Fish bone stuck in throat and swallowing rice? Renji joins hands with Shanghai Opera House to bring popular science drama to the stage

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 00:19 AM

On October 25, the original popular science stage play "Healthy Doctor", funded by the science popularization project of the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission and co-produced by Renji Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine and the Shanghai Opera House, had its premiere. It is reported that the play is one of the high-quality medical science popularization works carefully created and launched by Renji Hospital in recent years. In addition to 6 live performances open to community residents, school teachers and students, it will also be broadcast on the The Paper client on October 27 The event will be broadcast live online for the public to watch for free.

"I'm back!" With a crisp and sweet female voice, the popular science stage drama "Health Doctor" kicked off. Focusing on the small incident of middle school student Nannan suffering from acne during adolescence, four parents came up with different solutions from their own standpoints, triggering a series of humorous stories. The health concepts of the five family members collided with each other and understood each other. In the end, Form a consensus.

The audience was all surprised when they heard that the 14-year-old girl suffered from polycystic ovary syndrome and needed to take birth control pills. "Why are you taking birth control pills?" "What an exaggeration!" After the doctor's father's explanation on the stage, the audience understood that this short-acting birth control pill can effectively reduce androgens and help improve skin.

And when they saw that the grandfather had a fish bone stuck in his throat and swallowed a big mouthful of rice according to the local method, which caused the fish bone to get stuck deeper and had to be sent to the hospital, many viewers couldn't help but smile knowingly. "This is a small thing that happens around us!" Zhao Guoqiang, who lives in Ashan Community, laughed from ear to ear. "It is a true reproduction of the situation at that time."

The three-act play, which lasted nearly one hour, told the audience common health knowledge covering polycystic ovary syndrome, cardiovascular disease, emergency treatment of fish bone stuck in throat, gastrointestinal diseases, etc. The script has been polished many times, and doctors from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of Cardiology, Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, and Otolaryngology of Renji Hospital were invited as medical directors to give professional and scientific suggestions. Most of the seven main actors are doctors, nurses, medical workers and medical students. From "writing" to "acting", medical staff participate in the whole process, striving to restore real and down-to-earth life scenes and popularize scientific and easy-to-understand stories. health knowledge.

Zhuang Xu, deputy director of the Outpatient and Emergency Office of Renji Hospital and an obstetrician and gynecologist, plays the role of the doctor's father in the play. He told reporters that the situation in the play where the doctor's father wants to do science popularization for his family, but the family does not understand is indeed a science popularization work. The dilemma of the beholder. "Too many professional terms are used in science popularization, and ordinary people cannot understand and remember it, resulting in poor science popularization effect, and then seek help from the Internet. However, there is a lot of information on the Internet and it is complicated, and it is easy to fall into the trap of pseudoscience. This is Doctors are required to pay attention to methods and methods when educating people, and use as easy-to-understand methods as possible.”

It is reported that the popular science stage play "Health Doctor" combines the performance form of drama and musical. It aims to spread easy-to-understand medical knowledge, pass on scientific and correct health concepts, and teach practical knowledge through the little things that happen in life around "you and me". Easy-to-learn science popularization methods. Xu Zhong, director of the Shanghai Opera House, well-known pianist and conductor, composed the music for the stage play. He said that he was very happy to participate in health science popularization work in the form of music creation. This integrated interpretation method is very important for artistic creation and health science popularization. Makes sense.

"We hope that through this popular science stage play, the light of science can illuminate life, protect everyone's health path, and teach people the correct way to obtain health knowledge." The play's chief planner, executive producer and screenwriter, Renji Hospital Min Jianying, deputy secretary of the party committee, shared the original intention of creating this original popular science stage play. She mentioned that medical technology is developing rapidly and contemporary people are paying more and more attention to physical health. For diseases that are visible and touchable around us, such as hypertension, diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases, etc., we have gradually formed the habit of self-learning and management. But in this era of big data, many people have unknowingly fallen into an "information cocoon" and become biased and stubborn; or they have been disturbed by all kinds of information and mistakenly believed in unscientific or pseudo-scientific "popular science". ". "As medical workers, we should stand up and guide the people to establish correct health concepts and do interesting, informative and scientific science popularization in a way that the people like to hear and see."

Wang Tong, deputy director of the Municipal Health Promotion Office and director of the Health Promotion Department of the Municipal Health Commission, said that hospitals are the “main front” for health science popularization, and doctors are the “main force” in science popularization work. In recent years, Renji Hospital has made every effort to promote the integration of medical media, create a new pattern of "Ren" people's science popularization, combine health science popularization with high-quality development of the hospital, and continue to amplify the "Renji Science Popularization" brand effect. In addition to famous doctors and celebrities doing science popularization work, more and more young doctors are joining the queue of health science popularization. The science popularization works produced are both high-quality and "eye-catching", and the Renji science popularization brand is becoming more and more famous. In the 2022 Shanghai Medical Institutions and Medical Staff Health Science Influence Ranking, Renji Hospital ranked second in the city.

Fish bone stuck in throat and swallowing rice? Renji joins hands with Shanghai Opera House to bring popular science drama to the stage
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