Using the "two worlds" of reality and virtual reality to depict "war without gunpowder", "Agent Mission" focuses on national security

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 00:10 AM

"As long as there is a threat to national security, we will investigate it thoroughly." This line from the TV series "Secret Agent" is very resonant. The play focuses on the topic of national security, using small characters and short stories as the cut-out, telling the story of national security personnel fighting wits and courage with foreign hostile forces to safeguard national security. On the 23rd, a seminar on the play was held in Beijing.

"Agent Mission" is the first urban drama to express the counter-espionage of the new national security. Since its launch on Beijing Satellite TV, Dragon TV and iQiyi on September 20, it has relied on highly time-sensitive differentiated themes and fresh and vivid narrative perspectives. , shows the current status of the hidden front of national security in the context of the new era, explores a new creative methodology for the mainstream expression of national security topics, and has gained a high reputation and praise from all parties.

"Secret Agent Mission" closely follows the development trend of the times and focuses on depicting the current "war without gunpowder" between national security agencies and overseas espionage organizations. Different from previous offline spy war narratives, "Agent Mission" chooses to use a fresh perspective from the virtual world, turning the spy war narrative into a combination of online and offline, using a dual-perspective, dual-thread cross-narrative to fully demonstrate the The battle between national security and espionage organizations. The play deeply integrates the element of VR immersive games, which is quite topical nowadays, into the plot, and carefully constructs "Agent Mission", a virtual game with a complete world view, in which game time and space and real time and space work together. It not only deeply demonstrates the new criminal methods that contemporary national security personnel are exposed to daily, but also allows the audience to intuitively understand the new challenges and situations faced by national security agencies, truly connecting the highly ornamental sense of drama and realistic expression.

Zhao Baogang, the director of the play, shared the creative concept of "Agent Mission", which is to insist on using ultra-normal expressions to combine the real world with the online virtual space to provide new excitement points for the audience and create a unique audio-visual feast. "How to attract audiences? What this drama is really about is the group of victims among national security spies and foreign espionage organizations. These people are not necessarily good or bad people. They represent all walks of life, all kinds of thoughts, and all kinds of desires. They are "The fate of the film has brought us closer to the audience." Zhao Baogang said that he hopes to use the struggle between the "two worlds" in the play to enhance the audience's awareness of counter-espionage.

Li Song, the screenwriter of the play, said that the content in the play comes from his contacts with different national security personnel over the past 15 years of his creative career, and is a plot accumulated bit by bit. He believes that the creative direction of this theme should be closer to the current development of the times and people's lives, to achieve advanced thinking and down-to-earth behavior, to create two parallel time and spaces of the world of online agents and the world of real agents, and to create differentiated contemporary espionage stories. War drama. As the creative team closely adheres to the creative context of the times and explores innovative narrative angles, national security issues continue to be highlighted.

Chen Qingyang, a professor at Communication University of China, believes that "Agent Mission" successfully integrates elements of national security and virtual games, and is full of suspense and tension. This innovative idea injects freshness into the TV series and makes it stand out. At the same time, the play shows that virtual games have become a platform for hidden espionage, which profoundly reflects the impact of modern technology on intelligence and arouses the audience's attention to network security.

Wang Shoude, former director of the Art Bureau of the Propaganda Department of the General Political Department, said that the narrative of the play is neither urgent nor slow. In the tense plot presentation, the narrative is unfolded in an extremely soothing manner. Precisely because it grasps the balance between relaxation and tension, the play has a very unique narrative form, as well as strong narrative tension and intensity.

Zhong Chengxiang, a librarian at the Central Research Institute of Literature and History and a well-known literary critic, believes that "Agent Mission" combines new themes and new fields with realistic brushwork and imaginative science fiction thinking to create a film with ideological taste, cultural Works of value and aesthetic value. He said that the play is at the forefront of the trend of the times, using art to present security issues in the online virtual space, giving people warning and inspiration, and has full educational value.

Using the "two worlds" of reality and virtual reality to depict "war without gunpowder", "Agent Mission" focuses on national security
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