What to do with it? , oil fume disturbs people but has both certificates! A barbecue restaurant opens downstairs for residents in a community in Minhang

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 01:59 AM

"At night, you can smell the smoke from the barbecue, even if you close the window, you can't stop it!"

Recently, Mr. Wang, a citizen of Minhang District, reported on the Jiefang Daily·Shangguan News interactive message board that two months ago, a merchant downstairs in the community opened a barbecue restaurant, which was open from the evening until two or three o'clock in the morning the next day. When the business was open, the smoke and odor generated by the barbecue would drift into the community, causing trouble to him and other owners.

Mr. Wang lives in Poly Jinshang Community, Lane 280, Beijiangzhou Road, Pujin Street, Minhang District. The community was delivered last year, and currently more than 700 households have moved into the community. The community faces the Zhouputang River tributary in the south and has a good environment. On the southeast side of the community is an "L"-shaped apartment building, which belongs to Poly Real Estate. There are many residents living on the 3rd to 6th floors. The podium buildings on the 1st and 2nd floors are rented out to "Huangshan Vegetable Rice" and "Sauerkraut Braised Beef". Noodles, Maocai, convenience stores, laundromats, etc.

The barbecue restaurant that residents complained about the strong smell is also one of the businesses. The barbecue restaurant is called "Xiao Lin" and is located in the southeast corner of the first floor of the apartment building in the community.

At around 7 p.m. on November 6, reporters saw at the scene that the barbecue shop was mainly divided into three rooms. In addition to the dining area and the kitchen for frying staple food, the barbecue grill using charcoal fire was placed in a small compartment alone. The compartments are open to the outside with no partitions in between. Above the barbecue, the store installed a fume duct that goes up into the ceiling and is connected to the kitchen smoke duct. The reporter noticed that there was a label on the side of the barbecue with the words "Purification unit electric field oil pollution". During barbecue, the oil fumes will be actively sucked into the purification machine and upward into the flue. During the business hours, there are many customers in the barbecue shop, mainly young people, and the seats in the shop are basically full. The environment in the store is relatively tidy, and the food area is also relatively clean. Perhaps because the oil fumes are discharged along the pipes, you can only smell the aroma of barbecue skewers when you sit in the seat.

△The side of the "Xiaolin" oven states that it has a fume purification function.

The top outlet of the oil fume pipe is located on the roof of the podium. If you look carefully, you can see wisps of light gray smoke being discharged from the pipe mouth into the air.

Due to the east wind blowing by the river, the reporter walking on Beijiangzhou Road could still smell the unique smell of barbecue about 100 meters away from the barbecue restaurant. However, when the wind direction changed, the odor was no longer noticeable. A resident who lives in a building near the south gate said that due to the more frequent southerly winds in summer, the situation is even more serious than it is now. “We don’t even dare to open the windows to get some air in the summer!”

Mr. Wang told reporters that the store opened in early September as an open-air barbecue. The barbecue grill was placed outdoors, and part of the sidewalk was also occupied as a dining area. After many complaints from residents, it was changed to indoor barbecue. " The smell of oil smoke has improved, but it still has an impact on residents. "Some residents said that many children used to play together by the river in the south of the community at night, but now there is often the smell of oil smoke, the air is not so fresh, and the children no longer like it. Get some air outside.

Industrial and commercial registration information shows that on August 29, the Minhang District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau approved the store’s business license, and its business scope includes catering services and alcohol operations. However, the food business license posted in the "Xiaolin" store is valid from September 25 this year to September 24, 2028. The business items are marked as, "Catering service operator: sales of pre-packaged food), hot food Food production and sales”. Photo information shared by residents with reporters showed that in early September, the store was already open for business even though it had not yet applied for a food business license.

△The food business license was issued on September 25.

However, after applying for a new food business license, "Xiao Lin" now has both certificates in place. In the face of multiple complaints from residents, the Pujin Subdistrict Second Branch Center once responded that after verification, the store has a food business license and a business license and is a normal operation. It will coordinate with the district environmental protection department for daily management.

Most residents are puzzled by this: why is a barbecue restaurant allowed to be opened so close to a residential building?

The reporter inquired about the relevant regulations and learned that if you obtain the "Hot Food Production and Sales" project license in the food business license, you can produce "made through steaming, boiling, cooking, frying, stir-frying, roasting, frying and other cooking techniques. Ready-to-eat foods that are eaten under a certain heat, including foods processed by cooking methods such as hot pot and barbecue." The "Food Business License Management Measures" limit the storage of food raw materials, production and sales environment and other conditions that restaurants need to meet. , that is, it mainly puts forward requirements for food safety production conditions, and does not involve whether the site selection should be far away from residents’ living areas.

Two years ago, the Shanghai Municipal Administration for Market Regulation also responded to a CPPCC proposal to strengthen site selection supervision for catering units. The reply mentioned that according to the "Administrative Licensing Law of the People's Republic of China", "Food Business License Management Measures" and other regulations, food business licenses only review whether the applicant meets the food safety conditions. If the applicant meets the licensing conditions, the market supervision department must Administrative license is granted; the market supervision department has no authority to add licensing requirements or approval conditions such as environmental protection site selection, house property attributes, fire safety layout, etc.

But on the other hand, my country’s current Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law mentions that “residential buildings, commercial and residential complexes without dedicated flues, and commercial floors adjacent to the residential floors in commercial and residential complexes shall be newly built or renovated.” If a catering service project is expanded that produces oily smoke, odor or waste gas, the supervision and management department determined by the local people's government at or above the county level shall order it to make corrections; if it refuses to make corrections, it shall be closed down and a fine of not less than RMB 10,000 but not more than RMB 100,000 shall be imposed. "

According to the above-mentioned laws, can Xiaolin's "hot food" heavy oil cigarette project be approved? The reporter contacted the staff of the Minhang District and sub-district departments regarding this matter and requested an interview, but as of the time of publication, no reply was received.

In addition, in order to reduce the impact on residents, "Xiaolin" installed oil fume purification equipment at the barbecue grill and flue outlet. But owners are also skeptical about whether oil fume emissions meet standards. More than a month ago, Mr. Wang reported the fumes from the barbecue restaurant to the Minhang District Environmental Department and requested a door-to-door inspection. Recently, Mr. Wang asked about the progress, and the department’s petition reception staff replied that they were jointly handling the case with the street, and the specific progress was not yet clear. A reply would be notified in a timely manner. If there are indeed problems with the relevant barbecue restaurants, they will be dealt with accordingly. administrative processing. In this regard, reporters from Liberation Daily and Shangguan News will continue to pay attention.

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