How to regulate? , the quotation increased more than ten times after delivery, it’s hard to guard against it! The pitfall of repairing mobile phones spreads online

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 01:00 AM

"I quoted a low price before sending it, but after it was sent, it was said that there were a lot of problems and the price had to be increased." Looking at the mobile phone with a black screen after being sent for inspection, Mr. He was a little angry.

With the rise of online repair services, many businesses have also launched services such as door-to-door repair and delivery repair of electronic products, which have won the favor of many consumers. However, some consumers have discovered that there are many pitfalls in the process of sending mobile phones for repair.

Mr. He is using a foldable screen mobile phone. The outer screen at the fold has been damaged due to long-term use, but it does not affect its use. After comparing the repair prices online and offline, he finally chose a Taobao store to send for repairs. In order to clarify his responsibilities, he also deliberately took photos and videos to record the condition of his mobile phone, and confirmed the price with Taobao merchants several times. "The merchant said that the price of the outer screen was only about 100 yuan, so I sent the phone over." However, a few days later, the other party reported that the inner screen was damaged during repairs, and he needed to pay more than 1,900 yuan, which made him very dissatisfied. "Why did it increase more than ten times? It only cost me more than 2,000 yuan to get a new mobile phone." Mr. He asked to restore it to the original condition, but the merchant also said that "it can't be restored without repair." Since Mr. He refused to pay any more, the other party sent the mobile phone back, but The phone I received has a completely black screen and is completely unusable.

△During the repair process, the merchant said that the price had risen to 1,950 yuan.

"Before shipping, they informed me through the Taobao platform that the inner screen might be damaged during the repair process. At that time, I was ready not to repair it. As a result, the store called specifically to explain that the risk was required by the platform, and the actual probability of repair damage was very small, so there was no need to do so. I was worried, so I agreed to send it to them for repair." Mr. He was puzzled. During the communication, the other party did not explain how much he would have to pay if the internal screen was damaged. Moreover, he believes that if new damage is caused during the repair process, the store should bear the repair costs. After repeated negotiations between the two parties failed, Mr. He turned to the platform’s customer service for help. In the end, with the intervention of customer service, the store was removed from the shelves, but Mr. He’s losses have yet to be compensated.

On the other hand, Mr. Fang, who chose to continue repairs in the face of rising prices, was also in trouble. "The original quote was 150 yuan, but when I got there, I was told that replacing the motherboard would cost 600 yuan." In order to avoid subsequent trouble, Mr. Fang agreed to the shop to continue repairs. However, when the phone was returned, he discovered that the damaged speaker and microphone had been repaired, but the fingerprint unlocking, external fan, navigation system, etc. could not be used normally. "I went to the store and told me that changing the motherboard would cause these problems. Why didn't they tell me before repairing it?"

This situation is not unique. On the "Black Cat Complaints" platform, there are many complaints about online mobile phone repairs. Some consumers have exposed the "routine" of online mobile phone repairs on Zhihu and other platforms. In addition to attracting consumers to send their mobile phones at low prices, In addition to the increased prices, some people also found that the quality of the new parts was simply not up to standard. For example, when Mr. Fang found another person to repair the problem afterwards, he was told that the motherboard that cost 600 yuan to replace was actually a "second-repair product." "To put it bluntly, it is a product that has been repaired several times, but I have no evidence to hold him accountable."

When you send your phone to a merchant, you can't see the repair process at all. Whether it's good or bad all depends on the reputation of the merchant. In order to avoid this "blind spot", many people simply choose door-to-door maintenance services. Consumers do not need to run errands. Maintenance personnel can come to repair their products at home without leaving home. Transparent prices, convenience, and full video recording are the main selling points of relevant platforms. But is such door-to-door repair really reliable?

"I thought I would watch the entire repair process, so I should feel more at ease. Although it is expensive, it is still cost-effective with a one-year warranty." Ms. Wang, who experienced door-to-door mobile phone repair for the first time, told reporters. In July this year, the outer screen of her mobile phone was damaged, so she ordered an outer screen replacement service on the WeChat applet "Lightning Repair". "The repairman who came to the door arrived quickly, and the operation process was very standardized and professional. He also videotaped the entire process. It felt pretty good after the experience." She commented.

However, two weeks later, several black lines suddenly appeared on the phone screen. "I usually keep this phone at home. I don't use it much, and I don't have a chance to bump it. It's probably a problem caused by changing the screen." Ms. Wang immediately contacted the customer service of Lightning Repair. At this time, the customer service told her that this situation may exist, but it has exceeded the 2-week warranty period and the platform cannot provide free maintenance services. "Didn't the platform declare a one-year warranty period?" Ms. Wang remembered that in order to avoid disputes, she took the initiative to ask for a maintenance contract from the maintenance staff. She found the contract and read it carefully and found that "Article 12" in it indeed stated that during the warranty period, if the screen has blur, lines, yin and yang screen, black screen, backlight highlights, serious light leakage, bracket separation, or poor touch, Free replacement is available within 14 days after payment, and the warranty will be void after 14 days.

"Isn't this a standard clause? The staff did not take the initiative to inform me of the corresponding risks before maintenance." Ms. Wang was still a little angry and called on the platform to be more standardized and inform consumers of possible risks in advance.

As various services of electronic products move to the Internet platform, problems continue to arise. Some consumers tried out the mobile phone recycling service of SF Express. After uploading it to the platform, the estimated price was 1,200 yuan, but after it was delivered, the other party lowered the price to 844 yuan. Some consumers also reported on the Black Cat platform that they used SF Express to recycle mobile phones. Before shipping, it was clear that the data had been cleared on the spot and the phone was shut down under the witness of the courier. However, after delivery, the other party refused to recycle it on the grounds that "the entire screen was damaged", resulting in "empty money and machine"... Problems such as this make consumers The experience is greatly reduced. As a consumer, how can you avoid the various pitfalls of online services?

In this regard, Liu Zeruo, a lawyer at Shanghai Pushi Wanlian Law Firm, suggested that consumers should establish a certain risk awareness in the process of choosing online maintenance services and subsequent operators to provide services, and choose qualified, formal, and clearly marked prices. Operators shall conduct qualification verification when necessary. “Article 28 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China stipulates that operators who provide goods or services through the Internet, television, telephone, mail order, etc., as well as operators who provide securities, insurance, banking and other financial services, Consumers should be provided with business address, contact information, quantity and quality of goods or services, price or fees, performance deadlines and methods, safety precautions and risk warnings, after-sales services, civil liability and other information. This article actually also provides consumers with A reminder on how to choose online maintenance services.”

"Many online repairs are one-click orders. Consumers and merchants do not go out of their way to sign a maintenance contract, so the communication records between the two parties are crucial at this time." Liu Zeruo believes that effective communication should include the content of the above-mentioned legal provisions. , the more detailed the better. "We found in our early practice that more meticulous customers will also clearly agree on maintenance responsibilities and maintenance methods, as well as the specific brands and models of replacement parts, which is helpful for subsequent rights protection." Moreover, Consumers should pay special attention to whether the format clauses provided by merchants are "standard terms." "Operators must bear the obligation to inform the salient methods of the format terms. If there are clauses in the format terms that exclude or limit consumers' rights, reduce or exempt operators from responsibilities, It is invalid according to the regulations.”

In addition, she also reminded that it is also necessary to ensure "openness and transparency" in the maintenance process. Before sending the mobile phone for repair, consumers can record a video of the mobile phone to prove that the mobile phone is still in normal operation except for repairs and choose reliable express delivery. During the repair process, consumers can ask the merchant to produce replacement parts or videotape the entire process, etc. Relevant maintenance service records reduce disputes during the maintenance process.

In fact, the industry is also actively exploring a more standardized operating model. Many platforms and businesses have claimed to provide full video recording and open and transparent maintenance services. However, the reporter learned during the interview that there are still questions about the specific implementation. A consumer said that he had chosen a service that could provide full video recording. However, when he found a problem with his mobile phone and found the merchant, the other party refused to provide it on the grounds that "it has been a long time and the video has been deleted." As a result, he fell into a rights protection dilemma. In this regard, Liu Zeruo suggested that the industry should strengthen self-discipline, establish relevant industry service specifications and standards and strictly implement them. The platform should also strengthen the qualification review and supervision management of merchants, and increase the punishment of dishonest merchants. "Consumer If users encounter infringement, they should safeguard their legitimate rights and interests through legal channels, and use rights protection to force the industry to develop in a standardized manner."

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How to regulate? , the quotation increased more than ten times after delivery, it’s hard to guard against it! The pitfall of repairing mobile phones spreads online
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