children and adolescents. Mental health advice.

The prevalence of mental disorders among students in my country reaches 17.5%

Mental health work for children and adolescents is an important part of building a healthy China. With the rapid economic and social development in our country, the incidence of psychological behavioral problems and mental disorders in children and adolescents has gradually increased, which has become an important public health issue related to the future of the country and nation. Epidemiological surveys show that among my country’s school population aged 6 to 16, the prevalence of mental disorders is 17.5%, but the proportion of adolescents who have received appropriate diagnosis and treatment is less than 20%. Social interactions, lifestyle, diet, sleep, and activity space Inadequacy and excessive study pressure are important causes of mental disorders in adolescents. If the mental health problems of children and adolescents do not receive timely attention and intervention, they will not only affect their physical and mental development, learning and social functions, but will also be extended to adulthood and affect their entire lives.

Zhang Hao, deputy director of the Municipal Health Commission and director of the Municipal Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention, mentioned that about half of mental health problems will be exposed before the age of 15, and three-quarters of patients with mental illness first develop mental symptoms at the age of 24. years ago. "Although it is never too late to pay attention to mental health, the period of children and adolescents is an important and critical time point for us to advocate mental health care throughout the life cycle." To this end, he called on every individual, family, school and relevant departments to form a joint effort to The whole society should act together to create a respectful, understanding and inclusive growth environment for children and adolescents, and jointly build a mental health protection wall for children and adolescents.

In the past two years, "One Line" has listened to more than 100,000 requests for help

"Birthday Wish" - a promotional video with the theme of children and adolescents' mental health was played at the event. It shows the psychological needs of children and adolescents who long to be seen and understood from a child's perspective, and calls on families and society to pay attention to children's silent cries and create a more open environment for them. As the poet Kahlil Gibran expressed in the poem "Your Child is Not Actually Your Child": When we raise children's bodies, we must also respect their children's souls and learn to be their children's guardians, not controllers.

Cai Jun, deputy secretary of the Shanghai Mental Health Center, introduced the mental health promotion work of children and adolescents carried out in Shanghai in recent years, “mainly by improving and consolidating the city’s three-level mental health promotion network, expanding the psychological service team for children and adolescents, and creating psychological counseling and psychological assistance services. Platform, strengthen the integration of medicine and education, and cooperate with the Education Commission, Station B, Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, minors protection agencies, social organizations and other departments to promote health science and cultural innovation, galleries, science and technology innovation bases, science popularization activities, science popularization books, science popularization Various tangible and intangible ways such as pictures and texts promote public attention to mental health, promote the overall improvement of children and adolescents’ mental health literacy, and promote the improvement and coverage of professional services.” At the same time, a mental health promotion brand with certain influence has also been formed. , including "No. 600 Wanping South Road", "Shanghai Mental Health Flying Green Ribbon", "962525 Shanghai Psychological Hotline", etc., further consolidating the mental health protection network for children and adolescents.

Today, "962525" also kicked off its second anniversary celebration with the premiere release of the micro-movie "The Reef". This micro-film is based on a real crisis intervention case. Through artistic processing, it tells the story of a student who had suicidal thoughts after encountering school bullying and finally gained a new life after seeking help from a psychological hotline. It aims to call on the public to pay attention to the mental health of children and adolescents and to have the courage to seek help. It is reported that the film will be released to the public on in October.

In the past two years, 962525 has answered a total of more than 100,000 calls for help, 13.5% of the calls were about youth-related topics, and provided crisis intervention services to more than 1,000 high-risk callers. It is reported that this year, more than 100 new volunteers have taken up the post after training and assessment, and the number of hotline volunteers currently exceeds 500.

Art is a silent language that can transcend cultural and language barriers and connect people's hearts. Art is also a particularly suitable way for children and teenagers to express their hearts and emotions. During the event, the "Sound for Love" children's spiritual healing piano music album was officially released. Named "Love", it is the result of another collaboration between No. 600 Wanping South Road and the world-famous piano artist Mr. Kong Xiangdong. The album contains 12 healing piano songs for children inspired by Kong Xiangdong's paintings on children and adolescents' mental health. "Music makes me grow, makes me achieve, and makes me feel the beauty in life. I hope that through this music, I can pass on beauty and love to children."

During the event, the organizer also invited 6 guests to give speeches about the various mental health promotion efforts carried out in Shanghai for children, adolescents and related groups. Interspersed between the six speeches was a live performance by Mr. Huang Liyuan, a spiritual healing hand disc artist. The audience present consciously entered a state of extreme tranquility, listened to the voice of the soul, awakened deep awareness, and returned to the inner self in a spiritual realm.

"Mental health education for children and adolescents is a big course, which is related to a person's lifelong growth. As minors, when they face setbacks and pressure, they need encouragement and care from family, school, society, etc. In the situation In serious cases, professional psychologists and clinicians need to intervene to jointly awaken their reverence for life, enthusiasm for life and hope for the future. "In view of the many problems faced by children and adolescents' mental health education, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Mental Health Center. Xie Bin, Xu Qiang, deputy director of the Shanghai Institute of Science and Technology Information of the Shanghai Library, and Li Zhengyun of the Shanghai Student Mental Health Education Development Center revealed in the conversation that "Family Emotional Parenting: A Cultivation Manual for Smart Parents" will be released soon. "The prototype comes from a real case in Clinic No. 600, which directly addresses the pain points and difficulties in family education. From a prevention perspective, it guides parents to create a healthy emotional nurturing environment for their children, and through the training of emotional nurturing skills such as identification, acceptance, expression and regulation. Professors empower caregivers, alleviate their helplessness and confusion in the parenting process, achieve mutual success with children, and achieve psychological growth together," Xie Bin said.

Various departments in Shanghai work together to build a "protective wall", World Mental Health Day: less than 20% of adolescents with mental disorders are diagnosed and treated
Shanghai doctors visit Wannan Farm to provide health care to retired elderly people
Shanghai doctors visit Wannan Farm to provide health care to retired elderly people

On the Double Ninth Festival, we express our sincere respect for the elderly. Recently, the Shanghai Elderly Foundation, Guangzheng New Vision Eye Hospital Group, and Guangming Food Co., Ltd. joined hands with the "Wannan Farm Charity Tour" to visit Baimaoling Farm and Juntian Lake Farm to provide free medical services to local retired elderly people, and at the same time send them cold-warming and Nursing products, warm the body and mind of the elderly through acts of kindness. In the square of Juntian Lake Farm Community Service Center in the early morning of autumn, retired elderly people lined up early in the morning, waiting for inspection. Medical staff have set up free clinics here to conduct detailed examinations for the elderly, answer questions on-site about common eye diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, dry eye, and pterygium, and provide precautions for patients who need treatment. On the same day, elderly people with dry eye symptoms also experienced a dry eye mist fumigation project. “The biggest worry for us seniors is that it’s difficult to see a doctor. Doctors and nurses work tirelessly to come to our homes for free clinics.

"I hope he can enjoy the sunshine and beauty in the distance!" On the same day in Shanghai, three handsome young men donated hematopoietic stem cells.
"I hope he can enjoy the sunshine and beauty in the distance!" On the same day in Shanghai, three handsome young men donated hematopoietic stem cells.

On the same day in Shanghai, three handsome young men donated hematopoietic stem cells. They worked in different jobs and had very different personalities, but they all had the same wish - to pass on the seeds of life, donate hematopoietic stem cells and pass on the hope of life. According to the Shanghai Red Cross, this is also the first time that three donations have been completed on the same day in Shanghai, and the Shanghai Red Cross has exceeded 600 hematopoietic stem cell donations at the same time. As of early October 2023, the China Bone Marrow Bank has a cumulative storage capacity of 3.28 million people, and has provided human leukocyte antigen matching retrieval services to more than 117,000 hematological disease patients, and more than 16,000 unrelated hematopoietic stem cell donations. The Shanghai branch of the China Marrow Bank has a total of more than 170,000 volunteers from all walks of life, always ready to send the seeds of life to patients with blood diseases. "Marrow edge" is waiting, be a simple and good person

A 7-year-old boy who appears to have a "chicken chest" actually hides a huge tumor! Xinhua experts complete a 5-hour bomb disposal surgery | Tumor | Xinhua
A 7-year-old boy who appears to have a "chicken chest" actually hides a huge tumor! Xinhua experts complete a 5-hour bomb disposal surgery | Tumor | Xinhua

A 7-year-old boy named Lele had a protruding chest and mistakenly thought it was a "chicken chest", but in reality, he concealed a huge tumor that occupied half of his chest, like a "bomb", close to the heart and large blood vessels, posing a life-threatening danger at any time. Lu Yanan, the director of the Pediatric Heart Center at Xinhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, skillfully removed a tumor weighing up to 1 kilogram in just 5 hours. Xiao Lele has recently recovered and been discharged from the hospital. The boy's "chicken chest" turned out to be a huge tumor. Not long ago, Lele's parents found that his chest had obvious protrusions and sought medical attention locally. The doctor initially suspected it to be a "chicken chest" and could continue to observe or wait for surgery. However, they still have some doubts in their hearts, why are children always so thin that they can't gain weight no matter how they eat? So they continued to seek medical attention with Lele, and a CT scan revealed that,

How to diagnose the "killer" of sudden death in young people? Zhongshan Hospital first proposed the results of "Gene Echocardiography" in an authoritative journal titled "Hypertrophic Type | Echocardiography Room | Gene"
How to diagnose the "killer" of sudden death in young people? Zhongshan Hospital first proposed the results of "Gene Echocardiography" in an authoritative journal titled "Hypertrophic Type | Echocardiography Room | Gene"

The silent killer hidden behind the sudden collapse of young people is likely hereditary hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which is one of the most common causes of sudden death in young people. How to accurately diagnose this disease and save more young lives? Recently, Professor Shu Xianhong's team from the Ultrasound Department of Zhongshan Hospital affiliated with Fudan University published their research findings in the international authoritative academic journal of cardiovascular disease, the Cardiovascular Imaging Sub Journal of the European Journal of Cardiology, stating that genetic echocardiography significantly improves the diagnostic efficiency of hereditary hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The team first proposed the concept of "gene cardiac ultrasound" internationally, innovatively drawing a gene cardiac ultrasound map of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This plan will significantly improve the accuracy and efficiency of diagnosis. It is reported that hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the most common inherited heart disease and also the most complex type of disease. This disease is the main cause of sudden death in young people

First, become a "patient": Dongfang Hospital's "Outpatient Service Experience Officer" has been launched, aiming to become a doctor, patient, hospital, and outpatient
First, become a "patient": Dongfang Hospital's "Outpatient Service Experience Officer" has been launched, aiming to become a doctor, patient, hospital, and outpatient

At 9 a.m. on July 26, five young people in the outpatient hall of the North Hospital of Shanghai Oriental Hospital put on volunteer "blue vests". Unlike other volunteers in the hospital, their other identity is the hospital's digestive endoscopy center. After work, he joined the hospital volunteer team and played a special role-as an "outpatient service experience officer" to conduct hospital service satisfaction surveys. This creative setting is one of the projects in the special work of Oriental Hospital to improve its service throughout the year. In the hot summer, the hospital through a number of intentional initiatives to help re-optimize the diagnosis and treatment services. To be a doctor, first learn to be a "patient" clinic is the first "window" of hospital medical work ". In May this year, the National Health Commission and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine jointly issued the theme of "Improving Medical Experience and Enhancing Patient Experience".